Interviews part 2

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Niall's POV

The girls came back, lugging ten bags per girl. So, they had around 30 bags. There was also this girl I didn't recognise. "Kayla? Who's that?" I ask my fiancé pointing at the girl racing away from Mal who was trying to murder the girl she was chasing. Fiancé. I like the sound of that, but I like the sound of Mrs.Horan better. "This is Riot." Kayla says introducing the girl who had sat on the couch between us. "Kayla, help. Mal's chasing me!" She said. "I can't really tackle Mal, that would hurt me, and them." Kayla says poking at her stomach. "Oh...yeah." Riot says awkwardly. "Hey, Niall? How much time did we spend shopping?" Kayla asks me. "About an hour, why?" I answer her. "Well, I have to go get ready for the interview, and your already dressed for it." Kayla whines. "Sam! Mal! Ri! My room now!" Kayla says randomly. They all walk up the stairs, well Sam, Mal, and Riot were being dragged up the stairs by Kayla. I hope this ends well.


Kayla's POV

I dragged the girls upstairs, because I needed help picking an outfit. "Hurry up!" I sassed at them. "Any more sass and you'll turn into Louis!" Sam jokes with me. "I'm offended!" I say dramatically. "Hey! I'm not that bad! Eleanor doesn't think I am!" Louis says from walking out of his room. "Sure, that's cause she's your fiancé." I sass and stick my tongue out at him. "Why don't you ask our fans? Liam has a twitcam running." Louis states running into Liam's room. "I'll be back!" I yell to the girls as I run after Louis into Liam's room. I walk into the room and look at Liam then back to the screen multiple times. He wasn't on twitcam, he was on Skype. I have found reason number two why Louis William Tomlinson will end up being murdered by me. "Hi, Li-Li." I say quietly. "Hi, Kayla." Liam replies. "So, who's on skype with you?" I ask curiously. "Uncle Simon." Liam tells me. I had an uncle named Simon, never really got to see him much though, he had too much work. On the occasions I had gotten to see him were fun, one time when I was younger I went to his house for a week in the summer. We went to the zoo, amusement parks, water parks, you name it, we probably went there. I came home with more clothes than I had taken with me. I never got to see Uncle Simon anymore though. I did watch every single episode of every single show he was on though. My favorite was the X-Factor performances, I could have sworn I watched all but the 2010 season. Mal and Sam never knew about my famous uncle though. I was 15 the last time I saw him. I had spent the summer with him and I learned what he did for a living. I actually got to sit in his spinning judgey person chair. I almost broke the button, though. HEHE. I sit down on the bed next to Liam because I'm bored. "Hi umm...What should I call you Mr. erm?" I sorta ask really confused. "Simon, Simon Cowell. You can call me Simon or Mr. Cowell, either works." He told me. "Okay then... Cowell, that sounds familiar, like my mum's maiden name." I think aloud. "Do you have a sister?" I ask Simon. "Yes, I do and she has one girl. She's around 19 now and her name's Kayla. So about your age, Liam." Simon says. It all clicked now. "HI DADDY SIMO!" I screamed. "Kaylabug?" he asked me. I just shake my head yes. "Wait, what just happened?" Liam asked. "Liam, this is my dad/uncle." I explain to the confused lad slowly. "Okay?" Liam says still confused. "So, kiddo how's it going?" Uncle Simon or Dad asks me. "Good." I answer him. "Wait first things first, how do you know the boys?" He asked me going into overprotective mode. He was basically my father since mine had died when I was 10. "I met them at a concert?" I tried. "You never were one to go by the rules." He chuckles. "Yeah, haha." I laugh nervously. He's gonna flip when he finds out about Niall and I. "LIAM?" I yell out the door. "YEAH?" he yells back. "CAN YOU GET NIALL TO COME UP HERE?" I ask. "SURE!" Liam yells from downstairs. I hear Niall's footsteps walk up the stairs and then I see him standing in the doorway. "Hey Princess." he greets me. I start doing the cut it out motion and Niall looks confused. I just point at the laptop. His eyes widen in realisation. I pat the opposite side of the bed gesturing for him to come over and sit on the other side of me on the bed. Niall sits down and gives me a questioning look. "Okay, Daddy Simo, I don't want you to get mad, I just want you to keep a clear mind okay?" I ask him fiddling with the ring on my finger that feels as if it weighs a ton. "Wait, Dad?" Niall asks me with wide eyes. I just shrug awkwardly. 'It's complicated.' I mouth to him. "Okay?" Daddy Simo questions me. I take a deep breath. "Umm, well... Niall and I are, erm engaged?" I say fiddling with my ring. "What?" My uncle/dad asks in disbelief after doing a spit take with his drink. "We are... Please, please, please don't be mad at us!" I beg him. "I'm not mad, just a little shocked is all." Dad answers. "Well, since that's over, I have to ask you something." I say. "Yes, daughter?" Dad asks me jokingly. "What would you say if I told you that you were going to be a grandpa?" I ask Dad trying to joke around but sorta failing. "I don't know, I'd be pretty happy, but if it were now, I would probably say your too young." Dad answers me. "Shit." I mumble under my breath. "Why? Your not? Are you?" Dad asks me. "Erm, yeah I kinda am with twins?" I say uncertainly. "Ok, then. Bug can I talk to Niall alone?" Dad asks me. "Sure." I say exiting the room.

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