Award Show part 2

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Kayla's POV

As I was being dragged upstairs my mind was in hyper-drive. My thoughts made no sense. Older brother? Louis calling my mum his mum? WTF was up with that one? Nope, no connection whatsoever. Mal snapped me out of my thoughts by yelling at me. "Kayla! Go shower, NOW!" "Huh? Wha? O-okay." I say dazed. I get shoved into the bathroom and I turn the shower on.

----- 10 - 15 mins later-----

I had just gotten out of the shower, and everyone else was already ready to leave. 'Lucky me! I'm the one who gets to become Barbie for at least two hours!' I think sarcastically. I hated playing dress - up with Mal and Sam. They both didn't like much make-up, so I just ended up becoming the so called model. When we were 14, we all used to have little fashion shows and I was always the guinea pig. I met Sam and Mal on my first day of school when I moved in with Aunt Faith. They were the ones who stood up for me because no one else seemed to like me. I was apparently 'The new girl' that would get picked on soon enough. I sure was right. I was mainly part of the invisible crowd, or I tried to be. I was always was strong willed, I just lost it after what happened with my dad I guess. I was starting to get notes in my locker, not the good kind either.


I opened my locker, glad that no one was around yet. Mal and Sam were like my sisters, I just didn't want them worrying about me. I saw all the letters fall out of the crevices in my locker. I was use to this. The letters, the punching. I picked one up and it was actually a good note for once. 'Hey, it's alright. Just hang in there. You'll be fine. If you ever need anything, just call or text this number; 123-456-7890 ~ Brianna'

(K/N:Please do NOT call this number if it's real... I just typed a random number sequence.)

I texted the number that evening once I got home. 'Hello?' I sent. 'Hi, Kayla, right?' I got a reply. 'Yeah, I'm Kayla, are you Brianna?' I send to the number. 'Yup, hey I have homework, can I text you later?' I read. 'Sure' I send then I fell asleep.

<End Of Flashback>

That was the first time I had ever actually gotten help from someone. That someone, other than my friends, actually tried helping me. I know better now. I was snapped out of my trance like past from Ri this time. Apparently my hair was done and I just had to go get dressed. I jut walked over to Sam and waited for her to hand me my outfit. Which just HAD to be a... shudder... dress! If anyone has not noticed, my friends and I are almost 100% tomboy. We finally left for the award show. I was in no mood for going out, but I had to. The boys ended up winning 2 awards and that was the last I remembered before I fell asleep in the limo.

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