Chapter 21: PTSD

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"I HATE YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE! i DON'T KNOW YOU, CRAZY BITCH!", the words hit me like bullets as I kept running after him. "SOMEONE HELP ME SHE'S INSANE! STOP FOLLOWING ME I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!", his words got more painful as my legs started to give out and I hit the ground. "Toby doesn't remember me....", I whisper into the darkness forming around me. I painstakingly get up and slowly walk to a nearby tree, limping slightly till I get to it. I lean against it and slide to the ground. I hug my knees to my chest and silently start to cry as I'm enveloped in complete darkness...

"...dn't be here, she's a risk to us all. Having a normal human here could expose us to the world. We'll be captured, scientists will poke and probe at us for the rest of our lives!", I hear a familiar voice ranting as I open my eyes for the second time. "She's awake! Everyone out so I can work!", Nurse Ann yells causing me to flinch, she sounds like she using a microphone directly into my ear. "Everyone shuffles out of the room. Some protesting and some having no problem with it. Ann looks over at the door to see the one person lingering. "Can you stay and help me EJ?", she asks him. He nods and walks over to stand on the opposite side of my bed from her.

"How are you feeling? Can you talk or move?", Ann asks me while checking my vitals. I try to talk but my mouth and throat are too dry, I bring my hand up to my throat trying to signal that I need water. "You can move!", yells Ann again hurting my ears. "She needs something to drink so that she can clear her throat.", EJ says while getting up to get a cup of water. "Oh yes right, sorry I got excited. It's so nice to have you back. We were all worried we'd never get you back.", said Ann while she finished up checking blood pressure and all those things. EJ hands me a cool glass of water, I quickly gulp it all down. Ahhhh...., internal sigh of relief.

"My head is pounding...", is the first thing to come out of my mouth when I can talk again. "EJ go get her some ibuprofen and more water please.", she says while checking off the talking box on her list. "So any other pains, soreness, anything?",she was talking softer now and quieter thankfully. "Nope just the headache.", Is what I said to her but what I was thinking was different. "And I think my heart is dead", never came out of my mouth. That dream had been painfully realistic, I couldn't wait to get back to Toby. "Um... Ann... where's Toby?", I asked her. 

"Oh sweetheart...", she started but EJ continued, "He developed a sort of drinking habit and has temporally forgotten you to help himself cope with what happened.". He.... forgot me..... "Oh honey perk up, it's only for a little bit. I'll be keeping him in here once you get out. I have to keep him away from alcohol.", Ann tells me. I can tell she's trying to help but her words fall on death ears. He forgot me...... EJ comes up beside me and hands me the pain medicine, "It'll be okay, you both need time to heal.". His words, his presence is comforting, it reminded me of why we became friends in the first place. I took the meds and quickly downed another glass of water.

"Now you are going to need more rest but you are allowed out of here. EJ is gonna stay with you to help you out. After being in a coma some people have trouble walking and getting around.", she looks to him in a way that says he better not let me get hurt on his watch. He nods at her and helps me up out of the bed and over to the bathroom. Ann hands me some clothes and sends me inside. I struggle a little but manage to get dressed fairly quickly. I look at myself in the mirror. I'd lost so much weight, and my hair was crazy, and I had dark circles around my eyes. "I look terrible.", I whispered to myself.

I step out of the bathroom wobbling slightly, EJ wraps his arm around my waist to steady me. "Remember, rest!", Ann says as he opens the door and leads me out into the hallway. We make it to the living room without incident but as soon as people see me they start running to me and I start screaming. I squeeze my eyes shut and continue screaming as Ann comes running. "WHAT'S WRONG! WHAT HAPPENED!", she yells into the room. Everyone had frozen, I stopped screaming but was now crying uncontrollably, the only thing keeping me from crashing to the floor was EJ. 

"PTSD, I'm sure of it.", EJ says as he picks me up into is arms. I cling to him like my life depends on it while crying into his chest. "Hurry and get her to her room and calmed down.", Ann tells him. He takes off running up the stairs and to my room. He opens the door then closes it behind him. He sets me on the bed then goes back to the door, pulling out a key and locking it. "Are you okay?", he asks with the worry clear in his voice and his eyes, he's so close I can see through the blackness of the eyes in his mask. 

"W-why would people running at me... trigger PTSD.... if the way I got injured was being shot at the party?", he looked very confused.


"W-why would people running at me... trigger PTSD.... if the way I got injured was being shot at the party?", I stared at her for a second. "What party? Y/N Clocky attacked you in her shack and made Screw drop her weapons on you, you've been in a coma for three weeks.". I watch her as she tries to process the information. "Don't worry yourself about it, I'll explain everything later. You need to rest.", I take her hand and hold it in an attempt to comfort her. "I want to shower first, I feel gross.", she says while slowly standing up. "Are you sure? You can barely walk.", I say as she uses the wall for support to get to her closet. She opens the door and almost falls, I rush to her side and steady her. "You can help me then so that I don't get hurt.", she says likes it's no big deal. A few seconds later she realizes that she just invited him to shower with her, he could see it on her face once she started blushing.

"Just get some clothes, I'll help you. And I can explain some while you're cleaning up.", I watch as she pulls out some shorts, a big t-shirt, and underwear, I look away while she's going through those. I help her to the bathroom, she sets the clothes on the counter. I have her sit on the toilet while I start running the water. She's taking a bath instead of a shower just so It's safe for the both of us. I step out into her room and pull out my phone, I call Jane and ask her to make Y/N a milkshake and bring it up here. "Sure thing big guy!", she says cheerily and hangs up. He turns back to the door to the bathroom, this might be difficult to explain once Toby decides to remember his girlfriend...


Another chapter! Two updates one after the other! I know it's so not me, well I'm trying to get back into my normal update schedule, one update everyday except saturday and sunday. 

Tell me what you guys think and give me some ideas for future chapters, I love hearing how you guys think this should continue. 

I hope you all enjoy and don't get mad because EJ is totally getting in on Toby's territory!

Have a nice day my little Bolts!

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