Chapter 23: Meeting Him, Again

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I go to get out of bed and leave Nurse Ann's office but all the sudden I'm hit with a paint brush, it doesn't hurt of course but I sit back down. I decide to just try and get some sleep but I have a pounding headache so that didn't go so well. Man I need more alcohol, why did they lock me in here just cause the dead bitch isn't dead? Where did they take her? They should send her home or put her in the dungeon with Clockwork, a human doesn't belong here. Ugh these people make me so mad with all these stupid games, telling me I have a girlfriend and keeping a human around. They're jokes are endangering our lives here. 

I finally pass out and wake up a few hours later to Ann poking and probing at me to check my vitals. She checks to see if I'm drunk too. "Okay so you seem fine and you haven't had a drink. You keep this up and I'll let you out in three days.", Ann says while going to her desk. "THREE DAYS! Are you kidding me!?", I yell. Why keep me in here, "Because all the alcohol hasn't left your system yet. And you don't seem to remember anything yet.". Ann all the sudden stops what she's doing and walks out, I would escape but Dr. Smiley is still here watching me with Bloody Painter by his side. "Well that explains the paint brush.", I mumble under my breath.

Ann comes back in and walks over to me, "I'm letting you out early because Slender as asked to see you.". She doesn't seem to happy to say that but hey I'll take what I can get. "Awesome!", I say as I get out of bed and head towards the door. The three of them just watch with grim faces as I walk out. Geez what's their problem? Oh well, now I can get back to my booze. But I have to go see Slender first, ugh. I walk up what feels like a billion stairs till I get to the floor with all the proxies rooms and the Slender brothers. I knock on Senderman's door and wait for the signal to go inside. After a while I hear, "Come in.", in my head. It doesn't help the headache much at all but I push open the door to the big guy's bedroom.

I walk in and see Slender standing in the middle of his room, his three brothers behind him. EJ is holding someone in his lap that's asleep and is in a chair off  to the side. Slender motions to his bed so I sit down on it in front of him. "We have let your behavior side since CP/N has been injured. But now that she's healing and will be able to go on missions again soon, as her partner I need you to shape up or I will give her a new partner.", I look at him confused. I never had a partner, I stayed with Masky and Hoodie. Plus I had never heard of CP/N. "Um Slender I've never heard of CP/N before so how can she be my partner?".

Just then the girl in EJ's lap wakes up, she stretches and then sits in EJ's lap instead of laying on him. I realized it was Y/N, aka dead bitch. "Well then Toby, meet CP/N.", says Slender while motioning to the girl. She looks over at me for the first time and her face falls, why does she look so sad? "She's a pasta!? Since when?!", I can't believe they let her be a pasta, let alone stay in the mansion. She gets up and walks over to me, "Y/FN Y/LN, CP/N. Likes milkshakes, the color F/C, and kills with machetes. Your girlfriend but not for much longer if you don't stop this stupid drinking mess.", she introduces herself then motions for EJ who helps her leave the room. She can barely walk, let alone kill someone.

"I'm partners with someone who can't walk?!", I get angry knowing any mission I ever went on would end terribly if I had her by my side. And I can't believe she threatened to break up with me when we aren't even together. I'd never date a human, but they have my beloved Clockwork in jail although that wouldn't stop me from crushing on her. "Fine she is temporally going to be EJ's partner instead, I suggest shaping up before you make any more mistakes and lose everything. Trenderman steps forward and grabs me by the arms. He pulls me from the room all the way down to the dungeon, we pass Clockwork in her cell and she looks so mistreated. I can't believe they've done this to her. I get taken all the way to the very back, Trender drops me in the cell, locks it and leaves. Bloody Painter and Dr. Smiley are my guards how great.


Slender comes into my room and looks at me with a sad look, with what facial features he has anyways. "That was very brave of you Y/N but I come bearing sad news. He wasn't able to overcome his own coping measures so we're locking him away in the dungeon till he does. Once you're healed, you will work with EJ till Toby is better. I'm sorry you're going through this child.", he uses his tentacle to pat me on the head then walks back out of my room. I collapse back onto my bed, "I can't believe I threatened to dump him...". EJ sits down beside me and pats my leg, "It'll all be okay eventually.", he says with a sad look in his eyes but a smile on his face. He never wears his mask or hood when we're alone which I'm thankful for since it makes me feel less weak and human when I'm with him. And he also isn't so bad to look at, my boyfriend hates me at the moment anyway so I should enjoy my time with EJ. Not beat myself up over every little thing like I'm cheating, it's all been innocent but me and EJ are best friends. If anyone outside our friendship saw the way we joke around together they'd think things that aren't true.


There's today's update, hope you guys don't get mad since nothing seems to be going right in paradise at the moment but have hope, it could be worse

Hope you little Bolts enjoy and don't forget to leave suggestions in the comments ^^

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