Chapter 24: Remember Me?

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I wake up and sit up in my bed, I crawl out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. Walking slowly and wobbling slightly, I get in the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. My first night of actual sleep, no nightmare and no coma. I still look like a mess though. "Y/N?", I hear a groggy voice call from my bedroom. I slowly walk back out of the bathroom to see EJ, his tall self somehow curled into the chair next to my bed. "You stayed in here all night?", I slowly walk back over to the bed then sit down.

"You're walking is a lot better!", he smiles and moves to sit next to me on the bed. He chuckles, "And yeah I stayed in here, I'm supposed to be watching over you till your better. Once you can walk normally again we can go on a hunt together to see if you're ready to start missions again.". His laugh is contagious and I smile back at him, "I get to kill people again!". He laughs again, "Soon, not now.". 

There's a knock on the door, EJ gets up to check it. He puts his mask on then opens the door, "Hello.". "Hi! Here's breakfast for the two of you!", says Jane as she hands EJ the tray. "I hope you get better soon!", she tells me then she walks back down the hall. EJ pushes the door closed with his foot and sets the tray on the coffee table that's in between my couch and TV. He helps me up and lets me use him for balance as I walk over to the couch on the other side of the room.

I sit down onto the couch and he sits next to me, we each grab our plates. We both have eggs, bacon, and french toast. But his also had a kidney and mine also had a milkshake. We both ate while joking around and playing, but soon there was another knock at the door. EJ answered it again, it pulled the door open to reveal Slenderman.

"Hello children, sorry to interrupt while you're eating but once you're both done I have something I need you to do.", Slender says as he walks into the room standing in front of me. "I need you two to go down into the dungeon and help with questioning Clockwork. We think having you there might finally get a reaction out of her, she hasn't talked since she's been down there.", he says looking to EJ then back at me. "You are to help her get there and make sure she doesn't get hurt.", he says looking at just EJ now. He walks out and EJ closes the door behind him.

"I'm not sure if I can do this...", I say so quietly I can barely hear myself but EJ somehow heard it. "You'll be just fine, I'll make sure of it.", he says while rubbing my back. We finish eating and he helps me get dressed, he puts his mask on and then takes my hand. He leads me slowly to the stairs to the dungeon. I get down maybe three steps before he just picks me up and carries me down.

I just laugh, this is normal for us really. He carries me down to the bottom of the stairs then puts me down, I take a moment to make sure I'm balanced then start walking forward. EJ leads me to where Clockwork is being questioned, she's chained to a chair and there's a guard on each side of her. Slenderman and Jeff the Killer were sitting in chairs in front of her and asking questions, you could see how frustrated Jeff was getting.

When we opened the doors he immediately walked out, "Thank god I can leave.", he muttered. EJ and I slowly walked in, Clocky hadn't noticed who it was walking in yet cause she had her eyes closed. "AH, Y/N you're here, please child come sit.", Slender says while motioning to the chair next to him. I walked over to the chair with EJ's help and sat down, EJ stood behind me and kept his hands on my shoulders.

Clocky's eyes had flown open when she heard my name, she was now staring at me with pure hatred but still didn't say anything. "So Clockwork, anything you want to say to Y/N?", Slender asks her as she sits there giving me the death stare. She opens her mouth, almost talks, but she quickly closes her mouth again. She has this smug grin on her face as if to say "You thought you would make me talk.". 

Slender nods to one of the guards and the guard walks to a door on the other side of the room. The guard opens the door and two more guards walk in pulling someone with them. I instantly realize that it's Toby, the two guards pull him up to a table that was on the wall to my right side. They sit him on it and chain him to sit with as many chains as possible. Once Clocky sees who it is she starts struggling against her restraints and yells out to him, "TOBY!!". She talked!! We got her to talk!!!

Now we just need answers from her, I decide to try something. I stand up slowly taking EJ by surprise, I walk slowly towards Clocky and her stupid evil smile. Once I'm close enough I start towards Toby, this is what got her to start talking. "Don't you go anywhere near my Toby you filthy bitch!", she yells out in outrage. I take a few more steps towards him, "I will end you, you won't make it out with just a coma next time I get my hands on you!". Slender has Doctor Smiley writing down everything she says now that she's finally talking.

I walk over to Toby and put my hand on his face, she screams bloody murder, you'd think she was being burned. He just stares at my confused while she  yells cusses and threats at me. I move to his side so that she can see each of my movements, I take my hand from his cheek and use it to mess with his hair. She was going insane, getting angrier and angrier as I kept touching Toby. She started revealing big secrets and pieces of her plan.

"I will kill you Y/N and other pastas in this mansion are willing to help me!", she screams as I step away from Toby and towards her. "Remember me when you die.", I say as I kiss her cheek and walk back out into the hallway. Now that the adrenaline was gone I stumbled, EJ rushes out and closes the door behind him. He picks me up and carries me back upstairs.


There you guys go! You're healing finally!

Hope you little Bolts enjoy! Sorry for not updating and be sure to check out my creepypasta 7 minutes in heaven story called The Never Ending Party!

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