And Now For Painful Part

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Kayla POV

Mal, Aqua, Louis, Liam, Ri, and Zayn had just gotten  back from wherever they went. "Niall?" I muttered, leaning against him. He was dead out on the couch next to me. "Hey guys! Ok, so I'm doing a date, let's hope kayla doesn't kill me." I hear Sam say from somewhere.  Sam was sitting on the other couch recording us. "Kayla. Kayla. Kay. Kayla. KAYLA!" Mal said poking me. "Whaaaattt?"I whined, because I had fallen asleep. "New season of Doctor Who starts in 15 minutes!") I got up and walked to the bathroom. I felt something wet soak my jeans. "Shit." I cussed.

Mallory POV

I heard a faint "Shit...." coming from the bathroom. I got up and walked that way until I saw Kayla groaning in a puddle of blood. "Oh shiz...." I muttered. "GUYS GET UP HERE NOW!" I screamed down the hall. I heard a stampede of peoples running to us. "WHAT'S WRONG!?" Sam, Louis, and Niall all yelled. "KAYLA'S GOING IN LABOR!" I yelled. The boys all started scrambling around while Sam and I actually did something. I quickly went and packed a bag for Kayla and Niall and Sam helped Kay up.    


Mallory POV

Aqua huffs behind me. "And this here is Aqua. My boyfriend." I say using my weird accent to the fullest. It's a mix of Austrian and British because my family moved from Britain to Austria when I was really little and moved back when I was thirteen. So I was the weird Austrian accent girl. We still traveled back and forth up until I was fifteen, then my family that lived over there didn't want us anymore so we stopped going. "Mal you ok? You zoned out there aijin." Aqua asked me. I nodded and was glad for all the anime/manga and Japanese my sister taught me. 


TRANSLATION: Aijin is lover in Japanese

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