You've been Kaylajacked

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~the next day~

Kayla's POV

I woke up the next day feeling  danasaurs  in my stomach. I felt all giggly because of what happened last night. I can't believe he kissed me! I looked at the alarm clock next to the bed. 7:20 am.

MalMal started making her waking up sounds so I stopped my fangirling so she wouldn't make fun of me. "Waaa.... How long have you been up?" Mal asked looking at me with glazed eyes.

"I've been for a few minutes. Like around, three." I replied back. She nodded before turning back over. I got up out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

When I got there I heard an Irish accent say something about Mal not liking bacon. I blushed recognizing it as my,new,boyfriend. Niall Freaking Horan. I got my blush down before walking in and asking what that was about.

"Harry and I are making breakfast love. No need to worry." Niall told me in his hot,sexy Irish accent. "Just go back to bed love." Harry ordered me. "But I don't wanna go to back to bed!" I whined. "HAZZA! GET UP!" I yelled at Sam, the girl who apparently fell asleep behind the couch with Louis. "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON! WHY ARE YOU  ASLEEP NEXT TO MY HAZZA?!?" I screech at the two sleeping figures on the floor. "What, Boobear?" Sam says sleepily. "Go say Good morning to Harry, I need to speak with this one." I say pointing at the sleeping Louis. "Kayla, why did you wake me up?" Louis complains. "Do you WANT Harry to kick your ass?" I say in a sweet and deadly tone. "No, I don't want Harry mad at me." He says. "Then, I suggest you go tell him why you fell asleep behind the couch with his girlfriend." I tell him pointing at the kitchen. We both walk into the kitchen where I see the most chaotic scene ever. THE KITCHEN WAS ON FIRE! Harry was screaming at Sam to go get Liam. Niall was grabbing the fire extinguisher, while I was frozen in place. (Kayla note: Frooozen...the story of, the story of, the story of my life I take her home, I drive all night to keep her warm and time is FROOOOOZEN.) Liam came rushing in and put the fire out. All the while Zayn and Mallory were still asleep in the midst of all this chaos. All I'm gonna say is WOW!


Kayla hijacked it at the end because I'm at her house.


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