Chapter 26: Memories

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I wake up to EJ's sleeping face right in front of me, blocking my field of view completely. What in the.... why is he in my bed with me? Whatever, it's warm so who cares. I realized just how cold it was in the room, way colder than usual. I get up and pull on sweatpants over my shorts and a sweatshirt over my tank top. EJ sits up and yawns, "Why is it so cold in here?". I shrug and throw him his blue hoodie along with another blanket. 

I walk to the door connecting my room to Toby's, I want to go in there but I don't want to push things with him while he's still trying to remember everything. "Hey let's go get breakfast!", EJ says while pulling on his mask. He grabs my arm and pulls me out the door. We walk downstairs and into the kitchen.

Jane greets us from behind the counter where she's cooking away a storm, "Good morning you two! It's good to see you walking on your own y/n!". "I know right! Thank you!", I say as she hands me a milkshake and a plate of eggs. She also hands me a plate of waffles, "Can you take those to Toby for me?". 

"Sure thing Jane.", says EJ as he grabs his plate and leads the way back upstairs. We go into my room, we put our plates down and I walk over to the door leading to Toby's room. I knock softly before opening it, luck for me he's awake. He's sitting on his bed looking like he just woke up. I walk over and hand him the plate, the sight of waffles making his eyes light up.

"Thank you so much!", he shouts as he takes the plate and devours the food. Once he's done, he puts the plate down and pulls me into a big hug. He tightens his arms around my waist and pulls me down on top of him as he falls back onto his bed. Without saying a word he kisses me softly just like our first kiss. 

I go into shock and he chuckles as he watches my face, "I remember, everything. I can't believe what I did to you but it feels so good to have you back! I've missed my cute little waffle!". "You remember!?!?", I almost can't believe it but the look on his face and the way he's acting... the real Toby is back! 

He nods his head yes excitedly, "But how!?". He sits up and holds me in his lap, refusing to let go and then starts his story... "Well I couldn't sleep last night..."

TOBY'S POV *11 pm the previous night*

I toss over for the twelve billionth time in the past hour, why can't I sleep? I sit up and stare at the wall for a moment, then there's a knock on the door. I get up and open it slowly, "Hey Toby, how ya feeling?". Screw is standing in my doorway holding a laptop and smiling at me. "Um hi, tired and unable to sleep. 

She pushes her way into my room, she puts the laptop on my bed and hands me some earbuds. She hits the play button then walks out of the room, closing the door behind her. At first I'm confused as to why I'm being shown this song but it very quickly rushes to my mind.

This song... *Flashback*  "Do you like waffles?!", she slides across the floor, "Yeah we like waffles!". . . . .  to the toaster, "Do do do do can't wait to get a mouthful!", and just as the toaster pops up she fist bumps the air, "WAFFLES!". She giggles and stacks her waffles on a plate while humming more of the silly song. *End flashback*

Oh my god, this is the day I met y/n, this song is the one she was singing! How could I forget this of all things, then as I think on that the day I asked her out comes to mind.  "Will you be my girlfriend!?". I squeeze my eyes shut as I waits on her answer, "OF COURSE I WILL!!". And the day we finally kissed, and our first kill as a duo and so many other memories. 

I look over to the teddy bear that looks like me, "How could I just forget all this? How could I treat my waffle that way? How could I...?". I grab the bear and hug it. Then pass out on my bed. I wake up a few hours later, the laptop and earbuds gone and a blanket over me. Screw must have come back.

Y/N'S POV *present time*

"And then I fell asleep till this morning.", he says while messing with my hair. "You remember!", I yell excitedly and hug him tightly. He chuckles and hugs me back, "I remember!". We sit like this for a while then I reluctantly move, "I have to go eat my breakfast, then we can celebrate!". I jump up and run back to my room.

When I get back inside, I see that EJ is gone. I pick up my plate and eat quickly while walking downstairs. I finish just as I reach the kitchen, I put my plate in the sink and then run upstairs. I walk into Toby's room and we stay in bed cuddling. We talk for hours, me asking questions about things that have happened and him proving that he remembers it.

I got Toby back!! He remembers!


Sorry for my long absence, I was at my grandparents for a week, but I am back! And here's another chapter! 

But not much happened while I was gone so don't worry, my life is boring as ever xD

Hope you all enjoy little Bolts!

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