Ones Who Were Dropping Eves

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I saw the other five run off to random places to try and spy while the only time I would need to hide is when Kayla looks around. Niall said the signal and I turned on my Mac and turned on the volume. I put it on shuffle and the first one that came on was Always And Forever. I silently started humming and adding my own words at parts. I sighed thinking about how I wish my boyfriend if I had one would like the same bands or at least songs as me. My mind wandered to Jeffree earlier today, but before it could wander to far off the songs changed and it is now Always Attract. "I never realized how long this is." I whispered as the time thing popped up. I decided to spy on them. Just as I looked up, they kissed.


I ran off to behind the couch only to find Harry and Louis already behind there. "Get out!" Louis whisper yelled at me. Louis tried to shove me away but Harry caught me and held onto me. "Just be quiet." They both whispered at me. we peeked up as Niall was leaning down to kiss Kayla. I held back the need to yell, "Use protection!"


Harry and I ran to behind the couch and had got our positions when Sam appeared. "Get out!" I whisper yelled at her. I then tried to shove her away but of coarse Harry had to save his girlfriend from demise. "Just be quiet." Harry and I told her. Harry, Sam, and I peeked over the couch as Niall was leaning down to Kayla to kiss her. I was debating between covering Sam mouth or eyes. I finally decided on mouth.


Louis and I ran for the couch. After Louis and I got in our positions, Sam got behind the couch to. "Get out!" Louis whisper yelled at her. He then tried shoving her out but before she could fall and hurt something, I caught her. "Just be quiet" Louis and I told her. We then poked our heads over the top of the couch in time to see Niall kiss Kayla.


I ran for behind the two person chair. It was a super tight squeeze, but I made it. It took a while for me to get comfortable but I finally did without dieing. I looked up just as Niall kissed Kayla.


Niall had chosen me as dimmer and lighter. I had to work with Mallory because  apparently, music she is music and candles. We had a talk about how we suspect everyone is trying to get the two of us together, I have a fiancée for fucks sake. I hid in the same room as Mal after I had done the dimming and lighting.  When I got back, Mal was on her Mac that one of her subscribers sent her clicking things. Soon music came out and she got a faroff look. Just as they where about to kiss she came back and looked up to see them kiss .


I  started this on my computer but had to finish on my phone. I think I got everyone, if I didn't please put who you think I missed in a comment.

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