Bitchy Mal

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Mal's POV

UGGHHHHHH..... All I heard last night was Kayla and Niall doing each other. I will never get those noises out of my head. It's now 5:16 and I haven't slept since they started. You don't stop me from sleeping.  I only got like four hours of sleep, fuckers. They where that loud. Those fuckers expect me to be a happy person. Not a groaning zombie, Ima cut a bitch.

I got out of  bed and walked down in a big baggy Arctic Monkeys shirt. I walked into the kitchen and saw that Harry was making pancakes and eggs. I tapped his shoulder so I didn't scare him. "You want some help?"  He looked back at me and said, "Sure love. you can do the eggs."

I walked over to the carton of eggs he had  out and checked if it was a big 18 egg carton. It was and luckily it hasn't been used. I cracked all of them into a plastic bowl and added the milk, salt, and pepper. I found a fork and mixed until all the eggs were broken up.

I realized that I have never had to get out a pan. "Hey Harry, where are the pans?" He reached above his head and pulled out three different pans. "Here you go." I grabbed the biggest one and put it on the stove next to him. I reached across to the other counter and grabbed the bowl's handle. I carefully got it over and poured it into the pan.

I put the bowl in the sink and grabbed a spatula from the drawer. I strolled back over and put the spatula in the pan moving it back and forth. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looked up to Sam, Louis, and Liam coming down. Well, more like fighting down. Sam fell on Louis making him trip onto Liam causing them to roll down the stairs.

They groaned as they got up using each other as things to lift up. They walked over and sat down before saying anything. "You two should have a cooking show." Sam commented as I yelled at the stove for flaring up. "I would watch it." Louis and Liam piped up. 

I scooped the eggs into another bowl and got out the shredded cheese. I put both on the breakfast bar away from the three and walked back over toward Harry when I heard footsteps come down the stairs. "Hey Quiffman!" Sam yelled. I glared at her, she should know how I am without my sleep. I am deadly. He sat across from where I was standing and I turned tail and walked back into the kitchen.

I picked up and put my dishes in the sink and ran water in the ones that looked like they needed it. I turned off the faucet then and jumped on the counter. "Are you going to eat up there love?" Harry asked slipping a pancake off a spatula. "Of coarse. I have a whole table to myself then." Right after I finished saying that, Sam jumped up to.

"Now you have to share it." she smiled. I glared at her, not in the mood for her shit. Harry finished up the pancakes and brought them and the syrup and butter over beside my eggs. Niall and Kayla finally walked down. As they made their way down, I was giving them death glares. I could tell I was making them uncomfortable because they sped up their walking speed.(AN Does that sentence make since?)

 I catapulted myself off the counter into a seat but, I fell face first into one. THAT HURT! I righted myself and found myself across from Sam. We smiled deviously before kicking each other. Sam soon kicked a bruise that I had and that made me yelp in pain. "What'd you kick my bruise for!?" I whisper yelled at Sam  so I didn't get in trouble. She told me, apologized, and even gave me one of her pancakes! We soon got over it and finished eating. I got up and put my stuff in sink so I could go get dressed and film a much overdue video.

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