Chapter 5: His Story

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(Y/n)'s POV

I wake up really warm, it's comfortable and makes me wanna just stay in bed. Then the source of the warmth moves and my eyes snap open. I see arms wrapped around my waist, I look over my shoulder to see Toby's sleeping face which calms me down. "It's just Toby.", I think to myself while taking deep breaths. Then Mini crawls up to my face and paws at my cheek. "You want food don't ya girl?", I whisper as I pet the cat. I manage to get up without waking Toby, I get dressed and fix my hair quickly and quietly. "I'll be back soon Mini, i'm gonna go buy everything you need.", I walk out quietly and make my way downstairs.

Jane is in the kitchen making everyone breakfast, "Good morning there sleepyhead!", says Jane while giving me a hug. "Hey Jane, can I get my breakfast to go this morning? Me and Toby brought a cat home yesterday and I need to go shopping.", I tell her while grabbing my jacket and a knife just in case. "Yeah sure, here's your milkshake and a waffle! Have fun!", she hands me my breakfast, I thank her with another hug and then run out the door.

I finish my breakfast right before I make it to town, I walk into the pet store and get everything Mini will need, including a spiked collar of course since she likes to kill people. The guy at the counter looks at me like i'm crazy buying so much cat food at one time. "Uh that'll cost you a bunch to get so much...", he tells me. "It's fine just tell me how much.", I pay for the stuff and start running back to the mansion. "How in the world can I still run while holding this much?", I think to myself as I walk up onto the mansion's porch. 

Everyone is awake and at the table eating breakfast now, I take everything upstairs to see Toby sitting on my bed sharing his waffles with Mini. "Awe don't I get any?", I say in a whiny voice while pouting at Toby. I put all the cat stuff down and then steal the waffles. "This is your cat too so help me put together this stuff Toby.", I ask in the whiny voice again. He sighs and gets up leaving his plate for Mini to lick clean, "Hand it here my little waffle.". He smiles and we make jokes and corny puns while putting together all the cat's stuff. 

We finish setting up everything for the cat, Mini happily runs around playing with one of the toys I had picked out while me and Toby fall back on the bed. "That was exhausting.", says Toby with a huff. I giggle at him and just pat him on the head, "Don't worry tough guy, you're gonna be okay.". He laughs at me and then pulls me into a tight hug, "My little waffle, you are so cute. And look at how happy we made our little Mini Murderer.". I hug him and just keep laughing along with him. "So my cute little waffle, I have a question to ask...", He gets serious all of the sudden, I see him blush slightly and he quickly lets the words spill out of his mouth, "Will you be my girlfriend!?". He squeezes his eyes shut as he waits on my answer, "OF COURSE I WILL!!". I giggle and hug him even tighter. 

He runs out the door and runs around the mansion yelling "I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!", when he's done celebrating he comes back into the room and kisses my cheek. "I love you (y/n)!". I giggle and blush slightly, "I love you too Toby!". Mean while, Mini looks very scared over in her corner after all of Toby's yelling and running around. 

Toby's POV

I'm laying in (y/n's) bed cuddling her against me. She yawns and looks up at me. Awe she's too cute. "Hey Toby? What's your story? How'd you become a creepypasta?", she asks with a look of pure curiosity, my smile falters as I think about that night. "This might take a while to explain, are you sure you want to hear it now?", she shakes her head yes and rests her head on my chest. I take a deep breath and start explaining. 

"A few years ago my sibling died and that made both of my parents start grieving, but instead of learning to live with it they got depressed. My mom never really did anything anymore, she was quieter and dropped all her hobbies. My dad became a drunk and would beat me when he came home. But one day I saw Slenderman outside my house, and he told me to kill my dad. So I did, and killed my mom as well. Then I set the house and surrounding woods on fire, I caused almost the whole neighborhood to get caught on fire. I almost died in the middle of the flames but Slenderman teleported me out and brought me here.", I sigh and look down at her to see a look of pity on her face. "I understand.", is all she says as she falls starts falling asleep. "It's not a good childhood but it's better than staying there with my drunk of a father, Slenderman is good at taking care of all of us.", I tell her. "Goodnight, my cute little waffle.", I kiss her forehead.". "Goodnight. My firestarter.", she yawns and falls asleep. "Awweee she's soo cute!", I think as I fall asleep too.


My shortest chapter so far 0.0 omg >< sorry guys, I just couldn't think of anything else for this chapter. But you are dating Toby now yay! 

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