Chapter 15: Hiding

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So I went to NCSSM this weekend and I LOVE it so much omg, I wanna be a unicorn!


(Y/N)'s POV

I am already starting to hate being in this one room and we've only been here for a few hours. Toby had fallen asleep and was holding me really tightly. I wanted to sleep, I'm so tired but I just can't. I hear the door to this room open. I cautiously get up and look up at the door. I watch as the door slides down into the floor then Masky and Jane come down with food. "Oh thank god it's just you two.", I say with a sigh as I watch them walk into the room. 

Toby wakes up at the smell of waffles, he sits straight up and starts drooling at the sight of waffles. I laugh at him as I hand him the plate, he quickly eats them all. "Here you go (y/n).", Jane says as she hands me a milkshake. "Thank you Jane, I've needed one of these, this is all so stressful.", she nods her head yes in agreement. "I can't believe this is happening.". Slender wakes up and slowly gets out of bed, he grabs his breakfast then teleports away. "I guess he isn't much of a morning person..", I say with a laugh.

Me and Toby decide to play a board game, Rosie stays asleep since she really needs rest. Slenderman is gone for most of the day. Jane brings us our meals and spends a little time with us when she can. I'm so tired of being down here.

DAX'S POV  *time skip to the night before*

"Chase stop this right now, I don't want to have to hurt you!", I yell at him through the pack link that let's us communicate telepathically. "You shouldn't be interfering! I made a decision and you are supposed to follow my orders!", he growls in my head. He tries to bite my front leg but I jump out of the way. "Chase this isn't right, you don't need to kidnap those two women!", I growl back. I can't believe he would do exactly the thing he hated that his father did. "You hated it when your father did this, why would you copy him!?", I yelled in his mind trying to make him realize his error. "This is different, they stole a prisoner!", he growled. "A prisoner you thought should have been leg go when your dad first brought her here!", I growl and snap at his ear.

"Shutup Dax!", he growls as he bites into my shoulder. I howl out at the pain but tough it out and keep standing my ground. "You need to stop this and call off the attack!", I tell him but he isn't listening anymore. He lunges at me and I dodge just in time. I have no choice but to fight the man who used to be my best friend. Howls and growls could probably be heard as we fought. 

He keeps lunging relentlessly, I have little to no time to react. He bites anywhere he can and I just keep trying to not get violent. He bites into my hind leg and I know I have to fight back now, I manage to get my leg free and spin around. He goes in for another lunge but I bite into his neck before he has the chance. He stops moving, all I have to do is bite down harder and he's dead. I'm covered in my own blood and too many bite marks to count, "Chase call of the pack now!". He refuses, the other pack members all say they have my back so I bring my jaw together. 

Chase's limp form falls to the ground. The power of alpha is now mine, I can physically feel that special bond with each wolf in the pack forming. The other wolves had loved Chase just like I did, it was a bittersweet moment. "ALL REMAINING WOLVES ARE TO REPORT BACK TO THE PACK HOUSE RIGHT NOW!", I yell through the pack link. The former third was now my second, my beta. He came up to me, "Lead them back, i'll be there soon.", I told him then I limped off towards Slender mansion. 

I slowly make my way there, when I reach the front porch it's morning. I had  stopped to rest a lot along the way. Slenderman soon appeared in front of me with breakfast, he gave me half. I turn back human and fall down, "Chase is dead, I'm the new alpha. BlueMoon pack will no longer be of any threat to you.". "I'm sorry for what you had to do, please let Ann check your injuries before you try to walk home, as a thank you from me and my proxies.", he tells me as a woman in a nurses outfit appears behind him. She's gorgeous and I can't help but stare, "Okay, i'm too weak to make it all the back right now anyways.". Slender helps me up and brings me into Ann's office, he lays me on the table then teleports out. 

Ann approaches me and touches my leg making tingles shot up the mangled limb, I whimper softly and try to move my injured leg away from her. "I'm sorry! I-I'll do my best not to hurt you.", she says as she pulls her hand away. She pulls on gloves and gets a wet rag, she slowly pours water over my less injured leg. It stings but I stay quiet, I just study the woman that's tending my bites. She's wearing the black version of a nurse's outfit, he mouth is covered with a black mask that has a red cross on it. Her brownish-red wavy tresses are hanging loosely down her back, her red eyes the only facial feature visible to me. She has stitches across her neck, they contrast starkly against her pale skin. There's not a flaw on her though, she's beautiful. 

She slowly washes away any dried blood and dirt from my injuries, carefully exposing all the bites. She cuts away my clothes except my underwear to get to my shoulder, chest, stomach, and thighs. I see her shocked expression as her hand carefully traces the scars on my abs, she shakes her head and keeps cleaning my wounds. She starts stitching the bigger and deeper bite marks, carefully winding the needle in and out of my skin. She starts carefully applying medical healing cream to all the cuts, I fall asleep as her touch relaxes me.


Slender all the sudden appears in the room, "Masky the threat is gone, Chase is dead, and Dax is in Nurse Ann's room getting fixed up before he goes back to the pack to be alpha.". He tells me then disappears, I go and open the secret door. Soon I see Rosie, Toby, (y/n), and Slender walking towards the door. Slender picks up Rosie and then teleports the rest of us out of his room. "It's over now. It feels like it's been forever.", (y/n) says as Toby picks her up. "Finally time to get some sleep.", he says as he carriers her off to his room. I look to Jane, she takes my hand and we walk to my room, following Toby down the hallways. 


Chapter 15 done! SO that conflict has been resolved but how long till another one arises?

I still can't believe this has so many reads, I've never had a story do this good before ^^ Thank all of you so much 

Comment any ideas, tips, or advice ^^ 

Hope you enjoy and sorry for any mistakes!

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