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Niall's POV

I pulled back away from the kiss. I pulled a dollar store rose out of my jacket. "Kayla Smith, will you give me the pleasure of being your boyfriend?" I asked holding the dark red rose out to her.

She took it and sniffed it before flinging herself at and hugging me. "Of course I will loverboy." She said pecking my cheek smiling. I asked if she wanted to watch The Lion King and she ran over to the couch, taking up all the room. I ended up sitting on her legs when she didn't move them.

I texted Zayn to come in and put in The Lion King for us. He came from were Mal is hiding. I looked at him like "you get her yet?". He sent me back a look that was torture and death. He got it going and marched his way back to the hiding place. I settled back down and enjoyed the Lion King/Disney marathon.

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