Sam Killed Me

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Mal's POV

I woke up to the sound of yelling and beeping. I ran downstairs in an oversized Fall Out Boy shirt and shorts. I looked around at the commotion, THE KITCHEN WAS ON FIRE! Harry was screaming at Sam to go get Liam. Niall was grabbed the fire extinguisher, while I was frozen from moving.  Liam ran past me and put the fire out. When it was all over and done with Zayn and I finished the walk down. Yes Zayn woke up and came to check it out.

I heard a chorus of Mal's and Zayn's when we walked in. "How was your night?" Sam winked at us. I pushed her but she wasn't holding on so she tumbled off the stool onto the floor. She glared at me while Kayla, the boys(minus Harry), and I started laughing. Harry helped her up and she just glared at us before stomping off. I raced to sit down where she was but Zayn beat me to it. 

"You always could sit on his lap." Kayla said glancing up from her food. I was about to protest when Harry and Louis pushed me onto his lap. I grumbled and grumped but ate the food that Sam and Kayla's boyfriends made us. I finished and slid off Zayn's lap putting my dishes in the sink.

"Kayla! You gunna get dressed?" I yelled to Boobear. She shot up and ran in front of me racing to get dressed. She had to tear through the closet while I had mine picked out. I got my galaxy skinneys on then my punk Snow White tank. Kayla then pulled out light skinnys and a Disney top. I looked through my lip rings and picked one out but when I looked up, I saw that the bedroom doesn't have a mirror. I looked around until I finally gave up and went on an adventure.

I first stopped by Liam's. When I didn't find one in there, I moved onto Louis's. He didn't have one either. I then moved onto Zayn's room and carefully opened the door looking around to see if he was in there. He wasn't so I opened it the rest of the way and silently ran in and immediately found a mirror. I quickly put it in and ran back not forgetting to close his door. I got back to the bedroom as Kayla stepped into her shoes. "Where were you?" She asked. "Finding a mirror to put my lip ring in." I told her looking for my shoes.

she nodded and slipped her phone into her backpack and walked out. I slipped my shoes on and slung my bag over my shoulder and put my phone in the side pocket. I walked downstairs and saw that only me, Kayla, Sam, Louis, Harry, and Niall were ready to go. Soon after Liam walked down. I pulled out my phone and started playing Temple Run 2.

I almost beat my high score when Sam jumped on my back and made me run off the boards. "SAM! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!? YOU MADE ME DIE!" I yelled at her. "Everyone's down now." After putting my phone back in my bag I followed them out.

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