Broken bones and Elounor

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Kayla's POV

I woke up and turned over to see that Niall had fallen asleep in my room. Can I just have a moment to fan girl and say 'Awwww!' Ok, I'm done. I pulled on a pair of random sweats to find that their Niall's. I go to grab a shirt and find a 5SOS shirt, it's a little big on me, but it'll do. Wait, I need to check whose it is. I sniff the fabric, and smell Niall's cologne on it. Yup, I'm basically wearing Niall's clothes. I don't care though. "Kayla?" Niall mumbles. "Yeah?" I ask walking over to him. "I don't feel good." He says sleepily. "Oh, yeah?" I say quietly. "Can you cuddle with me? It will make me feel better." Niall says patting the right side of the bed. I walk over there and lay down cuddling with Ni. We stay that way for about fifteen minutes until our hunger gets in the way. "Last one down the stairs cooks!" I yell running down the hallway and racing down the stairs, on the last three steps I get my foot caught and I trip falling face first. I stick my arm out to catch me, that works, but then I hear a sickening *Crunch* of my right arm's bone. Niall runs over to me and asks me what's wrong. I can't really reply because my arm is twisted at an odd angle, and I haven't caught my breath. So, I just point at my arm. "Liam! Come here quick!" Niall yells from his spot next to me. Liam comes rushing over from the kitchen, looked at my arm an had his phone out all in less than a minute. "Ok, Niall go wake everyone up, Kayla stay here, and Harry go help Niall." Liam said pointing at all of us that were up. "Liam, it's not like I could have gone anywhere." I say pointing to my broken looking right arm with my left one. "Yeah, but I didn't want you to feel left out." Liam answers. "Aww, thanks Li, but can someone at least take me to the hospital?!?" I nearly screech in pain. "Oh, yeah." Liam says. "Niall! Come get your girlfriend and take her to the hospital!" Liam yells up the stairs. "But, I thought you wanted me to wake everyone else up?" Niall says walking down the stairs. "I'll help Harry with that, just get her there before she passes out!" Liam says walking upstairs. Niall takes his place beside me and picks me up bridal style whispering soft coos and soothing words in my ear. I see everything go fuzzy and hear Niall scream my name before everything goes black.


Niall's POV

I had just seen my girlfriend pass out, and I was full out sprinting to the car. Once I was there I laid Kayla down on the passenger seat and I got in the drivers side. The paparazzi weren't very far from here. I started driving to the hospital, from Liam's directions he wrote down on paper. In about 15 minutes I was there and pretty much running into the hospital with Kayla limp in my arms. Thankfully a nurse found me and brought a gurney. (Kayla note: I think that's what the rolling beds are called?). I was full out panicking. A few doctors found us and took Kayla to a room with an X-Ray. I had been pacing the waiting room for around 5 minutes when a nurse came in. "Mr.Horan, Mrs. Horan is fine, her right arm is broken, just there's a few tests with her blood work that means she will have to stay over night. She's not waking up from the medicine any time soon, so your allowed to go home and tell your family and friends." The nurse told me. Yes, I did put Kayla's last name as my last name while filling out paper work. I walked out of the hospital and to my car. I drove back home and told everyone how Kayla or as the nurse had said 'Mrs. Horan' was.

Random Doctor's POV

We had done blood work on Kayla, and her blood pressure was over 180. We had to run a lot of tests to find out what was wrong. It wasn't just her arm making the blood levels that high. Soon enough, she woke up. We already knew what was wrong and one of the nurses had to explain it to her. "What's going on? Why am I in the hospital?" Kayla asked. "You broke your arm dear." A nurse told her. She seemed to remember because her face went from one of confusion to realisation. I sent a nurse to go tell Mr. Horan that he could leave any time he wanted. Of course, we had the testing stick, so we had to let this particular patient go and do what she had to. I then began to explain probably the best or worst news ever to a 19 year old girl. To be positive we needed her to take the test just in case we were wrong.


Kayla's POV
I was handed a stick thingy ma-bobber and was told to follow the instructions and apparently pee on it or whatever. I did that and waited for like five minutes and I was re-reading the instructions when I looked at what the stick was for. I looked at the results and sure enough, there was a little plus sign. I was in shock, and once I gave the results back to the doctors they went all doctor language on me. They then made it easy so I could hear it in human language. I was in so much shock.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing or what I had seen. I can't be. I'm too young. There has to be another reason why my blood pressure was that high and the result thing had a plus sign. The doctors do know that those tests can be wrong right? I was having a spaz attack in front of doctors! "Shh, it'll be alright dear." One of the nurses said. "No, it won't! He-He's gonna hate me I know it! He's just going to push me away and not want anything to do with me." I replied. "Calm down, it'll hurt the babies." A doctor said. The female staff that was looking after me had stayed to calm me down. "Hey, it's gonna be alright. He won't hate you, in fact he loves you. He wrote Mrs. Horan in the paperwork, and I know you two aren't married." A nurse told me. I had finally calmed down, I wasn't very sleepy until I felt medicine drip into my arm from the IV making me drowsy. I had to stay calm, an eat right for them. The two little people inside me. Inside me, that's funny, inside ME. With that I fell asleep.


Niall's POV

I was freaking out. I hadn't been to the hospital in an hour! I know I sound paranoid, but I'm in love with Kayla. "LIAM! I'M GOING BACK TO THE HOSPITAL! ANYONE WHO WANTS TO COME WITH CAN!" I yell my voice echoing through the house. Without Kayla here, it just felt empty to me. Sam and Mal came running out of the game room and pushed and shoved each other to get to the door. I just calmly walked behind them laughing at their silliness. All three of us climbed into the car and I started driving to the hospital. We got there with Sam and Mal fighting over who would get to see Kayla first. "Can't I see my girlfriend first?" I ask them. "NO!" Sam and Mal yell at me. "Fine." I huff exasperated with these two.

Sam and Mal have been in there FOREVER! I want to see Kayla, but oh no! I'm not allowed to cause they need 'girl time'! I guess I can wait a little longer.


Meanwhile Louis' POV

I found out why Kayla was having a spaz attack in the middle of the mall yesterday. She was freaking out because I was in a jewellery store, and she is an Elounor shipper. Well, I was going to propose to El. I was pacing back and forth and freaking out. El was going to be here any moment. "Lou?" I heard from somewhere behind me. "Hey, El." I say walking over to her. She looked stunning. Her hair was slightly curled, and she had on a white dress with flowers and a white jean jacket with white gladiator sandals. "Hi." She says. "Let's go, shall we?" I say in a posh accent. "We shall." El answers mimicking the same accent. We both walk to the car and I drive to a park where I know the paps won't see us. I had asked Liam, Zayn, Dani, and Perrie to help me set this up. They had set up a picnic type thing and I hid the box, because we were going to play a type of game. I led El over to the blanket and we sat down. I'd had this planned for a while now. After we finished eating I asked El if she wanted to play hide and seek. I had hidden the box under a rose bush, that had a bouquet of them in the middle. "Ok, your it El!" I yelled running towards the bush where I was going to hide. "-49, 50! Ready or not here I come Lou!" El yelled looking for me. I heard her gasp and that means she probably found the roses. She looked down and saw the box that I was now trying to pull out from hiding without getting pricked by a thorn. I finally pulled it out and got down on one knee. "Eleanor Jane Calder, I love you and always will forever and always. When Harry set us up on our first date, the second I laid my eyes on you, I knew I was in love. I want to be with you forever El. Will you marry me?" I ask her. I look up at her face and I see that she's sobbing and nodding her head vigorously. "Yes, Louis I will marry you!" El finally chokes out. I kiss her and we stay like that in our own little world for what seems like forever.


Sam's POV

I couldn't believe my own ears. Not that I can half the time. Kayla had woken up a while ago, and had just told Mal and I, what the doctors had told her. "B-but what about Sayla and Kal, and Sallerayla?" I got out fake sobbing. "I don't know... but what I do know is that I need your guys' help." Kayla said pointing at Mal and I. We would soon learn how hard it would be to help our 'sister'.

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