Chapter 13: Getting the Job Done

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Masky's POV

I wake up first out of our group of four, I go into the kitchen to make the four of us breakfast. I bring it back into the room to see the other three are up and discussing the files. "Good morning Masky.", (y/n) tells me as she takes her milkshake from me. I hand Toby and Hoodie their breakfast and we all sit down. We look over the files and decide how to split up the work. "I say we just let (y/n) kill them all, she hasn't started training yet so it'd be a good time to give her a few lessons.", I tell the group. (Y/n) smiles really big and shakes her head yes. Hoodie agrees too, Toby thinks it over for a bit but in the end he agrees. "Okay so (y/n) get your weapons ready, and we all need to get dressed. 

Each of us go to get dressed and ready. We dressed in normal clothes just as to not stick out too much. Having my mask off is so weird, I can only imagine how Hoodie feels right now. We go to the kitchen where most everyone is and I can see (y/n) grab Toby's hand. I go up to Chase, "When would you like us to go down and take care of your problem? We already have our plan all figured out.", I tell him in a professional voice. He seems to look taken aback that I asked him about it. "Well you three may do it whenever you feel ready, it needs to be done before tomorrow afternoon, that is when I told Slender you would leave.", he tells us. 

(Y/n) growls lowly, "There's four of us on this mission.", she says in a low voice. She is really scary, like woah. "But you're a girl, I figured they wouldn't let you go down and witness the job.", Chase says and (y/n) is about to explode at him but I speak up first. "Actually this is training for her, she'll be the only one doing any killing.", I say as tell Toby to get her out of the room. He struggles but manages to get her out. "You're going to make a precious woman train to have the heart of a killer?!", Chase gets upset quickly. "We're not making her do anything, she chose this.", I say through clenched teeth. 

"Chase they aren't forcing that girl to do anything she doesn't want and she isn't being abused. Stop jumping to conclusion man.", Dax tells Chase while holding him down in his seat. "How would you know anything about it Dax!?", Chase growls. By this point all the other pack members had left besides the third in command and Nadine. "I know because I talked with (y/n) and Lucy!", Dax growls at his alpha. "Do not growl at him, he is your upper!", Nadine hisses at Dax. "He is being irrational!", Dax shouts. "You spoke with Lucy?", Chase asks with a growl. "Yes and Lucy said (y/n) is a female warrior chosen by the moon goddess.", Dax told him. "You are not to bother (y/n)!", I say then go back to the room where the other three went. 

"I'm ready to get this over with and get out of here.", I say as the other three come up to me. Hoodie and nods, "Me too. I want out of here.", says (y/n). "I say let's go ahead and finish this so we can leave tonight.", says Toby, I've never seen him look so serious. "Okay, pack up quickly, we'll go down into the cells in an hour.", I say as we all nod in agreement. 

(Y/N)'s POV

We each go and pack anything we had brought with us back up. We got dressed in our creepypasta outfits and we all had our weapons ready. We hid each of our bags under Masky's bed. He lead the way to the stairs and he opened the door. As we stepped into the hallway of cell doors Toby pulled out a piece of paper with the cell numbers of each person we were supposed to take care of. 

Toby pointed out the first cell number and Masky opened the door. We all stepped in and I had my weapons ready. It was dark so Hoodie turned on a flashlight. Once the room was lit up we could see the figure huddled in the corner. The figure turned to look at us, it was a girl looked to be maybe 20. "Toby what's this one's name?", Masky asks. Toby and Hoodie were just staring at the woman who was shaking in her chains. "Rosie.", they both said. "This is is last, we need to sneak her out with us.", Toby said super quietly so that the wolves upstairs wont hear. I nod and get closer to the woman. "Wait here, till we come get you.", I told her, she nodded and I took her chains off.  We went back to the hallway.

We went to the next person on the list. "This is probably a trap, that's why she's on the list.", I whisper to Masky as he opens the next person's door. "I know, we don't have time to train you so do this quick.", he tells me. I walk in and before the person even turns around I bring a machete down across their neck. Blood splatters across my boots, I smile slightly but we may be in danger and I don't want to waste any time. I walk back out, "Next.".

We go down the list and kill all the people. We find an escape door that leads outside, it's unguarded. We turn off the alarm and unlock it. We go back to Rosie's cell. Masky walks up to her, "We will be back as soon as we can, we will enter from the emergency exit door so if you hear someone come down the stairs, put the chains back on and do not say anything about us.

Me, Toby, and Hoodie stay in the dungeon and pretend to be searching cells for the people we're supposed to kill. Masky slips out the emergency exit door, sneaks into the house from the back and manages to get all our bags hidden in a bush right outside the emergency exit door. He comes back inside and meets us back in Rosie's cell. "(Y/n), go get blood from the other prisoners and cover Rosie in it so the wolves will think she's dead. Also one of us needs to put our blood on her too.", Masky tells us. Hoodie offers to be the one to bleed on Rosie. Me and Toby go collect blood from the others. We pour it over Rosie's neck to look like she had been stabbed there. Then Hoodie cuts his arm and pours his blood over it to cover the other prisoners' scent. 

After that Masky leads the way back upstairs. We all go get cleaned up and then tell Alpha Chase that the job is done and we that we will be leaving tonight instead of tomorrow. The alpha looks shocked but he doesn't argue as Masky walks right back out. We go and get our dirty creepypasta outfits and walk out the door. We go around to the door and get our bags. We put our outfits in there then go into the cells to get Rosie. The wolves hadn't come down to check on the prisoner's yet so Masky ran to get Rosie. He helped her out. She could barely walk and was badly malnourished. 

Once outside, Masky picked her up and we all ran with him carrying her. We knew the wolves had noticed the missing prisoner when a few came out and started tracking us. They weren't catching up anytime soon but we ran harder just in case. Once we got out of the BlueMoon territory we t all touched our stones. Slender teleported us straight to his office. Leaving confused wolves behind in the woods. Slender was about to yell and ask what we did but before he could get any words out he saw Rosie, and he just stared.


Chapter 13 done! This one was really fun to do actually. 

I wasn't sure how to have them do the whole killing wolves thing, but then I had the idea of one of the prisoners being Rosie and I ran with that lol.

I hope you guys enjoy ^^

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