Chapter 6: Valentine's Day

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Toby's POV

I wake up with my little waffle asleep in my arms and Mini laying on my side. I smile and a happy sigh leaves my mouth, this is the happiest I've been in a long time. I wanna make her the happiest girl on the planet. And today is Valentine's Day! I slowly get out of bed and make sure not to wake her. I look back at her as I leave the room, "Awe she's so adorable!", I think to myself.

Then I run downstairs to find Jane. "JANE! Help me, it's Valentine's Day and I asked (y/n) to be my girlfriend last night and I don't have anything for her!", I yell quickly as I get down on my knees and beg her for help. "Okay, okay clam down. I got this.", Jane says as she runs to the kitchen. She writes a list and then hands it to me, "Go buy all of that while I make waffles and milkshakes.".

I quickly grab a coat and run out the door. I run to the nearest town and buy everything on the list. "First up is a teddy bear, of course!", I run into Build-A-Bear Workshop and make (y/n) a bear that looks like me. "Candy and chocolate, mints to add to her milkshake. Um, grocery store for that one i'm guessing.", I walk around the store buying tons of stuff. I also get junk food like chips, sodas, popcorn, the works. "Third up is flowers. I should've known that one! Stupid Toby!", goes and buys her (favorite flowers). I also get a bunch of rose petals and candles. I run home carrying lots of bags.

I make it home, hand Jane all the food stuff then darted up the stairs. I slowly entered my room so I wouldn't wake her. I put up the decorations and set the teddy along with the flowers on my bed. I turned on my TV and pulled up Netflix. I run back downstairs to the kitchen. "Good luck Toby! Have fun!", Jane says as she hands me chocolate chip waffles, a mint milkshake, a normal milkshake, the chips and some bowls, the popcorn in a bowl, the sodas and some fancy glasses, and all the other snacks I had brought. "Good luck trying to get laid!", yells BEN from the living room making me blush as I rush back up the stairs. I get back into my room, set up all the snacks and candy. I take the breakfast with me into her room. I close the door connecting our rooms to hide her surprise. I fill up Mini's food and water bowls quickly and then wake up (y/n).

(Y/N'S) POV:

I feel myself being shaken, then I wake up and yawn. I stretch to get the sleepiness out. Then the wonderful smell of chocolate chip waffles hits my nose. I open my eyes and see Toby standing by the bed holding breakfast. "Oh my gosh, Toby!", I jump up and make room for him and the breakfast on the bed. He sits next to me and places the tray in front of us. "Good morning, my cute little waffle!", he says as he kisses my cheek. "Awe you're so sweet!", I gush over the fact he had brought me breakfast in bed, I'm just waiting on him to say Happy Valentine's Day but he isn't mentioning the holiday at all.

We eat the breakfast together and then get out of bed. He takes my hand and leads me towards the door connecting our rooms. He opens the door and then I realize he had not forgotten. My jaw dropped and my eyes went wide as I pushed aside the red and pink beads that made a curtain in the doorway. I slowly made my way into Toby's room. He had put candles all around the room, they were all (fav scent) and arranged very carefully around the room. Rose petals covered the ground and any surface they could be on. He had snacks for days on a coffee table in front of a TV with the Netflix selection screen pulled up. Then I saw his bed, the flowers, the teddy, the small red envelope, and the neatly wrapped up box. "Toby.... oh my god this is amazing...", tears of joy are falling down my cheeks as I turn to face him. I smile at him and he smiles back while blushing slightly. "Do you like it?", he asks nervously. "Like it? I love it!! Toby you're the best!!", I say happily as I hug him tightly.

He takes my hand and leads me over to the couch, we sit down and he lets me pick a movie while we enjoy each other's company and the snacks. He had gotten (fav drink) and poured it into a very pretty fancy glass, he had all my favorite chips and snacks on the table. We sat there watching movies and eating junk food most of the day. Then he took control of Netflix and put on a romance movie. He pulled me over to his bed and handed me the bear with the flowers. "For the pretty lady in my life, Happy Valentine's Day!", he said as he hugged me and gave me the box and the letter.

I open the letter first, it's not long but the message is so sweet it brings tears of joy to my eyes again. I put down the letter and open the box revealing the most beautiful necklace ever, it had a waffle charm and a milkshake charm with a red heart shaped gem in the middle. "I love you (y/n).", he tells me as he puts the necklace around my neck carefully. "I love you too Toby, this is the most amazing valentines day ever!", I giggle as I hug him. "you're the best ever!", I tell him as I kiss his lips softly. Our first kiss, happening on Valentine's Day! How much more perfect could this get?! He was really shocked at first but he kissed me back, when the kiss ended we both were blushing with big goofy smiles on our faces. We crawled into his bed and cuddled.

After a while he had to go downstairs to get us dinner. He wouldn't tell me what it would be and told me to stay upstairs. I stayed in his bed and hugged the bear to my chest while impatiently waiting on his return. He came back with steak and french fries along with more soda. We ate in a comfortable silence and then went back to cuddling. All the sudden BEN bursts into the room, "YOU GET LAID YET TOBY!?". Toby blushed bright red and threw a pillow at BEN. "(Y/n) you better get to work on him, he went through all this trouble...", He got cut off as Slender teleported him out. I silently thanked Slendy in my head.

Me and Toby go back to cuddling, I kiss him again making him blush. "He's so adorable!", I htink to myself. I giggle and just kiss him again.


Alright Earthanoids that's another chapter done, should the next chapter be a Valentines's Lemon or should we wait to go that far considering you two just got together yesterday. I almost didn't get this done on time.

Without internet at home and only getting to work on this at school, this is difficult. I had a presentation today so I didn't get to work on it as much.

Please let me know what you guys think, buh bye

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