Chapter 27: Payback

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It's noon by the time me and Toby get out of bed, he goes to shower while I head off to Slender's office to give him the good news. After I exit my room I make my way down the hallway climbing the last set of stairs to the top floor. This is where all the slender brothers live, I figured I'd check his room before going all the way down to the first floor to his office.

I walk to the end of the hall and knock on the big heavy doors, Rosie opens one of them. "Hey y/n, whatcha need?", she asks in a cheery voice. I smile at her, "Do you happen to know where Slender is?". She smiles back, "He's in his office sweetheart.". "Thank you!", I say as I wave goodbye and walk away. 

I quickly go down all the stairs till I reach the first floor, I walk down the hallway to Slender's office. I knock on the door, the static sounds and deep voiced yes in my head tells me I can enter. I open the door and step inside. "What is it child?", he asks me as he puts down the paper he had been looking at.

"Toby remembers everything!", I shout excitedly while almost jumping up and down. "That's good, then maybe he can help us figure out what to do with Clockwork.", at the mention of her name my excitement leaves me. "She's still not talking?", I ask and he looks down at his paper. "No she hasn't said a thing my child, but maybe you and Toby could get another reaction out of her.".

I nod my head knowing that we could, especially now that he remembers. "When and how are you going to look for the pastas that she said are helping her?", I swallow hard, it's hard to think that someone living here would work with her. "I'm not sure yet, I'm thinking of just letting Offender handle that part.", I inwardly shudder knowing how Offender would interrogate the others. "Are you sure that's a good idea?", I ask him. 

"Do we have any other option? There's no other way to make sure we get the truth that doesn't involve hurting them, and some of them are immune to pain.", he shakes his head, this is going to be really difficult on everyone. "What time do you want me and Toby to meet you downstairs?", I ask him to change the subject. 

"Can you be ready in 10 minutes?", he asks while looking at the clock on the wall. I nod and then take my leave, I walk back up to the third floor then go to my room. I see Toby sitting on the bed waiting for me, when I walk in he smiles. I smile back but my smile falls when I tell him what we have to do. We both get dressed in our mission outfits in silence, Once we're both ready he opens the door.

We walk down to the first floor together, standing at the door to the basement I start to have second thoughts. What if something bad happens down here? What if she has some plan that she's just waiting to use? What if someone dies today? Can creepypastas even die? I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts.

Toby opens the door and leads the way down the dark metal steps, we go down into the darkness slowly. When we finally reach bottom we are in the dimly lit hallway with the low security cells. We walk farther back till we reach the maximum security cells, I take a deep breath has we walk up to the group of guards in front of Clocky's cell.


I hear footsteps coming closer, I smile to myself, today is the day. They are finally coming back down here and my plan can take action. I stand by the door, crouching slightly. Phase one of the plan had been to get these guards on my side, check. Phase two was to get them to untie me and let me roam freely in my cell, check. Phase three is happening now, someone is coming down here and they will be my hostage till I get my Toby back!

I continue to listen to the footsteps, they stop near my cells. Then I hear a familiar voice, "Is Slender here yet?". Yes, the perfect hostage, that stupid whore y/n! I almost growl at the sound of her voice but I can't give myself away. I make sure it's pitch black, dark as night, in my cell. "No but you can wait for him inside.", my helper says.

The door opens, I watch from my hiding spot as y/n and Toby walk in. Toby! Now's my chance, kill y/n, take Toby, and escape! But I can't do that, no I must stick to the plan. I will escape with y/n, take her with me to the only people who can kill us pastas. They'll come to save her, and Toby of course will come with them. They'll be forced to trade her for Toby just so that no one has to die.

The door closes, shutting them in the dark. They either don't know I'm here or think I'm all tied up. This is working out perfectly so far, I hear more footsteps coming this way. Please be one of my allies and not Slender already. The door opens revealing my number one partner, oh yes! This is perfect!

More footsteps, I can't get lucky three times in a row, it has to be Slender this time. But when the door swings open, yet another of my helpers. Boy today is my lucky day! I watch them walk up to Toby and y/n, watch them pretend to be on their side, watch them pretend they aren't fixing to help me in my ultimate plan.

I give the signal and it all goes into action...


All the sudden the two guards who had walked in pulled out metal rods of some sort, then I was hit in the head. I heard Toby get hit too, as I fell everything started to go black. I looked up just in time to see BEN and Liu's faces, then everything goes black.

"PAYBACK'S A BITCH!", I hear Clocky's voice shout and pass out to the sound of her evil laugh.


Not fucking again, this bitch done got us twice now, three counting the coma dreams! AND BEN and Liu are helping her!

There's another chapter, hope you little Bolts enjoy! Leave suggestions below!

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