Chapter 4: Becoming a Creepypasta

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Toby's POV

I"m still sound asleep in a chair next to my cute little waffle's bed.


I wake up from one of the best night's sleep I've ever had. "Today's the day!", I think to myself with a smile. I finally open my eyes and sit up, then I realize someone is holding my hand. I look to my side about to scream but all that comes out is, "Awwwweeeee......", when I see a sleeping Toby sitting in a chair next to my bed. "Woah he's handsome...", I whisper to myself as I touch his cheek softly, I'd never seen him without his mouth guard and goggles. 

I slowly get up so I don't wake him, then I pull on (f/c) skinny jeans and a white tank top. I go into the bathroom and just pull my (h/c) hair into a ponytail. "Time to become a pasta!", I whisper-yell to myself as I sneak out of my room. I take one last look at Toby and giggle softly. Then I make my way to Slender's office.

I knock on the door softly and here him tell me to come in. I walk into his office to see Slenderman and Trenderman standing beside the huge desk. "Yay! You're here! Time for a makeover!", Trenderman pulled me over to a chair and had me sit down. He spun the chair so that I faced a wall pull of weapons, "Pick on child.", said Slender so I pointed to the first thing I thought I could handle well, a machete. "Nice choice, and you're creepypasta name will be (cp/n).", Slender told me as the chair was spun around to face a bunch of clothing. Trender pulled out some black skinny jeans, a black tank top, with a black leather jacket, and a belt with holsters to hold machetes. "This is gonna be so fun!", I said with a smile as I tried on the outfit. "Sneaky like a ninja!", says Trender as he hands me socks and some combat boots.

"Looks like your ready for your first hunt. Tell Toby, you two are to go into Riverdale City and take out all the houses on First St.", says Slender and then he teleports me into my room where Toby is still asleep. I go over to him and shake him awake. "Huh... oh! Sorry (y/n)!", he blushes witch is adorable and gets up. "I didn't mean to stay in your room, I came back in here to make sure your door was locked and I guess I never left.", I just hug him and giggle. "It's fine Toby, now let's go we've been given a mission!", I tell him and he gets excited. "YES! Let's go kill some people!", He runs off to his room to get dressed.

I go downstairs and make me and him some waffles for breakfast, he comes down and we both eat quickly. He takes my hand and pulls me out the door leading me to Riverdale City. Once we get into the woods we walk side by side, his hand brushing mine every now and then making me giggle and him blush. "How many people do you think will we need to kill?", I ask him as I glance to my side watching him. "There's normally about 3-5 people in a house, this street has rich people, they own more land so there's less houses. I'm guessing about 5 houses maximum.", he glances at me too and smiles. "You ready for your first hunt?", he asks me. "HECK YEAH!", I yell excitedly and he laughs. "That's my cute little waffle!", he laughs and pats me on the head. I just giggles and smile up at him.

After an hour more or so of walking, we are in the woods behind the first house. I follow Toby as he sneaks up to the back door, then studies the windows as he picks the lock. These people seem to already all be in bed. I hear the click of the lock and then we're in. Nobody is downstairs, so we head up the stairs. The mom is in the bathroom, the dad is in bed, and there's a son around 17 years old in his room watching movies. Toby motions for me to get the mom, "Oh this is gonna be fun!", I think to myself as I pull my mask down over my face and slowly open the door making sure it squeaks. "Huney, is that you? I'm almost done I promise.", I pull back the shower curtain revealing the woman who had obviously gotten a bad boob job, but she can't see me. "Sweetheart this is a little creepy...", she says in a more scared tone now. I take one machete and decide to just drop it over the curtain rob, "Let's see where you land..", I think to myself and I throw the weapon. I hear her scream, I take my other machete and just swing it lazily. Toby walks in to watch me, I let out a fake yawn as I take the woman's head off. Toby claps and I giggle while taking a bow. "Woah, good job (cp/n)!", Toby says as he inspects my work. I take my weapons and see he had taken care of the two males.

"Next house?", I ask him with an evil smile, he chuckles darkly and grabs my hand pulling me back into the woods. We quietly made our way to the next house. This one only had a dad and a son, from how the dad was passed out drunk, I'm guessing divorce or death. We take out those two easily. Toby was right about there being 5 houses, the last one had the most people. There was a mom, a dad, 2 maids, 3 daughters, and 1 son. There was also a cat, but to our suprise the cat helped us. When we broke in, we figured the cat would give us away. But instead it followed us. When I went to attack one of the daughters she almost noticed me, but the cat distracted her so that I wouldn't get caught. The cat helped us, and even took down one of the maids all on it's own. 

"Toby can I keep her PLEEEEEEEASE!!", I ask while making a pouty face and holding the cat. "Slender won't like it....", he said in a low voice. "PLEEEAAAASE TOBYYYY!!", I kept pouting at him. "Fine... but.", "YAY TOBY WE'RE GONNA RAISE A KITTY TOGETHER LIKE IT'S OUR BABY!", I squeal and hugs him tightly while the cat purrs. Toby smiles and holds the kitty. "What to name her though..?", he said while studying the cat. "Hmmm... how about Mini? Cause she's a mini purrderer!", I laugh at how bad my pun was but we both agreed to call her Mini. We start walking home, Mini in my arms purring contently. All three of us were covered in blood, we'd have to clean ourselves up before we go shopping for the cat.

Toby's POV

"Awe look at my cute little waffle holding Mini, they are too cute!", I think as we're walking home. I hope Slender doesn't mind that we brought home a cat, I know Jeff has Smile but Smile is a creepypasta. Wait a minuet, Hoodie and his girlfriend, they have a cat AND a ferret in their room. So Slendy shouldn't mind me and (y/n) having a cat as well. We make it back to the mansion finally. (Y/n) takes Mini to her room while I go clean myself up and then to Slender's office. "You may come in child", I enter his office, "So how was her first hunt?". I get excited as I talk about how my cute little waffle took out all those people, Slender seemed impressed. "And why is there yet another animal in my house.", I gulped, "Well the cat helped us, and even killed someone on it's own, and she REALLY wanted to keep it.". 

Slender didn't look all that surprised. "It's fine child, just don't let it stink up my mansion.", I thanked Slender and went back to (y/n)'s room to see her and the cat clean and laying on her bed. (Y/n)'s back was to me so I laid down behind her and wrapped my arms around her to pet Mini. I scared her and she made the cutest face, "TOBY!! You scared me!", she yelled as she hit my arm. But I can't feet pain so I just laugh and hug her tighter. She gets over the shock and calms down. She pets Mini and then I hear and feel her breathing change, "OH MY ZALGO SHE FELL ASLEEP IN MY ARMS!!". I think to myself and start internally freaking out. I need to go to my own room but I don't want to, and it might wake her up. I reluctantly start getting up to to have her grab my arm. "Stay... please...", she says in the cutest sleepy voice ever. I happily lay back down and cuddle my little waffle. We both fall asleep quickly and I smile as I feel her hugging me.


Guys it took me forever to do this, like all my teachers wanted my laptop closed and people kept interrupting, it was so ugh! But I got it done. Sorry for any mistakes. Please let me know what you think ^^

~Nichole (my cp name still is to be decided sadly)

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