Chapter 7: Making Friends

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Masky's POV

BEN appears in the living room and looks confused for a second. "He better get laid after going all out on Valentine's day like that.", mumbles BEN grumpily. "Who's getting laid?", I ask him. "Toby.", BEN says with a smirk on his face. "Yeah I doubt that, like anyone could deal with his twitches and ticks.", I burst out laughing, no way any one would fuck Toby. "I know right, but (y/n) is all cuddled up with him in his bed surrounded by candles and rose petals.", BEN says making me growl lowly. "No way she'll fall for that.". "Oooooo someone's got a crush on Toby's girl!", yells BEN. "NO! I do not! Shutup BEN!", I growl again and walk off to the kitchen to see everyone leaving the dinner table. 

I sit down and Jane came out of the kitchen, "I was wondering when you'd come in here.", she said as she brought two plates of cheesecake to the table. She gave me one plate and then sat next to me with the other one. We both ate in silence. When we both finished she took our plates into the kitchen to wash them. I decided to help her and make my way to the kitchen. I stop in the doorway and watch her for a moment. I see her put the two plates to the side already washed, and she sets down her fork as well. 

Then she picks up my fork and licks the crumbs off, I could've swore I had that plate and fork completely cleaned off but I guess not. "Why'd you do that?", I come up beside her and lean against the counter. She seems shocked and then she blushed, "D-do what?". "You licked my fork Jane, I saw it. If you wanted to taste my cheesecake you could've just asked.", I say with a smirk. She blushes harder, "I-i just didn't want to waste any...", she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Well you cleaned the cheesecake off the dishes, let's clean your mouth now.", I smirk again as I pull her to me and take her upstairs to my room. ( Sorry to those who ship Jane and Jeff >< I felt like Jane would be a good way to make Masky less grumpy ) I push her down on my bed, I kiss her lips softly taking her by surprise. She shyly kisses me back which is just as cute as her bubbly personality. I lick her bottom lip asking for entrance, she don't even hesitate to let me in, that's my girl.

*Time skip to morning* (Y/N's) POV

Me and Toby get out of bed and clean up the rose petals and other decorations. We store our snacks in a safe place so that no one else would get them. Toby checks that Mini has food and water while I get dressed in my creepypasta outfit and do my hair. He comes back into his room, kisses me on the cheek and then goes to change into his outfit. I collect all the candles and put them all on the coffee table, then he comes out of the bathroom. "Handsome as ever!", I say as I kiss his soft lips, then I take his hand and we go downstairs. 

We're up earlier than usual and so breakfast isn't ready yet. We sit at the counter and watch Jane as she's all over the kitchen working to make something for everyone. "Good morning Jane!", I tell her as she hands me my milkshake since it's already done. "Morning (y/n), how was your Valentine's Day?", she asks as she get's back to work cooking. "Amazing.", I purr as I kiss Toby's cheek making him blush. Then Masky comes down the stairs, I expect him to be all grumpy as usual but I see a smile light up his unmasked face as he wraps his arms around Jane and kisses her cheek. "I see your Valentine's Day wasn't so bad either Jane.", I giggle and they both just smile. 

"Let's leave them alone.", says Toby with smile and he takes my hand and pulls me into the living room. I see BEN playing a game I've played before so I sit next to him, "Can I play?". "Did Toby get laid last night?", BEN says with a smirk. "No. What does that have to do with me playing a game?", he just smirks. "If he didn't get none, and I can't get none then you can't play.", he whispers in my ear. I get up and sit on Toby's lap on the couch. We play Xbox together on one of the other TV's. 

After a while some more of the pasta's wake up. Hoodie comes downstairs, then I see a girl run down after him. Once she reaches him she hugs his arm tightly. They join us on the couch and watch us play. The girl seems to look like she likes this game so I offer her my controller, she seems hesitant at first but she takes the controller. Toby gives me his and I play the game with Hoodie's girlfriend. We actually make a ton of progress, and are about to finish the third to last level when Jane calls that breakfast is ready. We put down the controllers and go to eat.

On the way to the kitchen, she surprises me by talking to me, "My name is Screw ( Screw is the name of my creepypasta now, would couldn't think of anything lol ) by the way, you seem like a lot of fun. Most people around her are too uptight to respect the fact that I'm not comfortable talking right away.". No stuttering, her voice is clear, and she even hugs me. "I'm (Y/n), and I know how you feel.", I hug her back. We walk to the kitchen and take out seats at the table. Hoodie sits next to Masky, and Screw sits next to her boyfriend, I sit in between her and Toby. Toby takes my hand as we eat. 

After breakfast me and Screw go back to our game, but Slendy has a mission for Hoodie, Masky, and Toby so they have to leave. The three of them come out of Slendy's office. "We'll be back tonight. I love you!", Toby tells me as he kisses my cheek and then leads the way out the door. I see Hoodie whisper in Screw's ear making her smile. I see Masky leave the kitchen, he's the last one out the door. Screw turns to me, "What's your favorite food?". "Uh, milkshakes why?", she takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. ( sorry if you don't like milkshakes but I thought that waffles and milkshakes would go good together ^^ ) She makes omletes and milkshakes then leads me to her and Hoodie's room.

The wall between there rooms had been taken down and the floor has been carpeted. The bathrooms had the wall separating them taken down, but the bathroom was still in the middle of the room. They had a thick black curtain that stretched from one corner of the wall that hides the bathroom to the wall of what used to be Screw's room, behind it was like a walk in closet of sorts with tons of storage space. There was another thick black curtain going from the other corner of the wall hiding the bathroom to the wall of what used to be Hoodie's room, behind it was their huge bed. In the part of the room that wasn't hidden from the door way, they had a couch, 2 TV's, a pet area, a mini kitchen of sorts with shelving and a mini fridge, some bookcases with books, manga, games, music CD's, and more. In short, their room was awesome! 

Screw put our food on the coffee table and pulled up YouTube on the TV meant for watching shows and movies. "Since the guys will be gone, we get to have a girls day!", she happily plopped down on the soft, wrap around couch. "Oh my gosh this will be fun!", I sat down beside her. We ate our food, and snacked some as we spent the whole day together. Unaware of how important the boys' mission really was. 


There's another chapter you guys! I'm back to the more than 1,000 words again! I hope you guys don't mind me putting Masky and Hoodie together, as well as having Heartless ( not my creepypasta but she belongs to another author who is amazing. I gave her credit in chapter 2 or 3 I believe it was so check her out ) not be with Hoodie even though in the author's original about her she was with Hoodie. I'm sorry but I absolutely love Hoodie and I wanted my OC to be with him ><

My creepypasta is getting closer to being complete, but I won't be posting her story anytime soon because I don't have the time to do two stories at one time. Currently i'm at a school with around 120 students, i'm moving to a BIG high school with lots and lots of students, I'm super scared. But with the move and switching schools coming up, I will try to update this daily not counting weekends but I don't think I could do two stories at once normally let alone now.

This is the longest authors note i've ever done so i'll stop now! Bye!! (woah my word count just changed from 1500 something to 400 words, i'm scared something isn't saving correctly!)

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