Chapter 30: Celebrate Good Times!

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"My children, I'm so sorry this had to happen.", Slender said while going to sit at the head of the table. Most pastas sat around the table to listen, others preferred to stay against the wall. "What exactly happened?", asks Toby in a surprisingly calm tone, it's no longer surprising when I remember that everything about is made to be normal now. All of them are normal, all of us are normal. No one has their quirks anymore, there's no special traits or talents. All of the individuality is gone with the want to kill as well. We're normal.

"The bombs that we set off in Zalgo's castle... they weren't normal bombs. Normal bombs would not have weakened Zalgo, only destroyed his castle and portals. So I had an old witch friend of mine infuse the bombs with a special spell that makes anyone within the blast turn into and average Joe, no power, no quirks. Not a creepypasta...". Slender looks around the room, all of the children healed and in normal, modest clothing. It's so strange to see them this way.

"I'm sorry I did not include you all in that part of the plan. But do not worry! The witch will be returning you all to your normal selves. But her one condition is that Clocky is taken care of first. I'll also be locking Liu up pretty much for the rest of his life or until I'm sure he won't harm anyone ever again.", Slender finishes while looking at Jeff. There's a collective sigh of relief from everyone in the room, we're all gonna be pastas again soon.

"Wait! Where is Clockly?", I ask when I notice that her and Liu aren't present in the room whereas literally every creepypasta ever is. "Already in high security cells, they will be dealt with as soon as possible.", Slender answers my question then goes back to addressing everyone in the room. "If Toby, Jeff, Y/N, and BEN could please remain with me. Everyone else please go wait in your rooms til the witch gets here, you will all be visited one by one.". People start leaving but before anyone is out of hearing range Splendor jumps up, "AND THEN WE PARTY!".

Everyone leaves except the two more serious Slender brothers and the four of us pastas. "I need you three to assist me in putting together how everything happened. Jeff, I need you to talk to Liu.", Slender says as he leads everyone downstairs. He first goes to Liu's cell, letting Jeff inside. We all leave Jeff to deal with his brother and head towards Clocky's cell. Slender opens the door and enters first making sure that Clocky is still tied up. Once we get the okay, the three of us enter.

We all take turns questioning her; she refuses to answer any of Slenders questions, Toby's are all answered with "Why are you on there side baby? Don't you know I love you?", BEN's are ignored completely, and mine are only answered with various facial expressions. We were getting no where. Then an idea pops into my head, "You know we can all die now... and we don't heal any more...". I start and then shoot Slender a look, he catches onto my idea immediately thanks to his mind reading powers. "It would be a shame if something happened to someone...", Slender walks slowly to Toby and stand behind him. Toby stays calm but in his eyes you can see the panic.

"You wouldn't!', Clocky yells, "And the demon speaks!", I say with a smirk. "You won't hurt him.", she smirks right back at me. "Start explaining or I'll start cutting.", Slender wraps his tentacles around Toby and I grab a knife from BEN. This gets her talking, about everything, in drawn out detail. In the end her motive really was to get rid of me and anyone else keeping her away from Toby. Too bad her crazed love of someone who doesn't love her will be her demise, I just laugh at her pathetic whining.

Knowing all the details Slender no longer needed Clocky, and the only way the witch would help all the other pastas was if Clocky died so he approached her slowly. "By dying you will be helping each and every of the remaining pastas gain back their personalities and powers. You may be dying for a dishonorable crime but you will be honored as the sacrifice that saved them all.", Slender then snapped her neck and stole her heart. Once the light left her eyes he turned to BEN, "Please take care of this then return to your room quickly.". BEN nodded and Slender left us all in the room with the dead Clocky.

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