Chapter 11: Alpha Chase

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Hoodie's POV

I am not happy to be walking through here again, Slender had once brought home a girl, and on their wedding night these wolves had taken her away and was holding her captive. Me and Toby had been the ones on the rescue mission. I could understand why Toby didn't want (y/n) here, there's a chance he might lose her forever. Just like Slender lost Rosie. I look over at Masky, he's never been here, only heard the stories. He looks fine but I know he's nervous from the way he keeps looking down at the ground.

These wolves are actually nice when you're on their good side, but they get scary and vicious really quickly. I just hope they aren't planning anything against us, this could very well be a trap.

Toby's POV

I can clearly see how nervous (y/n) is from her eyes, everything but her eyes was deadly calm. I tap her shoulder, "You okay?", I ask her in a soft voice. "Yeah, just something about this place makes me feel like I need to get away as fast as I can.", she looks confused and pained. I hate seeing her look like this. "It'll be okay, three days then we're out of here.", I tell her with a smile. She smiles back but I can see that it's forced.

We near the building where Slender said they would greet us, the pack house. Masky is the one to knock on the door. You can tell almost everyone is still asleep. The door opens revealing a really tall, muscular man. He had really dark brown hair and scars covered his shirtless chest. I growled inwardly, "Couldn't you at least both to put on a shirt?", I think as I follow Masky and Hoodie into the big house. I keep (y/n) slightly behind me.

"Hello welcome, welcome. Excuse the lack of breakfast, none of us wake up this early.", the man says as he leads us into the kitchen. "I'm Chase and I'm the Alpha here, welcome to BlueMoon pack territory.", he introduces himself and waits on names from us. Masky is the one doing all the talking, "I'm Tim, this is Brian, that's Toby, and that's (y/n).". We had agreed to use our real names so as to not seem too scary for the younger wolves, they are still innocent after all. 

"Oh you have a girl as a proxy now?", Chase asks with a disgusted look. I already knew what he was thinking. He's upset that we "corrupted" a precious female, just as he had said about Rosie. Me and Hoodie were thinking about the same thing I could tell. Chase leads us upstairs and shows us the room we would be staying in. It was a big room with four beds, "I thought we were getting only male helpers so I put you all in one room.", he says in a slightly aggravated voice. "But if the lady would like her own room that can be arranged.", he practically purrs at (y/n). I growl lowly and pull (y/n) to me.

"No I think we'll manage.", I say as I pull (y/n) into the room as I walk in. "Yes I think we will be just fine.", Masky says as he enters the room. Hoodie follows him quietly. Chase huffs under his breath then looks to (y/n), "If you need anything sweetie...", he quickly gets cut off before he can finish. "Don't call me "sweetie"! I'm not your daughter and that's disgusting!", (y/n) yells. "I'm so glad she's mine", I think and I wrap my arms around her. I'm so proud of my little waffle. Chase looks surprised, "O-okay, if you need anything just let me or my beta Dax know about it.", he walks away and goes up some stairs. 

"Good job baby!", I tell her with a smile and I kiss the top of her head. She smiles up at me but she still looks pained in her eyes. "What's wrong?", I ask in a gentle voice. "I just... feel weird... like I need to be somewhere and it hurts to not be there...", she tells me in a confused voice. Us three boys study her carefully.

Chase's POV  *time skip back to when they got to the pack house*

I'm in the kitchen waiting on the four pastas to get here. I yawn and hear footsteps. "Why don't you just leave a note and come back to bed?", says my girlfriend Nadine. She's not my mate but she's as close as I'll ever get since I've traveled the whole world and never found my mate. "You shouldn't be up, you need your sleep sweetheart.", I tell her as she hugs me. "But I miss you.", she says in a fake whiny voice. I actually hate it when she does that but I don't have the heart to tell her since we're not allowed to say anything bad about a woman. "I'll be there soon, I just felt four bodies enter my territory.", I tell her and she nods then walks away. Sadly she's human so her steps are not quiet and not very graceful as she goes back upstairs.

I feel the four pastas getting closer so I move to the door, as I near the door someone knocks. I open it and motion for them to all come in. There's a guy with black hair, two guys with brown hair, and a girl with (hc) hair. "WAIT! A girl! One of the proxies sent to help me is a girl!", my mind has red sirens going off as I watch them walk in. "That poor girl... she's probably been through so much and she's never been treated the way she should.", I think as I lead the group to the kitchen. I introduce myself to them, and the guy in yellow named Tim, tells me each of the other's names. The girl, (y/n), her eyes look so pained and scared. They wouldn't abuse her, would they? How could someone do that to a precious woman! 

"Oh you have a girl as a proxy now?", I say while trying to keep my face from showing any emotion. I lead the pastas to the room they'll be staying in. I had thought it would only be boys so I had out four beds in one room. But Toby and Tim both insisted that her staying in the room with them would be fine. "They won't even let her sleep in her own room, they probably are abusing her! How dare they!", I think getting madder by the minute. I huff as I watch them enter the room.

 "If you need anything sweetie...", I start to tell her but she cuts me off. "Don't call me "sweetie"! I'm not your daughter and that's disgusting!", (y/n) yells. That really shocked me, I wasn't expecting that voice from such a young girl. There's no other way to explain the way she's acting, they are doing something to her to force her to be one of them. My pack and I will have to save her before the pastas leave in three days. "O-okay, if you need anything just let me or my beta Dax know about it.", I walk away and go back up to my room.

I want to run back and comfort her, the sadness and pain in her eyes was so hard to see. But I needed to get back to Nadine. I walk into my room to see Nadine sitting on the bed and waiting for me. I change into sweatpants and get in the bed, she lays down and cuddles up to me. She smiles and falls asleep, while I stay awake forming a plan in my mind. We're gonna have to save that girl.


Tada !! Chapter 11 done!! 

I don't really know how the werewolves are coming off, I think I made them sound like creepy pedophiles or something. Really they just loves women, worship them, and think they should all be treated like goddesses no matter what. That's what I'm trying to get across as of how the werewolves think. 

Sorry for any mistakes or confussion ^^

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