Chapter 16: Peace at Last...

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Over 200 reads!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! 

But like rn, I'm surrounded by people, some I like some I don't, like gah help ><

I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday! The internet was being slow at my school!



Toby is holding me against him as he walks back to his room. All we've done since our mission is sleep. Like all the time, it really tired the four of us out. He takes me into the room and drops me on the bed. I laugh as he walks off to change, I go into the closet and look for one of his shirts to wear, I take a shirt and a pair of my shorts. I change then go back downstairs, I make waffles and milkshakes then walk back upstairs. 

I walk into the room and put the food on the table then turn on the TV, I start watching Netflix while waiting on Toby to get out the shower. He walks out and joins me on the couch, "Thank you little waffle, you're the best.". He kisses my cheek then digs into the food.


Masky and Jane come and tell me that everything is over, it's nice to know that the threat is gone. Screw got really upset cause she was worried about (y/n), I look over at my girlfriend asleep in bed. I'm so glad everything is okay now. I wrap my arms around her and go to sleep as well.


I walk with Jane to Hoodie and Screw's room, I figured I should tell them that everything is okay. After I tell Hoodie that Chase is dead, I take Jane's hand again and we go to my room. "I am so glad to be back in my own bed.", I say with a sigh as I flop down onto my bed. Jane giggles as she climbs onto the bed and sits next to me. "I'm just glad all that drama is over.", she says while playing with my hair. I wrap my arms around her and pull her down on top of me. I hold her against me and kiss her forehead. She smiles and soon falls asleep. I just chuckle as I watch her eyelids droop shut.


I send all the pastas out of my room and then turn to Rosie. "How are you feeling?", I ask her. She walks over to the bed and lays down. "Tired.", she says with a yawn. I chuckle as I walk over and lay down beside her. She cuddles against me and falls asleep. "It's nice now that no one in the mansion is in danger.", I think to myself as I fall asleep too. But how wrong that thought was.


(Y/n) had fallen asleep and I finally wasn't tired anymore so I decided to go downstairs to put our dishes in the sink. When I got downstairs, I saw Jeff, EJ, and LJ all standing around in the living room. "What's going on guys?", I ask as I walk up. "Clockwork just had a total meltdown, like she was shaking and twitching. Then she ran out the door. We're fixing to go look for her.", EJ tells me. The three of them look very confused and surprised. "Need some extra help?", I ask them. LJ Jeff looks my way, "We need lots of extra help.", he tells me. 

I go upstairs and get dressed in my creepypasta outfit, I kiss (y/n)'s cheek, then I go back down to the living room. The four of us all decide to start by searching the woods in teams of two. Me and EJ get the north and west, LJ and Jeff will search the east and south. We all go out into the woods then split into our teams. As me and EJ walk down to the small lake where some proxies go to hang out we talk about random things. "So how are you and (y/n) doing?", he asks me out of nowhere. "Really good, she's amazing.", I tell him as a smile forms on my face. "That's good, I'm glad you two are happy.", he tells me and pats me on the back. 

All the sudden we hear noises coming from the west. We quietly sneak in that direction, after a while we see a small building. "I've never seen this before.", EJ says as he studies the outside of the building. "I haven't either.", I say then a scratching noise comes from inside the building. "Do you think we should look in there?", EJ asks me in a low voice. I nob my head yes. I lead the way towards the door of the small broken down cottage. I open the door slowly.

Inside is a small, dimly lit room. We slowly enter and see that for the most part the room is empty. There is an old mattress on the ground in the corner with a small lantern next to it, some old boxes and some trash. That's about it, the rest of the room is bare. Then we notice something is in one corner, all the sudden the form comes toward us. "Clockwork are you okay?", EJ asks in a scared voice. The girl soon enters light and we can see her, she's dirty and has many bruises. She walks up to us slowly, with a slight limp. She stops slightly in front me, "I'll be okay now.", she says with a creepy voice. 

She pulls on a chain or string that's hanging from the ceiling. All the sudden, I feel a pain hit the back of my head and everything goes dark. 


I watch as Toby falls to the ground and Clockwork smiles down at him with a psycho look on her face. She turns to me, "I can't have you exposing my hiding spot, now can I...?". I gulp as she steps near me, she grabs something from the wall behind me then stabs me with it. I look down to see the handle sticking out of my stomach. She moves behind me and ties my hands together. She drags me over to to a set of chairs I hadn't seen earlier. She takes one, faces it towards the wall, sits me down in it and ties me to it. She puts a hood over my head and then I can't see any more. 

"I hope LJ and Jeff find us.", I think as I listen to Clockwork walking away. "Oh my precious Toby, you're finally mine. Now I just need to get rid of that horrible (y/n).", she lets out an evil laugh. I hear her take another chair and dragging it towards the mattress in the corner I'm guessing. I hear her dragging Toby along the floor as well, she talks to herself about her plan in a weird crazy voice. "Please (y/n), come help us!", I think as I pass out from the pain in my stomach.


AGAIN, I'm SO sorry for not updating yesterday!! BUT here is Chapter 16!

I hope you all enjoy!!

And btw.... I can not stop smiling today ^^ I met a person (genderfluid) last night on this app called Spotafriend and she is so adorable and she keeps calling me cute and I about have heart attack every time she compliments me or does something cute.

AND! Today is my last day in this school, I move friday/saturday so yay!!

*UPDATE: That person is now my amazing and gorgeous baby, Ryker <3 *

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