Chapter 2: The Mansion

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Y/N's POV (Finally right?)

"What have I gotten myself into?", I think to myself as I look up at the boy who apparently is named Toby. I look ahead at the backs of the other two boy's heads, the one in the yellow hoodie is named Masky, but I don't know the one in the tan hoodie's name. I'm excited to get to train and work with Toby but i'm a little nervous about all these other people. Man I really want a milkshake right now.

We've been walking through the woods for a while now and I'm barefoot so my feet hurt. I decide to pull my (h/c) mess of hair into a makeshift bun. Then I tug on Toby's sweatshirt, he looks down at me and I whisper in his ear so the other two won't hear my voice. "My legs are tired, can you carry me?", I ask him in a soft voice. He smiles and whispers back, "Piggy back ride?". I shake my head yes and he picks me up making me squeal softly and laugh. The two ahead of us look back and Masky rolls his eyes. I honestly don't care though, Toby is way more fun than those two. Masky seems grumpy, I'm not sure about the other one. He's really quiet.

After another hour or so of walking, I can see the top of a really big building in the distance. We get closer and I can clearly see the mansion, "Woah...". Toby laughs at my reaction, "I know right!". Toby sets me down as we walk up onto the front porch of the mansion. Then Masky opens the door and my eyes take in complete chaos, it was awesome!

People were rushing around everywhere, stuff was getting thrown, things were getting broken. All of the sudden a very tall man in a black suit blocks my vision, I look up and he's got no face. "Slenderman?", I ask him and he simply nods. Then he teleports us to his office, the weird static like sound hurt my ears a bit my I guess i'll need to get used to that. 

Slender motions for us all to sit down then he looks at Masky. "How did the mission go?", a very deep but smooth voice comes from the man who suddenly had a mouth. His "mouth" looked really painful, it was hard not to cringe. "Everything went as expected, we even finished early.", Masky said in a professional sounding voice. "If everything went as expected... WHY IS THERE A HUMAN IN MY HOUSE!?", He gets angry all of the sudden but honestly I could understand why. Who wouldn't get mad if a stranger walked into their house uninvited? 

"That is Toby's problem, not mine.", says Masky, the other boy just nods his head in agreement. He looks like he's on the edge of his seat ready to leave. "I wonder where he wants to get to so fast...", I think to myself then remember I'm supposed to be paying attention to Slender. "Toby?", Slender turns to look at Toby and glares at him. Well he doesn't have a face but you can FEEL the death glare. "I just couldn't kill her, and she came here on her own. She knew I was a killer, and she was excited when I asked her to come work with us. She WANTS to murder people, Slender! PLEASE LET HER STAY!", Toby begs making Masky rolls his eyes. 

Slender finally looks my way and studies me, without eyes somehow but again it's like you can FEEL his eyes on you even though he doesn't have any. "You want to become a killer?", he asks me, now in a calm voice again. I smile and shake my head in agreement, "Yes sir, I would love to!". Masky makes a noise as if he doesn't believe me. Then Slender stands right in front of me, a weird tingly feeling comes over me and then I go numb.

Slender's POV

I teleport in front of the girl in my office. There's no way she just is okay with becoming a murderer. Two females within the same year, just show up wanting to murder people. I could barely believe it the first time, for it to happen again is simply mind boggling. I tap into the girl's mind, I can tell she doesn't know what's happening since her eyes go wide. Toby takes her hands in his and lets her know what going on, this makes her relax. Time to see what's going on here...

As I look through her mind, I see her name is (y/n) and she's 16 years old. Both things I already knew. Her past is... bone chilling, to say the least. She's got the fire of a killer in her heart, I can see it clearly now. She had been neglected by her mother and sister immediately after she was born, her dad and brother were the only ones who ever even acknowledged her existence. But after her brother was found dead in a river, her dad became a drunk and started abusing (y/n). She's been through a lot and I can see where her motivation is coming from, the betrayal of her father.

"You may become a proxy, my child. You will work alongside Ticci Toby on his missions and you will stay in the room next to his.", I tell her this but before I can finish Toby jumps up and is dancing around like an idiot. "SIT DOWN MR. RODGERS!", I yell making him stop immediately, I hear Masky laughing behind me. "You will pick your creepypasta outfit, mask, and weapon in the morning. DO NOT be late!", with that I tell them all to leave my office. Another new proxy, i'm on a roll. 


The four of us leave Slender's office quietly. As soon as he's out the door, the boy in the tan hoodie runs off, Masky rolls his eyes and walks off down some hallway.  I then look to Toby to see him smiling down at me. "You get to be my partner!!", Toby yells and resumes his happy dance from earlier. I laugh and dance with him. "Come on, i'll show you where you'll be staying!", he takes my hand and runs down the hallways with me right beside him.

He finally stops at the end of the hallway, there's only 7 doors on this hallway, the other two hallways had a lot more doors. "Just how many people live here?!", I think to myself. I hear music coming from one of the doors. "That's Masky's room, best not to bother him cause that's my job.", Toby tells me then pulls me to another door, he opens it and pulls me inside. "This is your room, and I'm right next door! In fact the rooms are connected so you can come and get me anytime you need me.". His smile is contagious, I giggle as I jump up and down, "THIS IS SO AWESOME!". Toby grabs my hand and pulls me downstairs, "Time for you to meet everyone!". 

That's when my smile falls, I don't particularly like meeting new people...

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