Chapter 28: The Dark Dominion

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I smile as I watch my two new captives being tied up, I look to BEN, "Do you have the escape route ready?". He nods his head, blood hair moving with his head as he lifts up y/n. I walk over to them and pet her hair, "Poor little y/n, thought she finally had everything right. Thought she'd get the happy ending. Well too bad, bitch!". I slap her cheek, harder than necessary but it was fun.

I motion for the boys to carry our captives to the escape route, I follow behind with the guards who helped me make the route. They watch our backs for us as we escape, making sure no one else sees or hears us.

Once we're in the tunnel and it's entrance is blocked again, the guards go back to the cell to wait on Slender. I follow BEN and Liu down the tunnel that had been hastily made. We exit near where the escape route from Slender hidden safe room comes out. The three of us running as fast as we can to get away from here and back to the boss.

Once we get far enough away, we stop. During the digging process, I ran out here and dropped supplies. Both the boys tied the captive to a tree then went to get the bags with their black clothes, we have to stay hidden now. They go and change, I watch over the captives while they're gone.

When they come back, I take the bag with my clothes and go change. They take watch, I change quickly and then put the real handcuffs on the captives. If they wake up then they won't be able to escape these restraints. 

We grab our bags, BEN grabs y/n and Liu grabs Toby. "Shoulda let me give you that tour of my bedroom.", BEN smirks as he messes with y/n's hair. "Shutup BEN! You have to be quiet!", I snap at him making him go silent.

We walk for a few hours, man I forgot how far away the portal really was. Eventually we walk up to this small cabin, we get the hidden key and open the door. Inside the cabin looks normal but it's actually the landmark of one of Zalgo's portals. 

Yep Zalgo, the way to know is that there is all normal furniture but there's a painting that's just red and some of the red is dripping onto the frame, the wall, the floor. I open the portal then motion for the guys to go through it, I make sure we leave no evidence, lock the door, then go through the portal myself.

As soon as we enter Zalgo's dimension, we all strip down to tank tops and shorts, it's very hot here. Once we're done, we take the captives up to the big castle that you can see from anywhere in this dimension. We walk past people screaming in pain, some people laughing like they're crazy, and people who are just silent. 

There's lots of blood, everywhere. And it's hot because of the lava pools of blood. We finally make it to the castle entrance. I give the password to the guard at the door and he opens the way. We make our way to Zalgo's office.

It's at the very top, a big penthouse office in a castle, he's very over the top. I knock on the door, his personal assistant opens the door to let us in. We walk in, securing the captives into the chairs. 

"Boss we have them.", I say in a professional voice. "Them?", comes the scratchy voice of Zalgo. "Yeah we have y/n but also had to bring Toby. If trained well then maybe he could help us.", I keep my voice professional despite being scared he might kill me for taking them both.

"You may keep your little boyfriend Clockwork but if he causes me any trouble I will banish him from here. I won't kill him for your sake and because it'd be a waste of my time.", I breath a silent sigh of relief.

"The girl?", he asks as he turns around to face us finally. "Right here, sir.", BEN motions to y/n. Zalgo walks over to her, standing in front of her. He forces them both to wake up and he looks into y/n's eyes. He's quiet for a moment, "Yes, this is her. Good job.". He goes to his desk and sits on top of it.

"Take y/n to the dungeon, we can be expecting Slender any moment now. Clockwork take your dumb little boyfriend to your apartment. You are all dismissed.", Zalgo waves his arm which throws us all out of the office dramatically. I grab Toby and pull him with me, BEN grabs y/n. We make our way all the way down to the bottom floor. 

The actual entrance to the castle is on floor 6, floors 1-4 are bedroom apartments for the guards and other workers. The 5th floor is where all the tools, weapons, clothes, and such are for the workers to use. My apartment is on the 1st floor, BEN and Liu have the empty apartment next to mine since they are temporary. 

We secure Toby in a chair in my room, then we take y/n down further into the basement floors. There's 5 basement levels, low security, medium, high, maximum, then the torture chamber. We take y/n down to B4 and put her in a maximum security cell.

Once she is secure in place, her struggling stops. "Poor, poor y/n. Separated from Toby once again, how will you ever get him back? You won't!", I laugh and walk out the cell, Liu follows me out but BEN stays. 


I watch to make sure the other two are completely outside the cell to start what I stayed her to do. I use my keys to undo the harder of y/n's restraints, leaving only ones she'd be able to take on and off if she had the key. "Don't let any guards catch you out of restraints.", I drop the key into her hand. 

She looks up at me shocked, "W-why are you d-doing this? A-aren't you with th-them?".  I hush her, "Stay quiet, I'm going to help you. I am only pretending to help them. Slender is on his way and he knows how to get here.". I walk out and lock the cell door, sliding the key to that through the bars so that she has that too.

I walk away and back up to the 1st floor, when I enter mine and Liu's apartment I see that he's already passed out. I decide to raid the kitchen and play some video games. Just have to wait on Slender now.


Another chapter! Finally! Clocky's working for Zalgo and BEN is going to help you instead of her!!! Holy shit!

Guys, I'm not sure how stable my update schedule will be because my mom got a new job and we are moving yet again. maybe back to the old house till we find a new one or maybe into a completely new one right away. But I promise I will try to keep updating!

Hope you little Bolts enjoy! 

And please check out my @biconic_fox and if you mention me in a of your own then I'll duet it. 

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