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Mal's POV

It's been around a month now and Kayla is just starting to barely show. The boys had an awards thing they needed us at and sent us on our way to dress shop. MAJOR SHIVER. Sam and Kayla had to drag Ri and I out of the house to the car and to mall. When we got there they dragged the two of us to the, what looked like, most preppy, prissy dress store there.

Ri and I tried to split from them but Sam has to good of eyes and Kayla is to Kayla to let us go. We finally slipped away when they where in the dressing room. We ran over to shops more to our liking and strolled in. We walked in and I immediately found my love.

It was a floor length black dress with silver at the top. I left Ri to go in search of other stuff and found heels with straps, that I will desperately need, a steampunk rose ring, and a choker necklace. I walked over to the dressing room and saw Ri with her find. It was a short black dress with a poofy skirt part. She also had what looked like ripped tights, heels, a choker, and rose earrings. We asked for one big enough for both of us and they led us to one of the handicap ones.

We locked the door and tried on our dresses and they fit. We walked out and paid and went to find Sam and Kayla.


outfits for this chapter and the one after it because Kayla messed it up.





Kayla your going to write the awards thing.

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