Chapter 14: Rosie

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Slender was just staring at the woman, she was very torn up and dirty. He didn't say anything, just picked her up and teleported away. I look to Toby and he was smiling, "We should probably get cleaned up.", I say. The three guys all nod. Hoodie and Masky leave to go see their girlfriends, while Toby picks me up and carriers me back to our rooms. He takes me into his bathroom, and starts up the shower. He rubs the back of his neck, "Um... if you don't want me to shower with you it's fine...", he says awkwardly while blushing. Awe he's so cute when he's being awkward, "It's okay if you want to shower with me Toby.". I tell him with a smile and he smiles back happily. We both undress and step into the shower. He kisses my cheek and smiles at me, "You did a good job on your first mission little waffle.". I smile up at him and giggle.


I bring Rosie to my room and sit her on my bed, I quickly get a first aid kit and start a bath. I also grab some of her clothes since i'd never taken any of them out of my room even after we thought she had died. "S-slender?", she says in a very low, weak voice. I immediately walk back over to her and crouch down in front of her, "Yes sweetheart?". I take her hands and rub then softly trying to get her to open up and tell me what happened. "I... I'm sorry...", she says and I see a tear slip down her cheek. I wipe her tears away, "Ssshhh, don't apologize. Let me help you before you try and talk.". I lift her up off the bed and bring her to my bathroom. 

I sit her down on the counter next to the sink. I start to try and take what's left of her clothes off her small frame. She looks so different from the last time I saw her. Her hair is dull, her body awkwardly skinny, her skin pale, and her eyes sad. I slowly lower her into the warm water hoping it doesn't hurt any of her cuts or scratches. She seems to relax in the water and a soft sigh leaves her lips. I use a soft rag and clean all the dirt and blood off of her. I can smell that Hoodie's blood was on her as well. Once she's clean of blood, I put shampoo, conditioner, and some body wash where she can reach it. All her products from before she was taken. 

I walk out and leave her to relax and clean herself up. I go back downstairs to my office, then call all my proxies to come meet me. Hoodie and Screw walk in first, Hoodie is all clean but I can see a fresh cut on his arm that's still healing. Then Masky walks in and he sits in his usual spot closest to me. Lastly, Toby and (y/n) enter my office, Toby sits with (y/n) in his lap. It looks like she had been asleep and just woke up. 

"Please tell me what happened during the mission.", I say with a tired sigh. Honestly, I just wanted to go back and be with Rosie. It's been 2 years since she disappeared on our wedding and was taken by the wolves. Masky tells me everything that happened. "So you killed some wolves, found out (y/n) is important to the moon goddess, and saved Rosie? Is that all?", I ask them. They all nod. "Good job guys, now get some rest.", I tell them and then watch as they all leave. I quickly teleport back to my room.

I knock on the bathroom door to let Rosie know I was coming in. I open the door and the smell of coconuts hits me, I knew she had cleaned herself based on that alone. I had missed that smell so much. I slowly lift her out of the water and wrap her in a towel. She sits on a soft heated chair wrapped up in a towel drying off. She slowly towel dries her hair while she sits there. Once she's all dry and isn't cold anymore, I help her get dressed then pick her up. I teleport to Nurse Ann's office and beg her to help Rosie. 

Really I'm her boss so she has to do what I ask anyways. She has me lay Rosie on a table so she can asses the damage. She makes me leave the room, I stand outside pacing back and forth. I know she remembers me and the others, I just hope she still loves me. "That's your fiance in there isn't it?", asks Bloody Painter. I hadn't even noticed him walking towards me. "Nurse Ann just paged me to being her some more supplies.", he explains as he opens the door and walks in. I want to go back in there so bad but I know Nurse Ann will just send me out again. Then I hear the click of the lock. 

I hear footsteps running towards me, I look up and see Jeff breathing hard in front of me, "SLENDER THE WOLVES ARE HERE!", he says in a panicked voice. I quickly teleport to the front porch to see the wolves running up onto my property. Alpha Chase turns back into his human form and stands in front of me, "Slender, your proxies stole something that belongs to my pack and we came to get it back.". The alpha looks very unstable at the moment. "What it is and I will retrieve it for you.", I say in a professional voice. "A young woman who is a prisoner of our pack. She was scheduled for execution and needs to be returned.", he says with a growl. "Why would a prisoner be so important for you to get back?", I ask while keeping my voice neutral. "She is supposed to be turned and made my second in command's mate.", he says with a low growl. I knew the pack well and looked over at the beta who let me tap into his mind. He showed me that the alpha was lying.

"Then why say she was scheduled for execution?, I ask calmly while he gets more worked up. "Because that's how you turn a human into a werewolf.", Chase growls at me louder this time. The beta, Dax, had showed me that really the alpha was here to get Rosie just to keep her in the dungeon till she died, and that he planned on taking (y/n) and forcing her to become his mate. "Alpha Chase I'm sure you can be more civil and honest about this.", I say calmly while sending a message telepathically to Masky. "Masky you need to get (y/n) and Rosie safely hidden away where these wolves could never find them. This is most likely going to result in a fight.".

"Just give me back what they took from me!", Chase yells. The beta turns human and comes up beside his alpha, "Chase this is not smart, we should just leave the women here. They choose to be here and do this job.". Dax carefully tries to talk sense into the angry alpha. "Dax shutup and do as you're told. You are to take the girl and nothing else!", Chase yells and turns back into his wolf. He growls lowly at his beta, Dax decides to turn back to his wolf. I stand there watching. This is about to be a fight. "If you must fight do it off of my property, I have adults and children alike asleep here.", I say. All the wolves besides the alpha and beta quickly run away.

Dax manages to drive Chase back into the woods. They go pretty far but once they start fighting, you can hear the growls faintly from the mansion. I tell EJ and LJ to stay outside and guard just in case. Then go back towards Nurse Ann's office. I ask Nurse Ann if she knows where Masky hid Rosie and (y/n). She tells me to check the hidden room in my bedroom. I teleport to my room and see Masky sitting in a chair near the entrance to the hidden room. "How is Rosie doing?", I ask him. He gives me all the details and I let out a sigh of relief. 

I go down into the hidden room by pressing the hidden button on the wall behind a bookcase. The wall slides back slightly then lowers down into the floor. I walk into the passageway and press the button to put the wall back in place. Then I walk into the room. There I saw Rosie and (y/n) talking quietly. "The wolves are in the woods right now, the beta is fighting the alpha.", I tell them and they both look relieved. "But you two are staying down here since they are after you. I will have Toby come down here and I will be staying down here. Jane and Masky will pretend my room is theirs and guard the entrance. If need be, there is a secret tunnel to get into the basement, which has three different ways of getting outside.", I call Toby and Masky in my mind giving them the same message, then I sit down next to Rosie on the couch. 

I want to hug her or hold her but I don't want to scare her or make her feel pressured. But to my fortunate surprise, she leans against my side and cuddles up to me. I put my arm around her and hold her close. Toby walks in a few minutes later, him and (y/n) lay down on one of the beds at the back and fall asleep. I notice Rosie's breathing even out and soon she's asleep too. "They all must be exhausted.", I think as I watch over them. 


There's chapter 14! YAY!

I think this might be the longest one yet, not sure though.

I hope you all enjoy!!!

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