Chapter 29: Ordinary People

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I wake up, slowly, I had fallen asleep somehow. How could I let my guard down in a place like this?! How is it even possible to sleep while tied to a metal chair? I free myself from the remaining restraints left by BEN. I stand up and walk over to the door, grab the key BEN had left behind. Clocky brought me here... BEN and Liu helped her... but BEN helped me mainly in the end. TOBY! Toby was brought here too! But where is he now? It clicks immediately... he's in HER room. Ugh! Does she ever give up?

I look around the room some more, find something small and deadly enough to protect myself with. I take my chosen weapon then unlock the door keeping me here. Pocketing the key, I close and lock the door once more. As I slowly make my way through the darkened hallway, I notice the whole floor is just cells. Some empty, some with people, others with not longer living people... I pick up the pace, reaching the stairs as fast as I can. I climb all the way to the first floor, It takes a while to get up all 3 of the remaining basement floors. Once I make it to the floor of just bedrooms, I almost immediately get caught. Luckily I avoid the guards and hide out in the halls. 

I finally spot BEN and follow him to his room, after he walks in I knock on the door as he's closing it. "Y/N?! Hurry up and get in!!", he whisper yells as he grabs my arm yanking me into the room. "Were you seen?", he asks in a panicked tone while handing me clothes that will blend more. "No I stayed hidden. What's going on BEN? Why am I hear? Why are you and Liu here?". Many questions fill my head and he refuses to answer any of them. "Stay quiet, I'll get you and Toby out of here once Slender comes I promise.". He may not have answered any questions but he said enough to get me to shut up.

*some hours of death by worry later* "He's almost here! I have to go make sure everything is ready, DON'T GO ANYWHERE!", BEN leaves the room and rushes off somewhere. I drop down to the floor, leaning against the wall to continue my constant worrying as anxiety continues to take over. I can't just sit here and not help, but I don't know the plan... UGH! Why did they do this without me?! I should have been included...

I jump up to my feet as I hear a scream, "RUN!", a woman yells while rushing down the hallway. I see a tall, mysterious person stomping down the hall way holding a small black bag. The person is in head to toe black and there's no one to tell who they are. They walk to the very middle of the hall and connect something to the wall, they press some buttons and make sure it's secure. They walk away just as menacing as before, I walk over and inspect the object. "IT'S A BOMB!", the woman from earlier yells. I just shake my head, doesn't she realize that it can't hurt her? She's here meaning she's either already dead or a pasta so... no harm can be done even with a bomb.

I decide to follow the person who placed the bomb, most logical reason for this is that it's part of Slender's plan. This person won't hurt me when I'm the target being saved here. I still follow a good bit behind though, just in case. They go up to the ground floor, down a creepy side hall probably meant for maintenance, and then through a hole in the wall hidden behind a poster of Zalgo. I wait a few minutes then go through the hole myself, BEN appears from no where and tackles me to the ground.

"Oh it's just Y/N! False alarm!", BEN shouts behind him while keeping me pined to the floor. He grins down at me, "This is a nice position to see you in, but this will have to wait till later.". He winks at me and then stands up, he offers me his hand to help me up and I just jump up on my own. I cross the room quickly to get to Slender, "What is going on!?". The tall man just looks down at me, then he pats my head with one of his tentacles. He turns and walks away without saying a word, I follow silently hoping to get some answers soon.

He leads me over to a spot where no one could listen in, then he turns to me. "Child we're going to save you, Toby, and BEN then blow up Zalgo's castle so that he is weakened enough to not be able to hurt anyone else. We're also going to blow up all his portals so that he is stuck here. We need you to go get Toby, I know you are strong enough for thing. Good luck.". Slender disappears, I don't have much time. 

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