Chapter 18: Screw you Clocky

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We've been searching for two hours already, and nothing. No word from the other Slender brothers and we haven't found anything in our part of the woods. I can tell Slendy is getting frustrated and our progress keeps slowing down. Only two more hours till we have to go back to the mansion, and no signs of Toby... "I hear yelling!", shouts Screw out of no where. "I hear it too, children you all need to stay quiet and follow me.", he starts leading the way towards the direction the yelling came from. I stayed directly behind him, Hoodie and Masky were on each side of me. We walked slowly and carefully through the trees.

The yelling got louder and louder, it started to sound like one was angry and one was just laughing. Something bad is happening, we need to hurry. Screw taps my shoulder and points to the other side of the clearing we were sneaking toward. I saw one of the other groups sneaking in from the other side, good we have the bigger number for sure now. Slender stops and then disappears, he must have teleported into the building. Soon he spoke in our heads with that TV white noise again, "Everyone rush all entrances now, someone stay at each one everyone else get inside!".

We all rush forward...


We run like our lives depended on it, because Toby's life was riding on us getting in there. I just know it. Me, Hoodie, Masky, and y/n are all running for the front door. We planned that Masky would stay at the entrance once we were inside. Y/n bursts through the door and we all follow right behind here, we get inside just as all the others are. I wasn't expecting to see what I saw in that room. Clockwork was covered in blood laughing hysterically, EJ was knocked out and tied to a chair, Toby was tied to a chair and was breathing heavily. "Y/n, get out of here now! She'll kill you!", Toby yells while frantically trying to get lose from his bindings.

"Oh please, my dear Toby be nice to all our guests. Welcome everyone!", Clocky says while continuing to laugh. Slendy and Trenderman are on each side of Clocky holding her in place. Hoodie and y/n run to Toby to try and get him untied, a team of 6 pastas work together to pick of EJ without hurting him and start back towards the mansion. I walk calmly up to Clocky, "Oh hello dearie, I don't think we've met. Won't you please stop them from taking the guests away.". I spit on her face, neither of the Slender brothers stop me, "You bitch!". Clocky starts kicking and trying to get away to stop the others from taking EJ and Toby. I help them keep her in place. "Let's give you a taste of your own medicine, "sweetie".". I slowly drag a chair across the floor to where the brothers have her, it scraps loudly against the wooden floors. Slenderman ties her into the chair, she isn't going anywhere for a while. "You will all pay for taking my Toby away from me!", she screams. I just laugh at her.


"Y/n!", I call to her as they finally get me untied. I jump up and hug her tightly, "We have to get out of here, she wants to kill you!", I grab her hand and start pulling her towards the door. Masky opens it for us and closes it again after we rush out. I drag her by her arm back towards the mansion. "Toby, calm down she can get to us out here.", she says while running beside me. "I know but I want you as far away from there as soon as possible.", I tell her while continuing to run back towards the mansion. It takes us twenty minutes to catch up to the group helping EJ back. 

"Toby you're okay!", says Jane happily. "Yeah but they are still dealing with Clocky back there. Has he woken up yet?". Nurse Ann answers me this time, "No, but T=that may be a good thing. I'm hoping I can restitch that before he wakes up. He'll be okay either way, pasta healing and all that.", she says with a reassuring smile. I grab y/n's hand and we start running again.

An hour later we finally reach the mansion, in the yard are Offenderman, Splendorman, and all the pastas that hadn't rushed the small building.  "WHAT HAPPENED!? WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE!?", yells Splendor. "Clocky had Toby and EJ tied up in some shack. There's a group carrying EJ back here but it may take them another half hour.", y/n tells them. She's surprisingly calm. "WHAT?! Okay we're all going to help, let's go team.", Splendor says to all the pastas behind him. Most of them start running off. "I'm gonna stay and start making dinner for everyone since Jane is still out there.", says Nina as she follows me and y/n inside.

Y/n leads me upstairs to our bathroom between our two bedrooms. She makes me sit down on a stool in the middle of the bathroom. She gets the first aid kit and a rag, I watch as she turns on the faucet and places the rag under the water. She leaves it to soak and for the water to warm up. "Okay you have to undress so I can see if you're badly injured somewhere.", she says as she walks to to me. I pull off my shirt and shorts, "the worst spot is the back of my head, she didn't really beat me up much.". She nods and inspects the back of my head, she goes to get the rag. She wrings it out and then brings it over, she starts cleaning the dried blood off the back of my head. "Just stay still, I know this hurts. I'll clean you up then take you to Jane when she gets back.", she says. "I was so worried Toby.", she says then kisses the top of my head. I swear I'll do anything to keep my little waffle safe from Clockwork.


I pace back and forth slowly in front of Clocky while the others are investigating and cleaning the small room. Trying to piece together what happened since she won't talk. "Come on sweetheart just tell us what you did.", I say in a voice mocking hers. "I didn't do anything wrong.", she tries to spit on me like I had done to her but she fails. "You almost killed EJ, sounds wrong to me.", I say tauntingly. "He would've been fine.", she tries to kick at me. "What do we do with all this stuff?", Jeff asks while holding all the bloody cleaning rags and broken pieces of wood. "Burn it outside, we'll burn this shack once we're done here.", says Slender calmly. "NO! I SPENT WEEKS BUILDING THIS! EVERYTHING WAS PLANNED AND YOU RUINED IT! I WILL KILL Y/N AND GET MY TOBY!", she shrieks. 

I calmly walk up to her, pull three screwdrivers out of their hiding places in my outfit. They just somehow "find" their way into her chest, all three hit her heart. "NO!", she screams as blood starts coming out of her mouth. I rip them back out of her and put them away. Blood is pouring from her, Jeff would be proud of me for this handiwork. The Slender brothers don't bother holding her anymore, they leave to go prepare to burn this place down, with Clockwork in it. "Screw you Clockwork.", I laugh as I walk out of the shack. I set off fireworks with Jeff as the shack burns down with her in it.


There's chapter 18! So yay Toby and EJ are finally out and everything is okay again! or is it?

I hope you all enjoy! Please leave any suggestions in the comments. Remember to see if you want your OC in my 7 minutes in heaven story!

Bye Earthanoids                                                                                                   ~Nichole (Screw)

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