Chapter 9: Hangover Mansion

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Toby's POV

I wake up with a headache, but since I can't feel pain it doesn't bother me as much as everyone else in the house. (Y/n) is still asleep in my arms, I just look at her for a moment, "She's so cute!", I think to myself. I get up to get her some medicine and water ready for when she wakes up. I fill the bath up with warm water and bubbles. I run downstairs and make her a milkshake real quick, then go back upstairs. 

I shake her awake gently, "Cute little waffle, it's time to get up.", I say softly. She groans, sits up and then immediately goes back down. I chuckle and help her sit up again, I hand her the glass of water and the asprin. She takes it and then I help her out of bed. She's still in her dress from last night so I help her undress. I pick her up and put her in the bath. She let's out a happy sigh as she feels the warm water. "I made you a milkshake sweetheart.", I tell her as she finally opens her eyes. I had left the lights off and used the candles to light up the room softly. "You're the best and the worst, you're taking care of me but you drank even more than me and you're fine.", she tells me in a soft voice. I just chuckle as I hand her the milkshake.

I undress and climb into the bath behind her. I wrap my arms around her wait and hug her to me. "Just relax and rest till the headache goes away.", I tell her as we both fall asleep in the warm bubble bath.

Masky's POV

Me and Jane are in the kitchen, she's in a lot of pain from the alcohol last night but she still has to make everyone breakfast, nobody else was even awake yet. I wish we could've just stayed in bed too. While she sits at the counter writing down what everybody wants, I grab asprin for the both of us and make us coffee. She thanks me with her eyes for the medication. We make all the breakfast and just line it up on the counter. I pick her up and carry her back up to my room. We get back in bed and I hold her against me, I kiss her forehead as she yawns. "Goodnight Masky...", she says in tired voice. I chuckle, "Princess it's morning, go back to sleep.". I watch as she passes out again and I cuddle her as I fall back asleep.

Hoodie's POV (gotta get all the guys in this chapter ig lol)

I wake up and here water running, I slowly make my way to the bathroom. The whole room is lit up with fairy lights so they don't hurt our eyes. I make it to the bathroom and see my beautiful girlfriend, still naked from last night, running water in out hot tub. When we put our two bathrooms together we decided to get a hot tub. I'm really happy about that decision right now. "Good morning sweetheart.", I tell her as I wrap my arms around her waist. "Morning, there's cheesecake on the counter. I went downstairs and saw that Jane still made breakfast. I got my omelet and your cheesecake and came back up here.", she leans back against me as she watches the water filling up the hot tub. I look over and see that there is cheesecake but with one bite taken out of it, there's also asprin and some hot chocolate. I nuzzles her neck and then walk over to take the medicine and eat my breakfast. 

When i'm done eating, the hot tub was filled and ready. She climbed in and I noticed she had her own cup of hot chocolate as well. I climb in after her and we just there for a moment in the dim light enjoying the warmth. "(Y/n)'s party was great. And the whole house is quiet due to everyone being hungover.", she giggles softly. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lean my head against hers, "Yeah that was one of the better parties that have been thrown in this mansion.". She giggles as she kisses my cheek, "Last night was fun too.". I smile at her and chuckle lowly, "That was very fun babygirl.". She giggles more and blushes slightly as she finishes her hot chocolate and takes some of mine, "Hey!", I whisper yell so that I don't hurt her ears. She just keeps giggling and hands me my drink. "Man I love this girl...", I think to myself as I smile down at her.

Slenderman's POV

I wake up and see that the house is completely silent, "This is different.", I think to myself. I am fixing to go back to sleep myself when I hear a soft knock on my door. I teleport the person into my room next to the bed. "Good morning Sally, are you enjoying the quietness?", I ask the small girl. "No daddy, it's too quiet and I miss all the nose.", she says with a whimper. "Well it has to be quiet everyone has a headache and loud noise will hurt their ears.", I explain to her. "Why does everyone have a headache?", she asked with a cute look of confusion on her face. "Because that's what happens when you drink alcohol, that's why you should never drink it.", she makes a disgusted face that makes me laugh. "Good girl.", I say as I pat her on the head.

She skips out of my room and goes back to hers. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. "Even Splendor got drunk last night, complete silence... I miss this.", I think to myself as I go back to sleep.

(Y/N's) POV

I wake up surrounded by warmth, I open my eyes and realize i'm in the bathtub. Then I realize i'm naked, and that Toby is behind me naked as well. I freak out interally, "Oh my god, did we..., no way...., no he wouldn't do that while we're drunk...", I fighting with myself on the inside. He wakes up and kisses my neck softly making me shiver. "We didn't, we just got in here and went to sleep. To get rid of the hangover.", he mumbled sleepily. I breathed a sigh of relief, then turn my head and kiss his lips softly. "What was that for waffle?", he asked with a smile on his face. "No reason.", I giggles as I climb out of the bathtub. He whistles, "Geez (y/n), y-you look amazing...", he mumbles as his face turns bright red. I blush too and quickly reach for a towel. 

I rush out of the bathroom to get clothes, I put on black underwear and a black bra, grab one of Toby's t-shirts, and pulls on a pair of black skinny jeans. I pick out clothes for Toby and throw them into the bathroom. Then I go downstairs to see that most of the mansion is still asleep. I sit on the couch and play Fallout 4 on the Xbox One. Soon after that Toby comes downstairs as well, he goes into the kitchen and comes back with a milkshake for me. He sits next to me and hands me the cold drink, "I love you (Y/n)!", he tells me as he kisses my cheek. I giggles and take a sip of the drink, "I love you too Toby!". We stay there, him watching me play as the rest of the house sleeps on.


That's another chapter down ^^  This one was a sleepy chapter wasn't it lol sorry but i'm trying to figure out what I want to happen next. I finally figured out how to spell omelet in this chapter lol sorry for any mistakes though ^^

Sorry for the late upload yesterday, I was surprisingly busy for a thursday at this school and almost didn't get it done on time.

Time for me to disappear for the weekend, see you guys monday ^^

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