Sneaking off to the barn

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Kayla's POV

I had no idea where Mal and Ri went, and I was bored. I was debating wether to go for a walk alone, or wake Sam or Niall up and drag them with me. I didn't want to get lost, and I hated being alone. I guess it's my best option, or I could go to the stables that I board my horses at. I quickly wrote a note saying that I was at the stables if anyone needed me, and I stuck it on the fridge. I grabbed the keys to my blue 2009 ford F-150 truck and drove to the stables. I walk into the barn, and go to my horses stalls. I walk up to Lucky first. "Hey, buddy." I whisper stroking his big nose. He nickers in response. I've missed them so much! I grab my bridle, and my helmet and get ready to ride. I was already in my spare riding clothes I keep in my truck. No one really knew about my horses, except Mal, Sam, and Ri. I bridle Lucky, and put my helmet on. I was riding bareback, so I had no saddle or pad. I lead Lucky to a mounting block, and I climb upon his giant back. "Hey, Luck... Wanna run after your warmed up?" I whisper in his ear. I have to warm the others up also. After walking, trotting, and loping around for a while, Lucky's warmed up. I start to gallop on him, and I feel as if I'm flying. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I couldn't help it. I was doing what I loved. I slid off Lucky when I stopped him, and I led him to his stall. "Good boy." I told him after I fed him and kissed his giant nose. I rode my other three horses, bareback also. I did the same routine with the others and put them up and fed them as well. "Done." I said, sighing. I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pull it out and see that it had 20 misses calls, and 12 text messages. "Bye guys!" I call out to anyone in the barn. "Bye!" Haley yells from the outdoor arena, lunging a new horse. I would have loved to help her, but I was too busy. "Haley, I'm coming back in a couple days... I want to help you rescue a few abused horses." I yell out to my best friend that I met through 4-H. "Ok, I'm counting on it!" She yells back to me. I climb into my truck and I start it. I hear the engine rev to life, and then I'm driving back home. My freedom was short lived. Too short lived if you ask me.

When I got home it was chaos. Mal and Ri had came home, and they were having a war with Liam. Liam was yelling at Mal cause they had brought those guys over in what's the band; Black Veil Brooms... Wait it's Brides... And Jefree Star, and the BOTDF dudes. As I was just sitting there, watching, still in riding clothes. 'Crap! I'm still in riding clothes!' I think trying to run up the stairs unseen. I still haven't solved the 'Mother- possibly Louis is my Brother ' situation. I'm almost up the stairs when I run into someone. I look up, and I see Louis... Speak of the devil. "What are you doing?" He asks me skeptically. "Going to get changed." I reply, silently begging that he doesn't comment on my outfit. "Why are you in horse riding clothes?" He asks me. Of course nothing will go my way, even if I'm begging! "I just happen to think that this outfit is comfy, can I go to my room and change now?" I ask trying to shove past him. "Sure, but no need for the sass." He mutters. "I heard that!" I say from my room. "I meant for you to hear it!" He yells at me. "You want a sass war? WELL YOU'VE GOT ONE!" I say loudly. "He's going down." I mutter under my breath. I take my muddy jeans off and I set them in a plastic bag. I do the same with my shirt, and socks. I decide that I'm just gonna take a shower. I click my rhapsody app, and I start to play a playlist of songs. No, I do not sing in the shower... I have my playlist set, so that I can time my shower by the song. I honestly think my voice sucks. After washing my hair and body, I get out of the shower. Once I'm dressed in pj's I walk downstairs, my bag of muddy clothes hidden behind my back. I walk to the washroom and throw my clothes in the washer and start it. As I'm walking back to the living room I feel arms wrap around my waist. I yelp, and turn seeing Niall with his chin on my shoulder. "Hi babe." He whispers in my ear. "Hi, Ni." I say, kissing his cheek. It was around 6:30 pm, and I had rode most of the day. Mal and Ri were still arguing with Liam. I couldn't take it anymore, I had been stressed enough, and riding just let me calm down and relax. I stand up on the coffee table, Niall giving me an odd look, and I get everyone's attention by whistling. "EVERYONE QUIT FIGHTING AND SHUT UP!" I yell from my spot on the table. Everything gets quiet very quickly. "Thank you!" I say getting off the table. Everyone just sits there and stares at me and my abnormal behavior. It's not my fault, I've just been stressed. "Hey, why don't we all watch a movie?" Harry asks everyone. Everyone just says "yeah",or "sure". "What movie?" Zayn asks us. "Second chances!" I shout. "Grease!" Louis yells from his place on the couch. "Les Miserables!" Mal and Ri shout. "Titanic!" Harry says from his part of the couch by Louis. "The Notebook." Ashley and I think, Andy say. I look at them oddly. They just shrug their shoulders. The BOTDF dudes, and Jefree left earlier. "Toy Story?" Liam tries. I just glare at the back of his head. I hope he can feel the hole my stare is burning into his skull. "Fine! How about... The Lion King." Liam says changing his movie. "Love actually." Cece, and Jinxx say from the other couch. "Chucky Chainsaw 2." Sam says from her spot lying oddly on the floor. "Niall?" I ask, wanting to know what movie he wanted. "Umm, Frozen?" He says from the kitchen with the popcorn bags. "Ok, first we have......" Liam starts, I sorta drown him out with my thoughts. I was taken to my fantasy world, until my phone starts buzzing in my pocket. We apparently started The Titanic first, and everyone was sobbing. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at who had texted me. Haley. 'From Haley: Hey, can you help me rescue some horses tonight instead of tomorrow?' I read in my head. No one would notice. It was only 8:00 pm and I'd be back before anyone knew it. 'To Haley: Yeah. Let me get changed and I'll be there soon.' I text back. I get up off the couch, and as I thought, no one notices. I go upstairs, put on jeans, a tank top, a sweatshirt, socks and riding boots, I grab my keys and I'm driving to the stables. I pull up, and I see Haley ready to leave. I park my beloved Blue Ford

F-150, and I get in the passenger side of my best friend's truck. We drove to the address I had come to know so well. It was the place we had been rescuing horses from since day one.  I got out, and so did Haley. "You ready?" she asked me. "I'm always ready." I say grinning even though she couldn't see. We walk into the barn and find only three horses, make that four. I walked towards the black Arabian gelding, and tried calming him down. Haley successfully had the palomino mother and her foal in the trailer. I walked the gelding into the trailer, him rearing slightly, but that was it. I went back to get the last horse, a high strung stallion paint. He would not calm down. He kept giving me the wild eye, and rearing, striking his forelegs into the air. He kicked out at one point, but I barely felt the pain. My adrenaline had taken over my entire body. I finally loaded the stud and latched the trailer. You see, Haley and I were professional animal control people who specialized in rescuing abused equine. Once we got the horses to the barn, we put the stud in a barn for himself, and the mare and her foal in a giant box stall. I let Haley lead the mare and the foal. I took the stallion, and I took the gelding. "Well, that was a good rescue." I say panting heavily. "Yeah, that was pretty good." Haley says smirking. "See ya tomorrow!" I call, walking back to my truck. I put the truck in drive, hoping no one noticed my disappearance.

Mal, your turn... next chapter ur pov of when I left... ok?

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