Just Dance Tiredness

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Mal's POV

"Name it Arabella, if it's a girl, or I'll hijack the naming and you will have to go to court to change it." I told Kayla after Sam was done with her Sayla and Kal, and Sallerayla thing. "And name it-" Sam got cut off by a nurse walking in with vitamins and stuff. "Here you go Mrs. Horan. You may go now, just be careful with that arm." Sam and I helped her get dressed in what she came here in and we walked out.

"Mrs. Horan?" I asked. She blushed and ran over to Niall. "So what's wrong, and what's with those vitamin looking things?" Kayla looked at Sam and I and I immediately came up with a lie. "She broke her arm and those are for to help it to heal stronger." It wasn't a complete lie, she did break her arm. He picked her up and signed her out. He placed her in the passenger seat leaving me and Sam in the back.


Still Mal

We got home and Kayla dragged me and Sam up to our room. I quickly grabbed my computer and camera before I got pulled down. I pulled the SD card out of the camera and put it in my MacBook. I clicked in the newest one and started editing.

"Malmal, maaalmaaaal.....MALMAL!" My head shot up as Kayla yelled my nickname. "What? What you want!?" "We need to talk." "And I need to upload this video." I said in a kinda mean tone. "Well can't it wait?" "NO! My gang is waiting for me." I replied to her slumping back over my Mac.

They left me until I was putting the finishing touches then Kayla started whining again. "I usually take longer than this. I'm speeding it up for you." I finished, pressed upload, and set it over to the side and spun around facing them. "You called. I came. Now what you want?" They looked at each other before yelling, "JUST DANCE 2014 BITCH!" They then ran downstairs leaving me to place my MacBook on the desk before running after them.

When I got down there Kayla had been set up with a pad and pen and we were being put into pairs. Niall wasn't dancing, he was staying on the couch with Kayla. Probably mostly because their dating but also so we have even numbers.

"Kay! Louis and Liam is one team." Sam yelled and Louis jumped on Liam's back. "Zayn and Mal is one and last, Harry and I. Get with your team guys!" I drag my feet over to Zayn as Sam was telling us, "Kayla has the hat we will pull songs out of. Louis and Liam first!" Louis walked over toward Kayla and pulled a song out.

"Applesauce. wait no, Applause." Everyone but those two started laughing. "SHUT UP!" Louis yelled at us desperately. They eventually started it and got halfway through it before they started making comments. They couldn't concentrate so they both ended up with what they had before they started talking.

"Next is Zayn and Mal! Pick your song!" I waked over and reached in pulling out Moscow. I picked the girl and left Zayn the guy and started it. I swear, everyone here is a Zallory shipper. We got to the end and Sam yelled to me that my video uploaded. I finished off and handed my remote off to Harry as I ran up the stairs for my Mac.

By the time I got back down, they had already started. I recognized it as Troublemaker as I sat down on the other side of Kayla on the couch. I checked my video and saw that I needed an annotation. I put one up one there and turned it off just as it got pulled away from me.

We danced for a while longer until we where all mighty tired. All of us had to drag our selves to our rooms and I think more than one of us didn't even change out of our clothes.

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