Chapter 20: Coma

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I hear distant sounds almost like voices but not clear enough to know what they're saying. All I see is black and then red too, and then I'm slowly opening my eyes to see the blinding white lights of Nurse Ann's office. I immediately close them again. "She's awake!", I hear so clearly it's like they screamed it in my ear. Then I feel movement all around me, people asking questions while poking or grabbing at me. "Is she okay?", "How long till she can get out of here?", "Can she talk?", "How long were her eyes open?", pretty much every question you can think of.

I slowly open my eyes again, they had dimmed the lights so I could keep them open this time. I see slightly blurry worried faces all around me. The closest being Slender and Ann, Slender is watching as Ann checks me over and over to see if I can move yet. "Nope, no feeling or function in any part of her body.", Ann informs everyone. "You all need to leave till she is better, for now you just confusing her.", Slender demands to everyone in the room. Slowly they all start walking out saying, "Get well soon.", or "Hope you feel better.". 

"Okay we're gonna let you get some actual sleep, I know coma's don't really rest the body.", Nurse Ann says as she cuts out the lights completely. Slender walks over to the counter and pats whoever is sitting there on the shoulder, the person gets up and leaves with Slender following. Nurse Ann soon walks out too leaving the lights as low as possible. I quickly fall asleep, but instead of darkness I have actual dreams.

I dream of us finding Toby, EJ, and Clockwork. Of me and Toby running back to the mansion, of everyone celebrating saying Clockwork is gone, of the shack burning then exploding with fireworks, of the party and me getting shot by the head and arm of Clockwork. Why wasn't Toby here when I had woken up? Why isn't he next to me now? With those questions in mind, those bad dreams only got worse.


"Everyone be quite.", he pauses, "Y/N is awake but can not move or speak. SO you all need to give her time to heal completely. Everyone is very upset and if you start talking about what happened you may scare her. We need to get the next search party out to look for Clockwork and we need to send some of you out to tear down that shack Clockwork built. Nurse Ann stays with Y/N, EJ stays with Toby, everyone else split into two groups.".


It's been three weeks since me and Toby and Y/N all almost died. I was so relieved when the others found us but watching as Clocky  threw herself and Screw at Y/N I knew that they had made a mistake. Screw had pulled out her weapons to attack Clocky when Y/N walked in to get me and Toby. Clocky managed to kick Screw square in the chest which sent her and her weapons flying towards Y/N then Clocky ran at them both with her own weapons. Since Clocky was really only after Y/N Screw didn't get hurt much after the initial kick... but Y/N... poor Y/N.... I thought she was never going to come out of that coma. 

And Toby... he's been so broken, he's gone delusional from drinking so much. It's hard for pastas to get drunk but he has had A LOT to drink. He swears she's dead, sometimes said that she never existed and that we all were crazy, he tried to sneak into Nurse Ann's office and stab her just to prove she wasn't alive. Said we all were talking to a dead body. For the last week though, he's just been hiding in his room, drowning himself in alcohol, claiming he never loved anyone, never brought anyone to the mansion, and had no idea why anyone thought he had a girlfriend.

It was very sad, he healed quickly after the incident, he is a proxy and he can't feel pain so it was easy for him to just walk away from it all. But my injuries took a little longer to heal, I was in a medically induced coma for a few days, woke up and my stomach was stitched correctly and was already almost completely healed. I go to the dresser to take off the white bandages around my torso. All that remained now was a red line lowly fading into a pink scar. I pick up the roll and start to rewrap myself when Toby wakes up.

"Why are you always in my room!", he says through clenched teeth. "I'm supposed to stay with you till they find Clockwork since she attacked both of us before.", I say calmly. I finish with the bandages then sit in a chair next to his bed. "Why haven't they found her yet, she's not that sneaky!", he says while feeling his head for the bump she gave him. "They'll find her soon. ...You know Y/N opened her eyes today.", I said in a calm voice trying not to upset him. "You mean the dead bitch isn't dead?", he said with sarcasm. He acts like he doesn't know who she is, but we all think it's a coping mechanism. Hopefully when she's better we'll get the old Toby back.

"Uh, yeah. She's alive. But she can't move yet. No one is allowed to talk to her or see her till she can move and speak.", I tell him. "Why would anyone wanna talk to the stranger anyways, isn't it risky to have her here what about the whole "We need to be sneaky so no one finds out about us." thing?". He grabs the bottle on the table beside his bed, I just shake my head as I watch him. This is why I'm really stuck in here, they want me to watch him. Make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

Y/N please get better soon and fix Toby, I think as I watch him down the whole bottle then break it on his head, "Hey! You won't heal if you keep hitting your head like that.", I tell him while carefully picking up the pieces of glass. "Why does it matter, I can't feel it anyway.", he shrugs and gets up. "I'm taking a shower, don't try and watch me do that too please.", he said as he closed the door behind him. 

I was okay with him going in there because the door to Y/N's room had been bolted, chained, and all you can think of to keep him from escaping through there. We had his windows barred and the lock on his door flipped around. 

Please Y/N... please get better...


Over 9000 reads! Almost 10k! HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS! Thank you so much to all the people who vote and comment and read!!

And yay an update finally!! Hope you guys enjoy!

Have fun my little Bolts!!

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