Chapter 3: Meeting the Family

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Toby takes my hand and brings me back to the entrance of the mansion, it was getting kinda late so most people were calm. Some were around the tv watching a boy dressed in green play some video game. There were two girls in the kitchen cooking a very large dinner. Everyone else was doing there own thing. 

Toby pulled me over to the living room first. "The guy playing the game is BEN Drowned, then the two next to him are Masky and Hoodie who've you already met.", Masky rolls his eyes while Hoodie waves at me, BEN comes up to me and hugs me. "Hello there, pretty lady. Would you like a tour of my bedroom tonight?", BEN asks with a smirk on his face. "Back off BEN.", Toby growls which shocks me, "Does he like me?!", I think to myself while freaking out slightly on the inside. BEN goes back to his game and Toby goes back to pointing people out to me. "That's Eyeless Jack and Laughing Jack, don't get them mixed up.", Toby points to a guy in a blue mask with black stuff coming out of the eye sockets, then to a guy who looks like a clown that lost it's color. He then points to a girl sitting in a chair tinkering with some device, "And that's Clockwork.". I wave to the girl and she smiles back at me.

We walk into the dinning room where some people are sitting down waiting on dinner to be served. "That's Jeff the Killer, Smile Dog his pet, Lost Silver, Bloody Painter, Puppeteer, Homicidal Lui Jeff's little brother, and Sonic.exe.", Toby said while pointing to each of the pastas around the room. Jeff the Killer was a tall guy with long, black hair and a cut smile. His dog Smile is a cute little dog with a creepy smile, the dog seemed shy. Lost Silver looks like a guy from the pokemon game but colorless, his arms are missing and his eyes are blood red. He smiles at me and I smile back. Bloody Painter has a white mask with a red smile and black eyes, his in a blue shirt with smiley face sticker on it. Puppeteer has grey skin and he wears dark clothes, his eyes are golden as are the strings connected to his fingers. Homicidal Lui looks a lot like Jeff but his hair is more red than black, he looks like he once had a cut smile but it got stitched up. Sonic.exe looks like a normal human male but with the bright blue hair like the hedgehog from the Sonic games. 

Then me and Toby walk into the kitchen, "This is Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Nurse Ann, and Heartless( DemonGirlMe's character, it's an amazing xHoodie story <3 ).", Toby points to each of the girl's cooking. "Awe yay another girl! Don't be like Clockwork or Hoodie's girlfriend, they almost never talk like at all. Well actually Hoodie's girlfriend is a pretty cool girl when she does talk.". I laugh and hug Jane who just kept rambling about the other two girls, then Nurse Ann and and Nina hug me as well. Heartless just looks at me for a moment then shakes my hand. 

"Dinner won't be ready for another hour so you should take her to meet the Slender Brothers.", Jane tells Toby. "Good idea! See you guys later!", he yells as he pulls me back upstairs but to the top floor. There's only four doors here. "This first door goes to Trenderman's room.", he tells me as he knocks on the door.

A guy with a blank face like Slender's opens to the door, he's wearing glasses and a fedora. "Oh hello there I see that neither of you have any fashion sense.", he says in a low voice. "This is Slender's newest proxy (y/n)!",  Toby tells Trenderman, the tall male studies me, "My brother does not have an eye for fashionable people, you should let me fix you up sometime.". "Sure thing, I'll take a creepypasta makeover in the morning when I get my outfit and mask!", I tell Trender excitedly, he gets excited as well. "See you in the morning then!", he smiles then closes the door.

Toby walked up to the next door that had polka dots on it, "This is Splendorman's room, he's lots of fun but he likes making people play 7 minuets in heaven a lot.". He knocks on the door and another tall, faceless man opens the door, he has a smile like an actual mouth and black eyes. "Hello there!", Splendorman in a polka-dotted suit he pulls me and Toby into a hug, "You're Slender's newest proxy, right?! We need to throw a party!", he gets excited and Toby starts jumping and ticking."YES THAT'S THE BEST IDEA!!!", he yells while I laugh at his excitement.  "We'll start planning tomorrow! Oh I have so many ideas!", Splendor says as he closes his door to go write them down. This will be so much fun!

We walk over to the next door, it has a rose on it. Toby pushes be behind him slightly as he knocks on the door. The tall man that opens the door has a mouth full of sharp teeth, he's only wearing boxers, a trench coat, and a tie. "Hello little Toby, what a surprise. Have you brought me a treat?", a tentacle touches my cheek making me squirm slightly, now I see why Toby got in a protective stance. "No Offendorman, I'm here to introduce Slender's newest proxy to you. (Y/n) make sure to never accept a rose from this guy and never get caught alone with him.", Offendorman just grunts and closes the door. 

"And that last set of doors  is Slenderman's room.", Toby tells me and then a girl walks out of the doors. "Hey Toby, is this the new proxy Slender was talking about?", a little girl in a pink dress with a creepy teddy bear asks Toby. "Yes she, (y/n) this is Sally.", I bend down and hug her. Then she giggles and runs off. Then me and Toby go back downstairs. He pulls me into the kitchen where we sit at the counter watching the girls finish cooking. "So (y/n), do you like Toby?", Jane asks and I feel Toby go stiff next to me. "No need to ask such questions so early, she just met you all today. Don't want my little waffle feeling uncomfortable.", Toby says while smiling at me. I just giggle and Jane leans over the table, "He so likes you!", she whisper yells in my ear. "DINNERS READY!!", Nina yells and everyone sits down at the table in the dinning room. 

As everyone sits down, I get to see what everyone's favorite food is. Toby gets waffles, Masky gets cheesecake, Hoodie isn't here for some reason, Eyeless Jack has a kidney which is weird at first but you get used to it, Heartless is next to Eyeless Jack eating a heart, Laughing Jack is just eating candy which can't be good for his health but he seems fine so, and I get handed a plate of waffles as well. I tug on Jane's shirt and ask her for a milkshake as well since that's my favorite. "Oh sure thing sweetie just hold on.", she says while heading back into the kitchen. Me and Toby joke around feeding each other waffles, I squeal with happiness when Jane brings me a milkshake. We all eat, some leave when they finish others stay and talk. When Masky is done, I see him take two plates upstairs, one with cheesecake one with omletes. 

I poke Toby, "Why is taking those plates upstairs?", he laughs and takes our plates to the sink. "Those are for Hoodie and his girlfriend. Those two are so cute but she's doesn't like to come downstairs much.", Toby explains while leading me back to our rooms. He opens my door for me and bows, I giggles as I walk into my room. He comes in behind me and closes the door. "So how do you like everyone?", he asks with a smile as he plops down into the computer chair at the desk. "Everyone seems really cool, some a little scary and you got some perverted friends Toby.", I laugh as I fall down onto my bed then sit up to watch him spinning in the computer chair. "Yeah some of them can't keep their hands to themselves but they're cool when you get to know them.", he laughs as he comes over to my bed and hugs me. "Now get some sleep, you've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Good night my cute little waffle!", he smiles and dances his way through the door connecting our rooms. He closes the door and goes to his own room. 

Toby's POV

"Awe my little waffle is so cute!!", I think to myself as she giggles while I dance away to my own room. I would really like to stay with her but she needs to sleep. I sigh as I close the door connecting our rooms. I want her to sleep in here with me, I want to hold her and protect her cute little self, BEN or Offendorman could break into her room and hurt her. "I should make sure her door is locked...", I think as I get up. I open the door connecting our rooms, I see that she's asleep so I sneak in and lock her door. "Thankfully I decided to stay or else someone could have got in.", I think as I go and sit in a chair next to (y/n)'s bed. "She's too cute...", I say aloud quietly and hold her hand in mine. I fall asleep in the chair with a smile on my face.  

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