Chapter 22: All A Dream

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I walk back into the bathroom and hand Y/N the milkshake, she smiles and very excitedly takes it from me. I chuckle as I watch her, I knew that would cheer her up. "So I'm gonna wait outside the door, think you can get undressed and in the tub without my help?", I ask her while watching her drink. "Um yeah I think I can.", I nod and step out of the bathroom closing the door behind me. I hear her moving around and then hear the water move as she gets in, I didn't hear any type of falling thankfully. "Okay you can come in!", she yells.

I open the door and walk in, I sit on the toilet where she had been. "So tell me what happened.", she says. I let her sit and relax in the water for a bit, "Well you all came looking for me and Toby, you all came running into that little shack and helping us while attacking Clockwork.", I start with."I remember that part.", she says while looking at the water thoughtfully. "Yeah, but you were told to stay outside. When you came in Screw had been attacking Clockwork, who pushed Screw down onto you then jumped down and was attacking you and Screw.". She looks at me, "But I remember going in and getting Toby then we ran back to the mansion to get more help.".I just shake my head at her sadly, I wish that was how it had went.

"Well you blacked out, which at the time I was too, but I woke up a few hours later and you woke up 3 weeks later.", she looks so confused and sad as I tell her this. "But remember setting the shack on fire and setting off fireworks, and the party where I got shot by Clockwork.", she whispers. "The shack is slowly being taken apart so the wood can be used to build a secret safe house, much like the one in Slender's room but bigger and hidden outside.", I tell her quietly.

I start to carefully massage shampoo into her hair, "After we all got back, me, you, and Toby were all put into Ann's office while Clockwork was put in the dungeon. Once I woke up from my coma and my stitches healed enough I was allowed out. Toby didn't stay long since his only injury was the result of a couple hits to the head. But he went too far with the drinking and Ann is gonna put him back in their now that you're out.". She looks even more sad, "And he doesn't remember me....". "He does, he's just blocking those memories out since he thought you were dead.", I quickly tell her hoping she won't cry.

"I know, I know.", she says with a sigh. "He went crazy the first week you were out, almost got himself killed a few times. He calmed down some and drank more these past two weeks. I've had to watch him 24/7 to make sure he didn't get hurt. He can't feel it so someone else has to watch out for him.", I sigh too knowing that he was gonna end up breaking Y/N's heart if he doesn't sober up soon. "I can't believe that I was in a coma and dreaming for three weeks...", she says quietly. I finish washing her and leave the bathroom so that she can dry off and get dressed.

I close the door behind me and wait for her okay. I really hope Toby didn't do anything stupid and that he gets his act together real quick. His girlfriend needs him right now. "Okay EJ you can come in.", she yells and I open the door. I wrap my arm around her and help her get back to her bed. She sits down and slowly brushes through her hair. She's so beautiful even when she's unhealthily skinny with dark circles around her eyes. "What are they going to do with Clockwork?", she asks me. I had been in my own thoughts and she spoke so quietly I almost didn't hear her. "They aren't sure yet.", I tell her in as soothing of a voice as I can.


I have Jeff bring Toby to my office and make he sit in one of the beds. I come out from behind the desk and check his blood alcohol ratio. It's not good, at all. "Toby you need to stop drinking and start remembering.", I tell him as I check the normal vitals. "Why do I have to do that?", he asks in a slightly angry voice. "Because now that your girlfriend is awake she'll really need you to be able to help her and take care of her till she fully heals.", I tell him matter of factly. "I don't have a girlfriend, why does everyone keep saying I do.", he gets angrier. "Keep talking like that and you sure won't have one.", he huffs at me when I say it.

"Why do you people think I would date that human? Why are we even taking care of her!?", he starts yelling. "She's a pasta, you're the one who brought her here.", I tell him and he just shakes his head. "No way! I wouldn't do that!", he yells louder. "Toby you're drunk and aren't acting like yourself at all. I'm keeping you here till you sober up. EJ has Y/N for now.", I tell him and walk away. I go to my desk and enter his information into my laptop. I shoot a quick email to Dr. Smiley to see if he'll watch Toby through the night so I can finally get some rest. "Ej can have her.", Toby mumbles under his breath, he's gonna regret saying that.

I shake my head as I walk out the door, meeting Dr. Smiley in the hall. "Just make sure he doesn't leave or drink anymore alcohol. Keep water in his system.", he nods at me and walks in. I go to my room and lay down on my own bed for the first time in weeks, I've been stuck in my office with Y/N.


There's another chapter up! Even though this isn't a scheduled update but whatever. Enjoy little bolts! 

Also I posted the 7 minutes story's first chapter yesterday, check it out it's called The Never Ending Party

also also me and some of my cousins started a cult yesterday, check us out on Instagram 

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