Chapter 10: First Mission with the Proxies

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Masky's POV

I'm awoken by Slender calling me to his office, I slowly get out of my bed without waking Jane. I kiss her forehead then walk out of the room. I make my way to Slender's office on the first floor. No one else is awake yet, it's way too early for this. When I get to his door, I don't even have to knock, he teleports me into the room and then tells me to have a seat.

"I have a mission for you, Hoodie, Toby, and (cp/n).", he says simply and I nod at him showing that I understand. "I know it's very early but I need this to be done before dawn. You four will be going to a town that is off limits to all creepypastas.", he tells me this and now I get why he wants the secrecy. "You mean the city with all the werewolves?", I ask him in a hushed voice. "Yes that is the city. The alpha has requested some help, we would like to keep the peace so you four will be spending the morning taking orders from him. You need to be there before dawn and you will be staying for three days. I will handle keeping everyone else here from trying to figure out where you went.". He then stands up and hands me a box, inside are four necklaces. Each one has an onyx on it with the operator symbol on the smooth stone. "What are these for?", I ask with a confused look thrown his way as he sits back in his seat. "If something happens, then when you touch the symbol me, and the other three will be alerted. You never know if you can trust those wolves or not so stay together.", he says as he pulls the same stone out of his pocket. "Now go wake up the others, you will need to be leaving soon.". I get up and take the box with me as I leave.

I walk back to my room while studying the stone. I get dressed in my creepypasta outfit and then slip the necklace around my neck. I write a quick note to Jane telling her that I'm on a mission and not to worry. I kiss her cheek then walk out to wake up the rest of the team for this mission. I go to Hoodie first since he is my partner. 

I knock on Hoodie and Screw's door before entering the room, I walk in and approach the curtain that hides their bed. "Their room is so cool why can't mine be like this?", I think to myself as I shake Hoodie awake. "Get up man, we have mission.", he slowly sits up and rubs his eyes. "Wh-what kind of mission?", he asks as he gets up and puts on his creepypasta outfit. "We have to go help the werewolves for a few days, and we have to get there by dawn.", I tell him. He nods so I walk out to get Toby and (y/n).

I knock on Toby's door as I slowly open it, I see that him and (y/n) are asleep in his bed. I shake him awake and tell him about the mission. "Werewolves?! I have dealt with them before, I do not want (y/n) anywhere near them!", he whisper yells as he quickly gets dressed. "It's Slenderman's orders Toby.", I saw quietly with an eye roll. I walk out while he wakes up (y/n). "I know what he means though, I wouldn't want Jane near them...", I think as I go to the kitchen. I eat a piece of cheesecake as I wait on everyone to come downstairs. 

Toby's POV

I shake (y/n) awake, I get her outfit for her and put it on the bed. I kiss her cheek, tell her good morning, then walk out the door. I go to Slender's office, I walk in without knocking. "Slender (y/n) can NOT go on this mission. You know how those wolves treat women!", I tell him and he sighs as if he saw this coming. "Toby, you guys are gonna need her help. You know as well as I do how they treat women, she will give you some sort of power over them.", he explains as he walks me to the kitchen where I see all the others eating. My cute little waffle had made me a plate of waffles, that made me smile. 

I sat next to her and dug into my waffles as Slender started explaining. "I have already told Masky about these stones but the rest of you should know. If you touch the symbol it will make my stones as well as all the others light up just slightly and get warmer. It discretely lets us all know that someone is in trouble.", he says as he hands out the necklaces to me, Hoodie, and (y/n). "You will be helping the wolves with some problem, I was not given details. Do what they tell you and don't cause trouble. Understand?", we all nodded yes. He started cleaning the dishes as we walked out the front door. 

I grab (y/n)'s hand and hold it as we all walk towards the city that the werewolves occupy. It'd be a long walk, we should've left earlier. "We're gonna get there right at dawn.", says Masky in a hushed tone. We walk for a long, long time. But I don't mind, it was a comfortable silence while me and my waffle enjoyed a walk through the woods with our friends.

(Y/n)'s POV

"This is my first mission as a part of Slender's proxies! I'm really one of them now! But I haven't started any training yet so why send me on such an important mission this early?", I was rambling to myself in my mind as we walked. It was a silent walk but the four of us were happy with it, we all liked quiet. I looked over at Toby and smiled at the look on his face, he was obviously day dreaming. I wanted to giggle but also didn't want to ruin the silence.

Silence is the music of life after all. (Skyrim reference, that's how you open the first Dark Brotherhood door <3) So I didn't laugh at his goofy smile. We just kept walking, it finally wasn't dark anymore just before we reached our destination. Seeing the city made me nervous, my first mission was to help werewolves. I didn't even thing werewolves were real, let alone that i'd have to live with them for three days and help them out. 

"Right at dawn, just as I said. Welp let's go team.", He had his hand on his stone as he stepped out of the woods, we all did the same touching the operator symbol as we enter the mission field. It felt almost like a ceremony, it was nice. The necklace was comforting, knowing I could silently call for help if I needed it. 

Masky lead the way as we entered the city, each step closer made me want to run back. My stomach was turning and my head was starting to ache. "Why am I so nervous for this mission? It's just helping wolves, why do I feel like I'm walking into WW3 or something?", I think as I wrap my hands around Toby's arm. He looks down at me and smiles, he pats my head which is oddly comforting at the moment. "Good to know Toby is here if I need him.", I think as I smile back up at him. 


Oh jeez werewolves, I wonder how that's gonna go! Lol so that's another story part up you guys, yay for the 10 chapter milestone I guess.

This is usually where I run out of ideas and drop the book as you can see from my Time Lost story. But this book is a lot easier on my mind, I can do whatever I want there's no planned out path for the story to follow. I just started writing one day and this happened. 

I'm excited to see what happens with the wolves, I personally LOVE werewolves so let's see ^^



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