Dahvie's A Pedo Rapist

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Mal's POV

Near the end of Mean Girls when the plastic's burn book got copied and spread throughout the school, I heard my phone start blasting Loveotomy. 'If Jayy is calling during the album planning time, something must be happening.' I panicked. I jumped up off the couch, knocked Aqua and Kayla off of me and ran for the kitchen.

I dive bombed the swipe thing and panted out a hello when I put it up to my face. "You ok? You sound like you just had sex.... Did I interrupt a AquaMal moment?" I gasped and almost shouted but remembered what Kayla and someone else said earlier. "NO! I just had to run from the living room to the kitchen. Aqua and I did NOT have sex." I heard snickering from the other room and I yelled for them to shut up.

"Um....If you could go in a private room please but bring a few guys with you and put me on speaker when you get in there." "ok, sure. But why?" "I'll tell you when you get in a private place." I tapped Aqua's, Liam's, Louis's, and and Zayn's shoulders and motioned to follow me. We went into a bedroom and I locked the door. "Ok, go ahead. Your on speaker." "Thanks." It took a while for him to start but eventually he did. "Dahvie left a few hours ago and hasn't answered any of my calls or texts. I think he went back to his old ways..."

"What do you mean?" Liam asked. "That he's gone out hunting for a underaged girl to rape." He blatantly said. Aqua wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his side. "He's threatened me that if I ever went to the police that he would send the SGTC after me. I don't wanna be the next Jessi Slaughter!" He cried. I grabbed the phone and told him that we will be there as soon as possible.

He hung up and everyone asked me who Jessi Slaughter is. I sighed and told them what happened with Jessi and Dahvie. "THAT'S HORRIBLE!" They all screamed. I nodded and the four raced out of the room with me close behind. "Where are you guys going?" Ri asked. "We're going to save a little girl's innocence from Dahvie Vanity!" I yelled as we ran out the door to the rescue.


I jumped out of the car and ran to the door and started pounding on it. Jayy opened the door and pulled us inside. "First off, why are you wearing clothes that would make him want to do some thing to you Mal, and second, why are you here and not finding him!?" I looked at what I was wearing and saw that I was still in my sweats and tanktop. "And are those fake or real glasses?" "Real deal Neil." I sassed going into rhyme mode. "But you haven't worn glasses before?" He asked. "I wear contacts when I'm doing stuff that involves people seeing me."

"Oh...." He said. He then told us where Dahvie normally goes and what age group he went for and all that stuff. We then went back to the car and drove off for Dahvie's hide out. We listened to the radio during our few hour ride and during that time, I beat my high score on doodle jump and temple run five times each.

We finally got to his rape place and ambushed it at full speed. Liam and Zayn broke the door down while Louis and Aqua stayed by me, one on either side, like they were protecting me. We then sneaked around until we heard what sounded like muffled screaming. I ran up the hall to break down the door but Zayn and Aqua grabbed each of my shoulders and held me back. "WHY ARE YOU TWO FUCKERS FUCKING HOLDING ME FUCKING BACK!?! Aqua put a hand over my mouth and whispered to me, "Because we're worried that you might be next because of how your dressed." I slumped back but not before punching both of them in the shoulder.

"OWWWWW!!" They both screamed. Liam and Louis had snuck into the room so it was just the three of us. "That was for the treating me like a baby." I said giving them the silent treatment until Liam came tip toeing out of the room with a mini interviewer. WAIT! "Hey Zayn, doesn't the girl look like the interviewer that Sam beat up?" He stared at her for a few seconds then his mouth made and 0 shape. "SHE DOES!" He whisper yelled back. Lou then came hurtling out of the bedroom with a furious Dahvie after him. "RUN MAL! RUN LIAM, TAKE ALLYSA WITH YOU!" We all ran down the hall, down the stairs, out the house leaving him in the dust. A police car pulled over with an ambulance and a few more police after that. "Do any of you know where we could find a Dahvie Vanity?" The what looks like head honcho police guy asked us.

Just then Lou came running out of the rape house with Dahvie hot on his heels. "HIM! THE RAINBOW ONE!" The five of us "adults" yelled, pointing at Dahvie about to beat up Louis. "YOU THERE! YOU GET OFF THAT MAN!" Dahvie's head swirled around and his grip must've loosened because Louis could escape and run over. "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR CHARGES OF PEDOPHILICAL RAPE AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT AND A LAWYER." The police guys rushed over and handcuffed him while he was still shocked over getting caught. The head honcho started pulling him to the car and he finally woke from his daze and fought back. One of the paramedics gave him some tranquilizers and he slumped down.

After they drove off, one of the paramedics came over and asked Allysa if he could check her over. She looked up at me and I nodded giving her a little push. She walked over to the guy and he lead her to the ambulance. Aqua put an arm around me and breathed in my ear, "You would make a good mother." I shivered. My whole body felt weird, thanks bud. The guy came back over after a few more of Aqua's flirts and told us that Allysa is just fine that he already called the first contact on her medical ID necklace. We OKed and got in our car to go back home. During the ride, Aqua kept teasing me and saying dirty things in my ear and at one point he even brushed up against my area. "God damnit Aqua. Do you know what your doing to me?" I whispered to him. "Why of coarse, why else would I do this?" And then he scraped his nails over my vagina. I lightly gasped and he did it again. "What's going on back there?" Lou asked and Liam nodded. I barely breathed out nothing before we pulled in the driveway and we all piled out. Aqua whispered in my ear while tracing my thing, "Wanna go upstairs." I nodded and we snuck away from the others and went into our room.


So...... started on the bus and finished at lunch a few weeks later. I'M SO SO SO SORRY IF ANNY OF YOU BELIEVE DAHVIE IS INNOCENT. I AM IN THE MIDDLE BUT IT WAS NEEDED FOR THIS.

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