Interviews part 1

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Sam's POV

I was asleep until I heard a knock on my door. "What the hell do you want?" I mumble. "Sam, wake up we have an interview soon." Harry says to me through the door. I lazily get up, and drag myself over to my closet and grab a random shirt, a random pair of pants, a pair of socks, a bra, and underwear. I get dressed, brush my hair and teeth, and walk downstairs.

"So, what's the game plan for today?" I ask everyone. "Well, all of us have an interview to go to and that's it." Liam answers. "Ok." I answer getting bored. I watch Kayla and Niall share a worried glance. I'm guessing Niall knows now. "Hey guyssss? Can I talk to Kayla, Mal, and Niall alone, for a few minutes?" I ask. "Sure, We have to leave in 2 hours though." Liam says while walking up the stairs. I pulled Kayla with Niall and Mal following behind me. "Ok, first off why are you two looking at each other like Jack and Rose in the fucking sinking of the Titanic? Second, Mal have you posted the video? Third, Kayla how could you! Not telling me that you were having twins! I thought we were best friends! Also... when'd you get the ring?" I ask. "We have a problem Sam... We as in all of us, have an interview, and we have to hide the ring because Louis' engagement is gonna be a shock to the fans, and I don't want my Princess to get hate. I also don't want her hurting herself while she has two mini Horans to take care of." Niall answers me first. "Mal?" He asks her, signaling that she can answer the question I asked her. "Yeah, the video's uploaded." Mal said. I did a mental happy dance. "To answer the last question, you of all people would not have gotten up at 1:02 in the morning, and I just got the ring about an hour ago?" Kayla said. "Well, we have two hours to waste... wanna start getting ready?" I asked Kayla poking at her stomach. She just slapped my hand away. "Overprotective much?" I asked her. "Very, and I'd shut up if I were you, you don't wanna be too loud." Kayla sassed at me. "Fine. Niall? We can't use our joint cards, so we need your personal one. If we use the joint one, all the stuff is gonna go to the band account on a receipt and we don't need that." I say. "Sure, but just what are you shopping for exactly?" He questions me. "Uh, what do you think?" Mal asked quirking an eyebrow. "Oh, ok. Got it now. Bye, Kayla. See you soon, and take care of yourself and them." Niall says pecking Kayla on the lips before we leave. He hands her the card, and we leave.


Louis' POV

Harry and I were bored so we decided to eavesdrop on Sam, Mal, Kayla, and Niall's conversation. "Louis, what are they talking about?" Harry asks me. "Shut-up, Harry! I can't hear!" I whisper yell at him. "...We have to hide the ring... I don't want my princess getting hate... while she has two mini Horans..." That was all I heard. "What? What is it Louis?" Harry asked me. "Niall and Kayla - ring- twins." I said, trying to process everything I had heard. "What?" Harry asks. "Shh! I hear someone!" I hissed at him. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. "Run Harry!" I yell, not caring who was behind us. "Louis! Harry! What are you two running from?" Niall questions us. "We were ummm, playing tag? Yeah! Playing tag!" I say uncertainly. Niall looks at me unconvinced. "Liam! Zayn! Come here!" Niall yells from his spot. Liam and Zayn come downstairs from their rooms. "Yeah, Ni? What do ya need?" Liam asked me. "Louis and Harry won't tell me why they were running away from the corner!" Niall told Liam. "Boys, were you eavesdropping?" Liam asked us. "What? Me eavesdropping? Pshft! No!" Harry said. Yup he blew our cover. Thanks Harry! "How much of the conversation did you guys hear?" Niall asked warily. "Just the important parts, ring and twin stuff." I said. "So you basically heard our entire conversation." Niall confirms. "Basically." I respond. "Shit... Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Niall says rubbing his temples. "What's wrong mate?" Zayn asks. "We're gonna have to tell the paps sooner than I thought." Niall states. "Tell the paps what sooner?" Harry asks. "That Kayla and I are engaged." Niall says. "Wait, what?" Liam asks in disbelief. "When did that happen?" "This morning?" Niall answered in a questioning tone. "Why did you propose this morning? Not at night?" I ask Niall. "Well, erm, she'ssortakindapregnantwithtwins?" he rushes. "Niall, slow down, it can't be that bad." Liam says. "Promise, me that you guys won't tell Uncle Simon until we're ready?" Niall asks us. "Promise." We all say. He takes a deep breath before repeating himself. "Kayla's pre-" Niall started only to be cut off by Liam. "Woah, woah, woah! What?" "Let me finish what I was saying!" Niall says. "Kayla's pregnant with twins, and I'm the father." He finishes. "And everyone thought I would be the first one to get a girl pregnant out of us." Harry mutters to himself. "Niall, I swear, if you leave her..." Liam threatens not having to finish his sentence. "Liam! He's not gonna leave her! He proposed to her, did he not?" Zayn asked Liam trying to calm him down. "Yeah, I should have thought of that." Liam responds. "Shouldn't we tell Uncle Simon, before the paps find out?" Liam suggests. "I guess?" Niall answers. "I wanted to tell Uncle Si later on, but I guess we should tell him now." "We should start getting ready for the interview." I say. I could tell Niall really didn't want to tell Uncle Simon, his news. I wasn't looking forward to telling him mine either.

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