Riot, Your Idols

22 1 4

Mal's POV

We got back from the awards thing and when Ri and I got up to the bedroom(M/N unintentional innuendo) I flung my heels off. MY FEET ARE KILLING ME! THEY ARE ABOUT TO FALL OFF! I was finding my way out of the dress when my phone started going off. "RI! Could you get that!?" I yelled struggling with the immense darkness. I heard her say hi then scream. I had gotten out of the dress enough to take it from her and put it up to my ear.

"Hey?" "Hey Jeffree's bitch." I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Jayy, You know he doesn't swing my way. He swings your way." I almost winked but remembered that I was on the phone. "Hey, why do you sound so muffled? IS SOMEONE MUGGING OR KILLING YOU!?" He started freaking out and calling Dahvie to call the police when I told him I was just getting out of a dress. "Why where you in a dress?" "Cause the pop boys I live with had an awards thing and I just had to go."

He made a snorting sound and  a groaning sound came from the other end. "Jayyyyy....." The voice moaned. "Jeffree! While I'm on the phone!"  He made an indignant noise and I heard an oomph like noise like he push someone off or away. "I was going to ask before Jeffree started his sex noises, would you like to come over?" "Can I bring my friend Riot?" Ri's head shot out of my closet when I said her name. "Sure, more bitches the merrier." "You know that if you where here in front of me I would be smacking you so hard." "Ohhhhhh yeah. I like em rough." I hung up and walked into the closet putting Fake Your Death on.

I picked out grey sweats and an AmazingPhil top and walked out letting Ri look through my closet. I pulled on the sweats and top and went on a shoe hunt. I found my british flag shoes as Ri was pulling on my Black Veil Brides DO IT shirt. I stood up and grabbed my keys and she finished tying my converse onto her feet. "Ready?" She leaped for the door and ran down, almost tripping over a fallen Harry. I chased after her down the stairs and into the driveway. She was trying to open my Subaru Legacy when I got to her. I unlocked my side and slid in and turned the car on.

She started knocking on the window and I unlocked it and she was still knocking it so I made a motion to hopefully tell her that it's unlocked. She tried the handle and got in. When she was situated she punched my shoulder real hard.  "You know I don't have to bring you." She quickly apologized and shut up for the entire ride.

~~Skipping car ride~~

 We made it to the address Jayy had sent me and I turned off my car and got out. Ri followed and I knocked on the door. We waited a bit but finally Jayy came and opened it and let us in.


I will finish this tomorrow


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