Mal Meets Jeffree Star

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Mallory POV

I ended up being the pack mule/slave for the other girls. All because the only store I wanted to go into was Hot Topic. I mean, c'mon, can't you carry your own bags?! I heard my phone start ringing and because of all the other girls dumping their crap on me, I didn't have any arms to get it.

I saw a shadow get closer but paid no attention until I heard a voice. "Do you need some help?" I heard a voice that I kina recognized. "Yes please, my friends just dumped their stuff on me and ran off." I said looking up to see, Jeffree Star! I must've had a look on my face because he stepped forward a bit and told me not to be scared. I tried to tell him how big a fan I am but all that came out where squeaks, I just ran the rest of the way and hugged him.

"Don't you need to answer your phone?' He asked against my hair. I blushed, nodding and pulled out my phone just as it went to voicemail. I saw it was Niall and decided to ignore it. "Don't you need to answer that?"   "No, he won't mind, he'll just call one of the other girls." he looked at me awhile before asking if I'd meet Dahvie and Jayy. I said yes but I didn't get past hellos and hugs. He then asked for my phone. I pulled it back out of my pocket and handed it to him.

Jeffree took it and for a few minutes all he was doing was tap the screen. He then after a bit took out his and was doing something with both of them. After he finished with his phone, he handed me my phone back. "Check your contacts." He said with a hint of a smirk. Tentatively, I turned my phone on and tapped the contacts thing. I glances through my bangs at him while waiting for it to load and saw him scrolling through something on his phone. I looked back down and saw Andy Beirsack. I franticly scrolled the rest of the way down and saw he had put in the rest of Black Veil Brides, Blood On The Dance Floor, and his numbers. I held my phone away from me feeling not worthy of it now.

I felt a hand close around mine and started to panic before looking at it and seeing that it is Jeffree's. I looked up at him as he puled me into a hug. "You're worth every one of there numbers and all their love." He mumbled into my neck. I blushed wondering how he knew what I was thinking. He pulled away and got a thinking face on. "You need a nickname, probably preferably one from one of my songs...... How about.....Luxury." Jeffree finally decided. "YES!! Wait! You need one to. Hmmmmm....... How about, Celebritease." I said in a question tone. "Perfect!" He exclaimed hugging me.

"MALMAL!! THERE YOU ARE!" I turned around and saw The ones who's crap I still have run up to me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jeffree try to slip away, "Oh no you don't. Don't you dare leave me with these ones." I whispered to him while giving him a look. "MALMAL! WHERE WERE YOU!?" Kayla screamed in my ear. "I was here lugging you guys's stuff and that was my good ear Kayla." "sorry. And who's the person next to you?" Kayla asked pointing to Jeffree. "This young grasshopper, is a semi-famous singer named Jeffree Star. He has a D he just identifies as nether guy or girl." "SEMI-FAMOUS!? BITCH-"  "You aren't on the mainstream radio and like no one knows who you are." "oh.." "Malmal...." "What!?" "Can we go home now?" "You all are carrying your own stuff this time."


I just have one question, does one direction know at least of Jeffree? Before I updated this. And apparently all I need to do is listen to Bewitched, Always And Forever, and some Jeffree Star to get a decent sized chapter. Picture to the side is one of many pictures of Jeffree Star

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