Chapter 12: Meeting the Wolves

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(Y/N)'s POV

We stay in the room, they had us get here so early just to stay in this room till the rest of the wolves got up. Hoodie decided to law down and take a nap, Masky was on his phone video chatting with Jane while she made breakfast. Me and Toby pushed the other two beds together and laid down, we just laid there and talked quietly. After a few hours there was a knock on the door. Masky went to get it, when he opened the door a tall blonde guy. At least he was dressed unlike the alpha had been when he meet us. "Hi, I'm Dax the beta. Chase want's to see you guys in the conference room.", he says. I was waiting for the wave of pain to hit that came from being around the wolves but it didn't come. I was fine around Dax.

He lead us to a room with a large table that had many chairs around it. And a huge screen at the front of the room. There were 5 people in the room when we walked in. As soon as I walked in I felt the pain hit. I was starting to think my body was reacting negatively to only certain wolves. I sat next to Toby and was holding his hand tightly. Chase was looking over us, it looked like a cop studying criminals. "I called you here so we could discus what we need your help with.", he says in a serious voice. Masky nods at him and takes a seat as well. "We have captured some rouge wolves who have evil intentions, not just rouges looking for food to survive but looking for blood for no reason. We would like you to take care of them and kill them. Normally we would do it but these's are wolves exiled from our own pack and we can not bear to do the job.", Chase says as he shows us files on each of the wolves, it has basic information as well as why they were exiled. The files also had pictures of them in human and wolf form, along with cell number. "You kill these wolves only, anyone else down there is not to be harmed by you three.", it's just now that I realized he was only talking to the boys but I didn't say anything. Masky looks over all the files, it's 7 wolves total. 

Chase dismissed the meeting and lead everyone to the kitchen where breakfast had been made by a very pretty woman with long blonde hair. Chase walked up to her and kissed her forehead, "Thank you for making breakfast Nadine.", he told in a hushed voice. "Please, everyone take a seat and enjoy.", he says with a smile as he sits next to Nadine. Toby pulls out a chair for me and bows making me giggle. He sits next to me and smiles as breakfast is served. 

Nadine had made pancakes for everyone along with bacon, we all ate quietly. It was really good but I missed my milkshake from Jane that I get everyday. After everyone was done eating, Chase showed us where the stairs down to the cells were, then he left us to do our own thing till he was ready for us to go down and kill those wolves. Once he was gone the pain subsided. Most of the wolves had left to go do whatever but Dax had stayed behind. "I would like to speak with you alone (y/n).", he tells me. Toby growls and Masky steps in front of me. "Why alone?", Masky asks the beta wolf. "I can see that is fine now but when the alpha is around she looks extremely sick. I would like to talk to her and try to figure out all the symptoms then take her to our pack healer. I am just concerned about her well being and making sure all four of you are comfortable here.

Masky turns to look at Hoodie and Toby. They all seem to be having a silent conversation but then I speak up, "I am my own person and can make decisions by myself.", I growl lowly at the boys, "I'm glad that you have my well being in mind and yes we may speak alone.". I step away from the boys and walk over to Dax. He nods, "I promise to have her back as soon as possible.", then he leads me to a room where we can talk without anyone listening in. He let's me into the room then he closes the door behind him.

"You are uncomfortable around Alpha Chase, correct?", he asks as he motions for me to take a seat. I sit down across from him, "Yeah I don't really understand it but it just makes me feel like something inside me wants to run whenever he's around.". I tell him while trying to not sound confusing. But it seems what i'm saying makes sense to him, "And how about around me?", he asks. "I feel fine.", I tell him and he nods. "So only the alpha?". "Yes.", I say and he stands up. "Come i'll take you to the healer, she can explain better than me what's happening.". I follow him out of the room and to the building where the wolves in the pack go when sick or injured. 

"Lucy? Are you here?", he calls out into an office near the front. A woman in a nurse's outfit comes out of the office. "Yes what do you need beta Dax?", she says as she studies me."She feels pain and gets uncomfortable around the alpha, i'm not sure how to explain to a human what that means.", Dax tells her and she nods in understanding.

"I'm Lucy, and you must be one of the pastas here helping alpha Chase.", she says as she shakes my hand, "Yeah, my name is (y/n).". She leads me over to a small sitting area. The three of us sit down and she asks me some questions. "So you feel pain when alpha Chase is around?", she asks me and I shake my head yes, "And you feel sick?", I shake my head yes again. "And this only happens around Chase?", she asks, "That I know of yes.". "Okay dear this means that the moon goddess has chosen you as one of her special female warriors. And those females typically do feel extremely uncomfortable around men of power because those men can try and put them down.". "But isn't a beta the second most powerful position? Why do I feel fine, or safe around Dax.", I ask her. "This is because the beta is the one the moon goddess wants to help guide a female warrior. You may be feeling these effects only slightly since you are not a wolf.", she tells and I nod in understanding. "Oh okay, I understand now. but why would I get chosen for something like this?", I ask. "No one is sure why the moon goddess does anything.", she says with a smile. 

"Uh... Lucy? I must say though, the alpha thinks that she is being abused by the other three pastas and that we need to save her from them.", Dax says with a sheepish smile. "Of course his mind would jump to some crazy solution like that, just like his father when he "saved" that girl a few years ago.", Lucy says while I just watch them with confusion. "I am not getting abused! It's the opposite really. Toby is an amazing boyfriend, and Tim and Brian are great friends of mine. We're a team!", I say. "I will try to talk some sense into Chase before he does something stupid. Let's get you back to the other pastas before they get worried.", he says as he stands up and offers me his hand. I stand up and follow him back to the pack house, we go back to the room Chase had said was ours and then Dax left. 

I open the door and walk in just to be bombarded with questions. Toby hugs me tightly and pulls me over to our beds. "What happened?", Masky asks. I explain everything to them and they all look just as confused at me.


Chapter 12 done! This one was rushed, sorry guys but my school has early release today and I haven't had much time to work on this today. Sorry for any mistakes ^^ And thnx so much for reading this, I have over 70 reads and I can't believe it!!

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