Award Show part 1

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(Kayla note: Is it weird that I'm listening to Disney songs while writing this?)

Kayla's POV

We all just got home from shopping, and I felt sick to my stomach. Morning sickness should be called all day sickness. UGH! I basically dropped all of my bags and ran to the bathroom for the fifth time this week. After throwing my guts up in the toilet, I walked into the living room and sat on the couch by Niall. "Hi, Kaylabug." he says kissing me on the cheek. Where'd he get Kaylabug from? Unless...

"Did you talk to Daddy Simo today?" I ask Niall. "Yeah, we all had a meeting to go to today while you were gone." Niall tells me. "Oh. Did Louis tell Daddy Simo and Management?" I ask curiously. "Yeah... Management wasn't too happy with Louis or me, but they respect our decisions. They've known about our engagement because Uncle Si told them. As for these two," Niall says poking my stomach lightly. "Uncle Simin and I promised not to tell Management just yet." He finishes. "I see." I say nodding my head slowly. Suddenly the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" I yell jogging to the door. I open the door and see the last person I want to see in front of me.

MY MUM.  I don't really see anything at all, because my vision is blurry. My chest starts to get tighter, and I realize I'm having a panic attack. <Flashback> I was only 10, and my father had just been in a car crash. They said he was killed on impact. I had no idea then. My mother became distant. "Mummy?" I ask quietly after hearing my mum cry for a while. "A-are you okay?" I ask stuttering. "He's gone." She whispers distantly. "Is daddy coming back?" I ask not fully understanding that he was gone even though I was 10. "Yes. He's gone. It's your fault he's gone too. If you hadn't wanted ice cream when your dad was on the way home from work, he wouldn't have crashed."  She spit at me. I was terrified, I'd never seen my mother like this. She had blamed me for my father's death ever since, and I went to go and live with my Aunt Faith when I was fourteen. My aunt cared for me until I was eighteen and old enough to care for myself. Aunt Faith was the one who  introduced me to horses when I was three. She let me ride her horses, and let me keep one. The horse, which she still has at her stables, is Lucky. He's my horse, and has been since I was three. My mother hadn't gave a second thought about me ever. <End of Flashback/info thing>

I ran back into my hiding place. I'm claustrophobic, but the pantry is big, so it's became my panic attack room. I normally hug my knees until I can calm down, but that doesn't always work. I hear a knock on the door. ''Kayla? It's just me, Sam. Will you come out of there?" My best friend asks me quietly. "No, I-I can't." I reply breathing shakily. "Why's that?" Mal asks this time. "M-mum." I say. I need someone to calm me down. "Sam, I'm going to come out of the pantry, and I'm going to need Mal to lead me into the living room." I say quietly. "Ok?" Sam answers me. I climb out of my hiding spot and close my eyes. 'Don't think about it, just don't look.' I think calmly. Easier thought  than done. I walk over to the door where she still stands in the doorway. "Why are you here?" I ask trying to be confident. She looks taken aback by my coldness. "I came to see you." She whispers. "You abandoned me when I needed you most. I had no idea what happened to my father. Were you there when I was bullied? When I was depressed from my first break-up? Prom? Graduation? Placing 1st in Barrel racing?" I ask her, not needing the answers, because I knew the answers to all of them. "No, you weren't. You all but shut me out and blamed me when dad died." I spit out sharply. "I couldn't help it! You were ten!" She tries. "Yeah, I was ten, and I needed my mother when my father died. Did I have my mother? No! I had Uncle Simon and Aunt Faith! They helped me through it all. What did you do? Oh, that's right you sent me away." I basically shout tears streaming down my face. "I was ten, and since then I've had panic attacks, I've cut just not deep, and I've had trust issues." I whisper, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Ten." I whisper again, trying to grasp the concept of how old I was. Mal walks up behind me and tries to calm me down, because stress apparently hurts the twins.  "Why are you here?" I ask again calmer this time. "I came to tell you that I'm moving to the United States." She says while awkwardly shifting her feet. "Wait, how'd you find me here?" I ask my 'Mother'. "I asked your aunt." she replied softly. "I'm not going to forgive you. You know that right? " I say. "Yeah, I figured that." She says looking at the ground. "Hey, where's your older brother?" she asks me. "I have a brother? You never told me!" I say accusingly. "He left to go on the X-Factor  when you were living with your aunt." She says like it was nothing. "But I have a brother!" I say in shock. Just then... Louis decides to come downstairs. Great. This can't get any weirder!  "Mum?" Louis says in shock. Just got weirder! What's next? I just get up and walk to the couch trying to fall asleep. I'm out for about an hour when I find Ri waking me up. "Come on! We have to get ready!" Then I was dragged upstairs half asleep without any question.

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