My Chemical Sadness

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Mal's POV

We all piled into someone's car and thus started the music debate. Kayla and Niall wanted 5 seconds of summer. Others wanted other things and it went back and forth until I got an idea. I unlocked my phone and made a playlist of Panic! and All Time Low before speaking up.

"I have an idea. How bout we listen to All Time Low and Panic! At The Disco." Liam held his hand out for me and I gave him my phone. He plugged it in and handed it back to me. I scooted closer to Kayla so she can help pick the songs.

"Lets listen to Lost In Stereo." "No Boo. I want to listen to Break Your Little Heart."  Kayla looked torn as soon as I said that. Cause she loves both of those and she can't choose just one. "Fine. We'll listen to Break Your Little Heart." She sighed.

I tapped on that one and I heard Alex's voice fill the car. WAIT ONE SECOND! I think Alex and Louis have the same middle name. Alexander William Gaskarth and Louis William Tomlinson.... KAYLA!! 

"Kayla, I just realized something." I whispered to her. "What?" "Alex and Louis have the same middle name, Alex William and Louis William."  She stayed quiet for a few seconds but then exploded in fangirl noises. "Shush!" I scolded the fangirling 19 year old.

"Who is fangirling back there?" Liam questioned annoyed. "Kayla is. I told her a middle name thing." I answered him. "Well shut her up so her fangirling isn't the only thing we hear." Liam told me facing the road. I pulled my iPod and headphones out of my bag and put on BOTDF's Epic album. I put one of the headphones in Boo's ear before pressing play. That stopped her cold, Death To Your Heart! was playing and she was shrinking into the seat.

"TURN IT OFF! IT BURNS!" "NO BITCH!!" I yelled back. "What are you doing to her back there?" Harry asked. "Playing Blood On The Dance Floor's older stuff." "AND IT BURNS!!" Kayla yelled in distress. "They aren't that bad." Before Kayla could saw anything else Liam pulled into a parking space. "Everyone out! You'll get locked in!" He yelled as we started pushing and shoving trying to get out.

"So, who's going where?"He asked. Sam, Boo, and I looked at each other before telling him that we would go together. Then everyone else told him and off we went.


Mal's POV

So far Haz and Boo have dragged me into nearly every beauty shop there is. I ended getting my hair dyed again and got some more lip rings. I now have a dark blue color instead of purple and black. I am now dragging them into Hot Topic. "Weren't we just here?" Kayla asked. "Yeas but today the boys didn't give us a limit on money." I winked at them walking into Hot Topic.

I immediately recognized what was playing and swallowed hard. "What is this?" Haz asked as her and Boo came up behind me. "Think hard. Think back a little past a year ago to when I locked myself in my room and didn't et anyone in or make any videos."(AN I slightly exaggerated how I was) Kayla and Sam got looks on their faces as I listened to The Black Parade play over the various conversations around us.

"Is it My Chemical Romance!?" Haz yelled. I nodded heading over toward the band shirts and checking for my size. I found a tank top and a few shirts in my size and moved onto jeans and leggings. I found the Black Veil Brides split leg ones I saw on Polyvore .

I grabbed some more clothes before dragging Boo and Haz back to the dressing rooms. I tried on the tops first and only got rid of one sweatshirt. Next I tried on the pant and all of them fit.

I walked out of the thing with my treasures on one are and that bloody sweatshirt on the other. I dropped my keeps off with Haz and Boo before going on a hunt for where I found the sweatshirt. I finally found the place and put it back and went on a hunt for the bracelets. I found them and picked out ones that I didn't have or lost and then started looking for the plugs.

I picked out some that I liked and headed up to the counter pulling Haz and Boo up with me so they can set down my clothe choices. The girl rang me up and it came to over one hundred dollars. I gave her the card that Liam had gave all of us and she had me sign the thing and gave me a reciet.

She put it in one of the bags and I handed one to each Boo and Haz but still left me with like three bags. We found a clock and saw that we need to be getting back to the boys.

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