Chapter 17: Dying Inside

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*Dream world* 

I'm running, and running, and running, and running, and running, and running, and running, and running... What am I running from? Where am I going? What is happening? All the sudden everything stops.... I'm no longer running, the random swirls of color are no longer blurred and form trees and leaves. "Oh how wonderful that you came to visit!", a sickly sweet voice says from behind me. Everything starts spinning, then everything goes black. I'm not sure if i'm falling, flying, or moving at all. I can't see a thing, i'm not even sure if there is anything TO see. Then everything turns red, blood red. I see a body, mangled and bruised, long deep cuts all over the skin... I see me hanging from a noose hanging from the blackness of the weird place I'm in. I watch as a waterfall of my own blood pours over me, and then my eyes shut for good as I drown in it's warm, redness.

I jolt up, breathing heavily as I try to get my head to stop spinning. And then I scream, I scream long and hard. I just scream until I can't anymore. Screw bursts into my room, "Why are you screaming at 4 in the morning!?!?", she yells over me. I stop screaming and look around, "Where's Toby?".


I wake up, then realize I'm not in my bed. Then the pain in my stomach hits me, I almost yell but then all the memories of last night hit me. I had to stay quiet, hopefully she won't realize I'm awake. I listen carefully, I hear even breathing coming from the corner where the mattress is, and I here pained breaths coming from beside me. "Toby?", I whisper quietly. "What happened EJ?", he whispers back in a lower tone than I've EVER heard Toby talk in before. "Clockwork is planning to kill y/n!", I whisper yell. I hear him gasp, and then I heard a whimper. I never thought I'd see, well hear, Toby so weak. Man I hope someone finds us soon!

I hear movement from the corner, and then footsteps. "Well good morning boys! Who wants breakfast?", there's that horrible laugh again. She pulls the hoods off of me and Toby at the same time. "Oh, dear me, I forgot to take this out last night. Why don't I get it now?", she smiles creepily at me then grabs the handle that's sticking out of my stomach. She yanks out what I can now see was a small spade shovel. Blood is pouring out of my stomach, and I see spots in my vision from the pain. I didn't even realize I was screaming, "EJ!", yells Toby in a panic. "Oh don't worry your pretty little head about that sweetie. I'll stitch him up, then we can all eat!", she says in that sickly sweet voice as I black out.


EJ goes limp as the blood rushes from his wound, how pretty. "EJ!! EJ WAKE UP!!", Toby starts screaming at his bloody mess of a friend. "Come on baby don't yell, i'll have him fixed in no time. I untie EJ and lay him flat on the ground, I pull his shirt off and look at the gushing wound. "It's a shame to mess up something so perfectly jagged.", I poke at the wound. "STOP THAT AND FIX IT!", Toby yells. Oh fiiiine, anything for my sweetie. I get everything I need and start cleaning as much of the blood off as I can while holding the wound shut so no more and come out. I quickly stitch the skin back together, it isn't pretty but all signs of this will be gone in a few days anyways so who cares. When I finish, I put his shirt back on him and tie him back up to his chair. 

I go and make food for the three of us, I make all that I want for me, I make a good amount for my love Toby, but EJ I only make a little bit for. He'll get his food when he wakes up. I untie Toby's hands but he is also tied down by his shoulders, waist, and ankles so he isn't going anywhere. I give him his food so he can eat, I sit on my bed and eat mine. EJ finally wakes up an hour later. I give him his food and force him to eat what little bit there is. "I hope you are ready to be here for a long time.", I say sweetly to the two of them. They don't seem very excited, oh well I can fix that later. 


"WHERE IS TOBY!?!?", I scream as I bust into Slender's room. He jumps out of bed, "Why are you yelling!?". "Where's Toby!?", I ask once again. "I don't sense him in the house...", he says while walking out of his room. I follow him with Screw at my side. "Well nah duh!", I say as we follow him downstairs. "Everyone in the dinning room now!", he demands in our heads making this weird TV snow nose in my ears. We all sit down at the table as Jane passes out cups of coffee and/or warm tea. "We need to split up into four groups, EJ, Toby, and Clockwork are missing.", Slender says in a calm voice. "What happened!", someone yells from the corner. Slender ignores the question, "Each Slender Brother will head a group, I will head North, Trenderman you get West. Splendor you take South, and Offenderman you take East.". The four brothers now stand at the head of the room. All the pastas split into four groups while I stand there trying to decide which brother is more likely to find Toby. I walk over to Slender's group where Screw hugs me. 

We all walk out the door and each group goes to their respected directions. "The plan is simple, each groups checks it's side of the forest and look for clues. In four hours everyone meets back here, if one group doesn't come back then everyone goes in their direction.", Slenderman tells everyone before signaling for everyone to go their separate ways. We walk towards the North and my stomach starts to feel funny, I really hope we find Toby and EJ soon... and that no one gets hurt during this...


I watch as EJ is forced to eat what little food she made him, then she walks off to her bed. She walks back and is holding a long stick as well as a bucket. "What are you doing?", I ask while watching her light a fire inside the bucket. "You two are mine now, so I'm going to mark you with this.", she shows us the end of the stick which has the outline of a gear. She puts it into the bucket and then leaves the small building. We are stuck there to watch the flames lick the long, black pole. Watch as the heat starts to turn the end red. An hour passes, she walks back in. "Now we can't have either of you screaming in pain during this or someone might find our little party.", she hits us both with something big, and metal. Pain from my earlier hit is multiplied by a trillion more pain signals coursing through me. I feel like I'm dying inside, please y/n... get here soon... help... me... 


THERE'S CHAPTER 17!! Finally!!! 

I'm so sorry that took so long, but I'm hoping to get back to updating regularly again maybe not every single day but at least twice a week. 

How do you think this showdown is going to go down?? 

Also, I'm planning on starting a creepypasta 7 minutes in heaven story, I have around 20 something pastas already in line. Any suggestions are welcome, if I don't already have them then I'll add them. I WILL DO YOU GUY'S OC PASTAS!! Please just comment their name, age, gender, two main personality traits, a short description, and any tips as to what you want to go down in their chapter.

I'm settling into my new school some now, after two months. I've made a few friends but nothing too serious yet. But I have a "girl"friend now, and "she" is so adorable and sweet and omg. "She" is genderfluid, and I want to come up with my own word since I can't get used to the they/them thing, but I have yet to think of that special word. Hopefully it'll come to me soon!

I hope you guys enjoy! Sorry for any mistakes and constructive criticism is welcome! ~Nichole(Screw)

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