"Will you be my girlfriend Mal?"

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  • Dedicated to Aquamarin (Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHm5sAVIGOMsZpp00fdg6Rw )

Mal's POV

I saw Kayla sneak out but I was too lazy to go after and we were now on Frozen. Niall, Liam, Harry, CC, and Andy were singing along to the songs. I heard someone's phone start going off. The more I listened I recognized as the one I set for Aqua. I shot up frantically searching for mine.

I followed the Crazy Kids sounds and I found it  as the song was ending and swiped the answer thing and flung it up to my ear. (A-Aqua, M-Mal)

A- Hey Mal

M- Hey Aqua.

Aqua- I have a question for you……

M- Yeah?

A-Would it be ok if I came for a while?

He sounded so scared and hopeful. What is he planning?

M- Sure but, what are you planning?

A- ……….. Nothingggggg

M-Whatever. I’ma go get my P.O. Box stuff.

A- Ok, ba-bye,

M- Bye Aqua. *hangs up*

I turned my phone off and walked upstairs to change before going  back into the living room. I saw Elsa hugging Anna. “Hey!” Jake, Jinxx, Zayn, Harry, Riot, Sam and Ashley turned to look at me. “Who wants to come with me to get my mail?” Zayn, Riot, and Ashley jumped up. Riot slowly sat back down leaving me to take the two boys with me.

I sighed and told them to bring their muscles. They looked at me weird and I just blankly stared at them and said “I don’t think that they are only going to send letters.” They both blushed and hung there faces as we walked out to my car. “Ok, one of you in front on the way, and one of you in front on the way back. The one on the way back has to watch the mail.”

Both raced for the front but I hadn’t unlocked it yet. -insert evil laughter here- I walked over and only unlocked my door and watched them figure out what I did. “LET US IN!” They yelled, banging on the window. I slowly reached for the switch thing and unlocked it. Zayn noticed it first and pounced on the door opening it. Ashley tried climbing over him but Zayn booty bumped the top of the car and Ashley fell off.

I giggled-WAIT! GIGGLED!? I CAN'T GIGGLE! I DRINK THE BLOOD OF NEWBORNS AND EAT NAILS AND SCREWS FOR BREAKFAST!! The two idiots started laughing so I must’ve either said that out loud or something funny happened. “It’s not against the law for you to giggle.” Ashley got out. “And I know for a fact that you don’t drink newborn blood and eat pointy things for breakfast.” Zayn smile/smirk/thinged.

All I did was huph and turn to the road. We didn’t take long to get there and when we got there, I shooed them out and locked the car.  I walked in with the two of them in tow. The person at the desk started fangirling, must be a fan of one of us. “My fav youtuber and fav band member…….AHHHHHHHHH!!!” All three of us jumped back and boss came out and sent her back to the back.

“I am truly very sorry for that, she’s new and today was her first day alone.” The boss dude said. “It’s ok, we’re all used to it.” The other two nodded. “Ok then, right this way.” He led our trio back to the special boxes and, unlocked one of the top ones. “Here ya go. You sure do have a lot this time.” “thank you.” I said to him as he walked away.  “Now lets get these big boys home.”

I lifted one of the big ones but one of the dudes took it from me and the same girl as before screamed “ZALLORY!!! I SHIP YOU TWO!!” I politely flipped her off and Zayn yelled, “I HAVE A FUCKING FIANCEE” Ashley came back with a cart thing and helped us pile stuff up on it.  We got it all piled up and wheeled it out to my car and started stacking everything in it. “That girl was insane.” I commented while putting a box in a gulley. Both boys nodded and shooed me up to the front. They finished the job and Ashley got in front.

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