Chapter 8: The Welcome Party

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(Y/N's) POV

After spending all day with Screw, we go downstairs for dinner. The boys still haven't got back but Slender said not to worry. While everyone was eating dinner Splendor made an announcement. "Everyone! The party to welcome (Y/n) to the mansion is happening tomorrow night!", Splendor yelled making some people cheer and others grumpy. "How are we gonna plan a party in one day?!", asks BEN. "I will split everyone into teams, one team will get food stuff, one team will do guest list, one team will do decorations, and one team will go around double checking things and cleaning some.", says Slendy as he gets up and goes to the front of the room. 

"Myself, Offenderman, Nurse Ann, Bloody Painter, Puppeteer, Sally, and Masky will be on the cleaning team. Splendorman,  Hoodie, Screw, Jane, LJ, Clockwork, and Lost Alice will be in charge of food. Trenderman, Jeff, EJ, BEN, Lost Silver, Rake, Sonic.exe, and Heartless will handle decorations.  Toby, (y/n), Dark Link, Lui, and Nina will handle the guest list. Is everybody clear?", said Slendy while writing down the teams. We start preparing tomorrow when my proxies return. 

After that everyone goes upstairs to their rooms to go to sleep. I go to Toby's room, I take one of his shirts and a pair of my shorts and then go take a shower. After i'm clean, I get dressed and go lay in Toby's bed. I hug the bear he had given me the night before, but I can't fall asleep. "I miss him...", I saw out loud, quietly to the darkness. I lay there holding the bear and staring at the wall for a few hours then the door opens. I see Toby walk in, as he turns on the lights I see how beat up he is. I rush over to him and inspect all of the cuts and bruises. "Toby what happened!?", I whisper yell. "It's okay we just got in a fight with a bear in the woods. We actually had almost no trouble at all with our mission. We had to take out a very rich family that's father had sold his sole to Zalgo.".

I take Toby's hand and lead him to his bathroom, I take off his shirt and shorts leaving him in his boxers. But that's not what I'm focusing on when I see just how bad his skin is tore up. I use a rag and slowly clean all the blood off that I can, I know he can't feel pain but I be gentle anyway. Once I finally get all the blood off, I quickly cover any that haven't stopped bleeding yet. I wrap medical gauze all around his torso. I put band-aids on his arms and legs and his neck. When I finish we go lay down in his bed. He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me to him, "Thank you my little waffle, you made me feel alllll better.", he giggles. "You're welcome firestarter now get some rest, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow.", I tell him with a yawn. "What do you mean?", he asks as he kisses my cheek. "You'll see.", I tell him as I fall asleep.

*Time skip to morning* 

I wake up and see that Toby is still asleep. I kiss his lips softly and then get up. I change into my creepypasta outfit and do my hair and makeup quickly. I get Toby's outfit and place it on the bed for when he wakes up. I'm up early since me, Screw, and Jane are all going shopping for dresses for my party. I meet the girls downstairs where they've already started cooking. "We have to have breakfast done before we leave or every one will starve.", Jane tells me as I get into the kitchen and help her cook. We finish making breakfast and even set the table for everyone, then run out the door. We ate out breakfast while cooking.

We go to the nearby town and look around in all the stores for dresses we want. Screw ends up getting an emerald green cocktail dress that matches her hair. Jane get's a blue party dress that is tight around her chest then flows down to her knees. I get a red dress similar to Screw's but it's backless and the straps are normal whereas hers wrap around her neck. After we finish shopping, Jane asks Slender to teleport us back. 

When we get back, we put our dresses in Jane's room so that none of the guys see them. Then run downstairs where everyone is splitting into groups. As soon as I get into the dining room, Toby is hugging me tightly, "Why would you leave me like that this morning, I was so scared till Hoodie told me you went shopping with his girlfriend!", I giggles and kiss his cheek. "Calm down Toby, I'm fine.", he kisses my cheek and we sit at the table with the rest of the guests list team. 

"Okay so everyone that lives here is certainly invited...", says Nina as she puts names on a list. "We should invite some of Splendorman and Trenderman's proxies as well, but not any of Offender's proxies.", she says while writing more names. "Man this list got long fast!", I think to myself. We sit there thinking over who else to invite while the "cleaning" team walked throughout the house cleaning and making sure everyone was getting their stuff done. If this party was gonna happen anytime today then we needed to get to work.

*Time skip to the party*

Everyone on the list was here which meant that the guest list team was free to relax and enjoy themselves. Really the only people still working are the food team and Slender is watching over everything of course. Most people are either dancing, watching BEN play video games, or eating. Once everyone under the age of 13 left or went to bed the alcohol came out. I was surprised to see that almost all of Splendorman's proxies were under 13, but the brightly colored hair and outfits were expected. 

Me, Toby, Screw, Hoodie, Jane, and Masky were all in the kitchen. We each were only sipping on our drinks unlike most of the people there who were tossing down shots left and right. Me and Screw helped Jane whenever she had to make more snacks. The six of us were just hanging out in the kitchen talking. I was getting to know my new friends. It was a fun party, I was glad we were able to finish everything in time. But once most everyone was buzzed, Splendorman decided it was time to do his thing, what everyone knew him for, "SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN TIME EVERYBODY!".  

Some people groan, other are too drunk to care. Us six who still slightly aren't drunk just decide that if we get paired with someone we don't want, they'll be too drunk to do anything anyways. So we make our way to the living room. All the guys put something in the hat and then sit around in the living room. The girls all sit in a circle on the floor where everyone had been dancing. "Since this party is for (y/n), she gets to go first!", says Splendor excitedly. I nervously stick my hand in the hat. Theres plenty of sharp and hard objects so I go for something soft. I pull out a small piece of paper with a kidney drawn on it, I'm guessing EJ. But before anyone tells me who my partner is they shove me in the closet.

I wait in the darkness of the closet for a moment then the door opens and my partner is shoved inside. I catch him so that he doesn't fall. "Heh... sorry...", he says in a deep but soft voice. "It's okay, so I'm guessing you're EJ? We've never had the chance to really talk before.", I say as my eye's adjust to the dark and I see his blue mask. "Yeah, I haven't seen you much since you got here, only at meals really...", he says awkwardly. "I'm sorry that I haven't taken to time to talk to anyone other than the ones I already know, you seem really nice.", I say with a smile. "He smiles back shyly and it's really cute. We sit in the closet and talk for the rest of the seven minutes. When our time is up we come out, "I MADE A NEW FRIEND!". I dance my way back to the circle of girls while giggling. Some more turns go, some people either pass out or just decide to go to bed. 

(Slight lemon incoming!!)

It's my second turn when I pull a fork out of the hat, "Who would put a fork in here?", I think to myself as I'm shoved into the closet. Soon the door opens and my partner is thrown in. "(Y/n)?", he asks the darkness. "Toby!",  I yell happily and I hug him. He hugs me back tightly, I can tell he isn't very balanced so I make him lean against the wall. "Let me guess, putting all the guys in one room together was a mistake and you all are drunk off your ass?", I giggles as I help Toby stay standing.  He shakes his head slightly, "Yeah they gave us more to drink, I think I'm still able to stand on my own though.", he giggles back and wraps one arm around my waist.

"(Y/n), I love you.", he says with a big smile on his face. "I love you too Toby.", I giggle as I wrap my arms around his neck. "You're the best, most amazing girlfriend ever!", he tells me then he leans down and whispers in my ear, "And you're all mine.". A shiver runs down my back as he kisses my neck softly before he kisses my lips. Sure we've kissed before but this is a different kind of kiss. Rather than be short, sweet, and loving. This kiss is passionate, and mind blowing. His lips are moving perfectly against mine. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I playfully deny him what he wants, he growls lowly and his hand slides down to my ass squeezing it while chuckling lowly, "Mine.". I gasp and he takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He explores his new territory and his tongue quickly finds mine. I don't even fight him, I let him keep the lead. 

Our time is up but he's not ready to stop so when the door opens, he picks me up and carries me up the stairs. We get to his room and he lays me on the bed. We cuddle and make out for what feels like seconds but is really hours. Eventually the alcohol get's to us both and we pass out in each others arms.

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