Chapter 25: Sober

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I watch as the coma girl walks out of the room after kissing Clocky on the cheek. It was weird, I felt like I didn't want her to leave me in this room with Clocky. Even if both of us were chained in place no where near each other. "My poor Toby needs to be disinfected.", Clocky says in this weird voice like she's trying to talk down to me.

Acting like she controls me, what would make her think that? I think for a moment, I can't remember anything other than that girl waking up and then threatening to break up with me, then being brought down here, then being put in this room. There's huge holes missing, I can't remember any of it.

She's looking at me funny, "Dammit! It's not working!", she whispers to herself. What can she being trying to do while chained up in that many chains? "So are you going to tell who it is you have working for you upstairs?", Slendy asks her. She just scuffs as if the thought of telling him anything was stupid. Slendy waved to the guards and they took her back to her cell kicking and screaming.

He came over to me, "Toby are you ready to give up the alcohol and go back upstairs?". Alcohol? Had I been drinking? "Umm w-what do you m-mean by give up th-the alcohol?", I ask stuttering slightly, I haven't had my medicine in a while. "You don't remember child?", he asks looking really surprised for someone with no face. He taps into my brain making me go numb, he seems even more shocked at what he finds. "You don't remember... well child I guess that means you're good to go back upstairs.", he nods to the guards.

They untie me and lead up down the creepy dark hallways, Slendy is in front of me. He directs us up the stairs and once we're in the kitchen the guards go back downstairs. Slendy nods at me and then disappears to go do his own thing. I slowly make my way up the stairs to the floor my room is on.

As soon as I get to where my door is, I can hear laughing. Female laughing, a laugh that I feel like I've heard before. I get into my room and decide to shower since I feel disgusting. Once I'm out and dressed I hear on the door that connects my room to the room next door. "It's open!", I yell out as I take my medicine for the twitching and ticking. I'm not sure who I was expecting but seeing EJ walk into my room surprised me.

"Hey buddy, how ya feeling?", he asks in a careful voice. "Yeah, I just can't remember about 90% of everything that's happened since the day that girl woke up from her coma.", he looks just as surprised as Slendy when I told him that. "But do you remember y/n? And what she means to you?", he asks me with a semi-sad look on his face.

Y/n... that name... it... sounds familiar... like the name of someone I should remember. I look to EJ, "Who is y/n and what does she mean to me and why does that name sound so familiar?", I look to him hoping he'll help me. "Why don't you ask her yourself.", he says as he walks back into the other room.

Great, he won't help me. What am I supposed to do?! "T-toby...", a soft and very nervous sounding voice says from the door EJ had just left through. I turn to see the girl from earlier standing there. She walks over to me and touches my face. Something about it feels familiar and comforting, I lean into her touch laying my head against her hand.

He gasps, "Do you remember me now?". She looks at me with so much hope in her eyes, familiar e/c eyes. "No... but it's on the tip of my tongue... you, everything about you... it's so familiar.... but why...", her eyes go from hope to sadness but I can't lie to her. "Will you help me remember? Can you tell me everything that's happened since you woke up?".

She shakes her head yes and sits down on my bed, grabbing a teddy bear that looks like me from the bedside table. How did I not notice that and why would it even be here? She must realize what I'm thinking because she answers the questions without me even asking, "Valentines day...".

I sit down next to her, "Tell me what's happened since you got out of your coma.". She takes a deep breath and hugs the bear to her chest, awe that's so cute. Wait what? Yeah it's cute, I'm allowed to think that. Then a white cat wearing a spiky collar comes through the door from the other room, it jumps onto my bed. "Mini!", she happily pets the cat, that seems to give her the confidence to start talking.

As she's telling me everything that happened I can't help but interrupt, "What is wrong with me!?", "Why would I be so mean!?", "Why would I drink so much!?", she was slowly getting annoyed at my interjections. At the end of the story and I know everything that happened, I still couldn't remember it all for myself but at least I knew.

"Thank you y/n, I'm sorry I treated you that way and I'm sorry that I still don't remember us but I can feel why I would want to be with you. It's kinda like falling in love all over again... but I don't remember the first time so... I'm not sure what I'm trying to say...". She giggles at my awkward rambling. "I'm glad I could help, I hope you remember soon. And you should really get some rest in a real bed after being down there for so long.", she gets up slowly, and wobbly, making her way back to the other room. She takes the cat, Mini, with her.

EJ meets her at the door and helps her walk to her own bed, he closes the door and now I feel completely alone, it's so weird. The room just feels empty, like someone or something is missing. I lay down, I really do need to get some sleep. Maybe tomorrow I will remember more, hopefully... at least I'm finally sober again.


You've kinda got normal Toby back, not quite his old self yet but hey baby steps!

So Clocky has someone working with her, who do you think it is?? And this seems to be the halfway point of the book you guys, the main conflict has happened and now we're at the falling action, man I can't believe it but leave suggestions for what should happen to them next!!

Writer's block has been hitting me hard this week. Plus I feel bad cause lately I've been finding more and more mean comments, I don't want anyone making fun of you guys reading this or the book itself but it's bound to happen. It's just got me feeling down.

I still can't believe how many reads and votes I'm getting, I've never had a story do so well before and it's just amazing. I've been thinking of doing a QnA type thing just for you guys. Because this is only doing well because of all your suggestions and dedication so I'm not sure how to thank all of you. BUT THANK YOU BOLTS, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

So if anybody wants to email me questions or talk to me on skype, the email for both is nicholekitsune00 at so feel free to message me.

Hope you little Bolts enjoyed this chapter!

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