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~~~~a few months later~~~~

Mal's POV

It has been at least two months since Aqua came over from Austria to ask me to be his girlfriend. And in that two months, Kayla blew up. She's now complaining about how big she is and how she has to shop in maternity sections of stores now and other stuff.

This morning it was only Aqua, Kayla, Riot, and I in the living room. Aqua and I were cuddled up on the couch watching Howl's Moving Castle. Riot was on one of the chairs watching youtube. I think by how much she's laughing is it's a BryanStars interview. And Kayla was at the other end of the couch scrolling through Google on someone's laptop.

Wait, is that mine. No. It's Aqua's. I looked back at the TV and silently fangirled over Howl some more. Damn he's good looking. I would sooo tap dat. "You like an anime boy more than me." I looked up at Aqua and saw his eyes filled with, hopefully fake, sorrow. "Well, you like Sailor Moon more than me." I replied back.

"No I don't. I like you both equal." he smiled down at me and gave  me a kiss on my cheek. "JUST HAVE SEX ALREADY!!" Kayla yelled from her spot at the other end of the couch. "JUST GO UP TO MAL'S ROOM AND HAVE BABY MAKING SEX!!" We both stared at her and Aqua started kissing and sucking on my neck.

Riot pushed her earbuds in and turned up her computer's volume some more. Is Kayla being to loud? Aqua licked behind my ear and sent me into shivers. "Stop Aqua, I'm trying to watch the movie." He kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, "I bet you would like to watch me strip instead." I blushed and Riot ripped out her earphones and screamed at us, "IF YOU TWO ARE GOING TO FRICK FRACK, GO TO MAL'S ROOM! NOT THE COUCH!" I turned my head to glare at her but before I could do anything, Niall walked in and sat down next to Kayla. I pulled away a bit from Aqua and stared at the TV.

The door flung open and all of Black Veil Brides ran in. The first to speak was Andy. "We have something for Mal, Ri, and Mal's boyfriend." CC then pulled three lanyards with some pass on them out of his pocket. Ri and I rushed forward and tore them from his hand. They were band/crew passes! "You three will be on a buss with Bryan and Johnnie." Andy told us. "Just make sure not to do anything harmful to Bryan's microphone. You will be harmed." Jinxx and Jake warned us.

"Hey, is that a hickey?" Ashley asked pointing to my neck. I spun around and stared Aqua down. He shrunk into the seat and Ashley behind me laughed. "So Austrian loverboy here gave you it." "Yeah, they were really loud. They were almost having sex on the couch." I flipped off whoever said it. I just aimed in the general voice direction.

We talked for a while longer but they had to get back to the studio. After they left, everyone else came out and we watched Mean Girls.

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