Chapter 19: Celebrate

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THIS BOOK HAS OVER 7 THOUSAND READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy shit people, this is so amazing and I love all of you that have read, stared, or commented. Sorry to any comment that don't have replies, I try I really do. Now on to the party!!



Everyone is running around, screaming, jumping, dancing, going nuts, and of course me and EJ are stuck in Nurse Ann's office so we can't join. Y/N is off celebrating with Screw and Hoodie. But me and EJ will get to be at the party the slender brothers are throwing. I hope nothing else goes wrong, first the wolves now this, Y/N deserves a break. I look over to EJ, he's finally looking better but Nurse Ann is keeping him in a medically induced coma till he heals. Lucky for me, my proxy-ness heals me faster than most pastas. But i'm not allowed to leave till later.


I watch as all the pastas in the mansion are either running back from the clearing in the woods or are already running around celebrating in the front yard. Trenderman and Splendorman are both inside party planning, Offenderman is in his room to keep everyone safe, and I'm here watching over everyone. I say everyone when really my eyes are following one person, I don;t feel safe with her just running around like this. I just got her back, I don't want to lose her again. 

"Come here.", I send in a soft voice to her mind. She turns to me and walks my way, she leans against my side and hugs me. "How are you feeling Rosie?", I ask her as she rests against me. "Really good, I'm so happy there's no more threat!", she says joyfully. I chuckle, "Good, that's a relief for everyone.". She smiles up at me and then runs off to keep playing with the others. There's no stopping her when she wants to do something.

I feel a small tug on my hand and look down to see Sally. "Daddy can I play with the others?", she asks as she gives me puppy dog eyes. I chuckle again, "Yes Sally, go play.". "YAY!", she runs off and runs up to Nina. Tonight is going to be a good night, everyone is safe and happy now. I just can't shake the feeling that something is about to happen. 


Everyone is everywhere, we're all staying outside so that the Slender brothers can plan the party. But I really want to go to Toby and EJ. Screw see's me looking towards the house, grabs my hand and pulls me towards Slender. With Hoodie in tow too of course. He looks over at me and I just shrug. "Slender can Y/N go to Toby so she'll stop being all pouty and celebrate?", Screw asks Slender. He chuckles at first, then opens the door behind him, "Go ahead.". I walk throw the door and to Nurse Ann's office. 

I knock on the door softly and Nurse Ann opens it, she waves me in without asking questions. She points to the far right of the room where a black curtain is hiding the last hospital bed. I slowly walk that way, I don't know why I'm so nervous to see him all the sudden. What if he's really bad hurt and is mad at me for not finding him sooner? I shake my head as I softly knock on the wall by the curtain, I pull back the curtain enough to get through then let it fall back into place. "Y/N!", Toby's face lights up and he holds his hand out to me. I walk closer to the hospital bed, take his hand then get pulled into the bed. I laugh and hug him. "I'm so happy you're okay.", I tell him as I get comfy and cuddle against his side. "I'm fine,I'm just glad she never got to you.", he says with a sigh. 

"Hey cheer up! Everything's okay now!", I tell him as I kiss his cheek. "Hey I almost died, I deserve more than that little peck!", he chuckles as he puts his hand on my cheek and kisses my lips softly. I can't help but melt, why was I so nervous to be with my other half again? We kiss for a few more seconds then he pulls back, "Much better.". He grins at me and I can't help but giggle. "So you ready for the party?", I ask him as I lay my head on his shoulder. "Anything to get out of this bed, I want to go run around with everyone else but Ann says I can't till the concussion heals.". I get up and poke my head out of the curtain, I motion to Nurse Ann to come here. She walks over, "Does he need something?".

"Can I take him back up to our room, get him cleaned and dressed for the party. Let him rest in a more comfortable bed?", I ask her. She smiles, nods her head yes, and starts to walk back to EJ's bed. I get Toby up and hold onto his arm as we walk towards the door. "No funny business! You need to heal Toby!", she yells from across the room. "No promises!", he yells back and grins down at me. I laugh and we walk out into the living room, the place is all decorated and I can smell food being made. We go up to his room, since my room isn't connected yet, and I help him undress and get into the shower. I undress and join him, I know he won't be able to wash himself.

"Now little waffle, Ann said no funny business.", he grins at me. I laugh. "Shut up Toby I'm just helping you shower.". He laughs with me, it's strange that I haven't known him long but here we both are naked in the shower but it's not awkward at all. We both get clean and I help him out. I get him some black pants and a (f/c) shirt which will match my outfit for the party. I grab his boxers then hand him his clothes. With some help from me, he gets dressed then sits on the bed to towel dry his hair carefully,. The bump on the back of his head is still there and is still sore. I hand him some pain pills then go into the closet to get my clothes. I walk back out and get dressed in front of the mirror, then start drying my own hair. I comb through his carefully and then make him lay down till time for the party. I brush my own hair and pull the bangs back into a braid so that they won't be in my face. Then I lay down next to him and cuddle against his side.

"You're beautiful....", he says with a sigh of happiness. I blush slightly, "I know.". I laugh, "Just kidding, thank you handsome.". He smiles then Slender tells me in my mind that it's time for everyone to be in the living room. I get Toby up and we walk back downstairs. "Toby! You're okay!", Sally says as she hugs his leg. Then Masky and Hoodie come up to us with Nina and Screw by their sides. Everyone is happy to see that no one died. I see Nurse Ann helping EJ out into the living room. I run up to her and hold up his other side. "Hey Y/N.", says EJ as he smiles down at me. "Hey big guy, how ya feeling.", I ask with a smile. "Terrible.", he says with a smile of his own. 

I help Nurse Ann get him to his room, "Feel better soon buddy.", I tll him as I walk out of the room. Nurse Ann stays with him. I go back downstairs and go to Toby, he hands me a milkshake and I smile at him. "I love you Toby!", I say and hug him. Most people are dancing, music is blaring, food is being laid out on any surface they can put food. Then all the sudden it all stops and I hear a hard thump as someone hits the floor. Then realize that it was me who fell. Something warm is seeping onto my stomach ruing my (f/c) dress. Then everything goes black.


"Y/N!?", I quickly reach down to get her but she screams. "WHAT HAPPENED!?", I hear Slender yell in our minds. "I happened!", we hear from above us. Everyone looks up and there is the head and one arm of Clockwork on one of the beams from the ceiling. "You!", screams Screw. "How the fuck are you alive!?", I hear Masky yell. Slender looks at me then talks to me in my mind, "Take her to the hiding room in my bedroom. Nurse Ann will help her there. You stay with her, she needs you right now.". I nod my head then look around the room for Nurse Ann.

"Right here, come on we need to move fast.", she says from next to me making me jump. Everyone else distracts Clockwork as me and Ann pick up Y/N, Slender teleports us to his room. Rosie is there waiting with the secret door open. We quickly go down into the room and Rosie closes the entrance behind us. We lay Y/N on one of the beds and Ann starts pulling away her clothes carefully to find the wound. I watch all the blood pouring out and can't take it anymore. I walk over into the kitchen area and sit down facing away from what's happening. Then decide to get myself a beer out of the fridge. 



Here's chapter 19, enjoy my little Bolts! 


Other stories in the works atm:

- Screw's (my OC) origin story

- Creepypasta 7 minutes in heaven

- A puppeteer fanfic

- A LostSilver fanfic (maybe)


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