C h a p t e r T w o

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Laff's POV

1:27 am.

I could vaguely hear the sound of the television in the other room which made it more difficult to get to sleep. It worried me that Hercules may be in the same situation because he had resorted to sleeping on his sofa. For some reason, I felt homesick, really homesick. But if I told Hercules, he'd probably laugh at me, or at least think I was ungrateful. The odd noise of a car passing by emphasised how quiet it was in the room, and how dark it was. Every time I looked to a different place of the ceiling, a different shadow seemed to loom over me, like a demon about to take my soul. To say the dark scared me was an understatement; I was petrified of the dark.

Ever since I was small, I've never seemed to get rid of the thoughts of things which lurk in the dark. My mouth was dry, maybe from fear. I had finished the water Hercules had kindly given me a while ago. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I got out of bed and neatly put back the covers. Then, I carefully opened the door attempting not to crash and fall over my numerous amounts of bags. Once I was in the hallway, I instantly froze. If the bedroom was dark, I wouldn't have been able to describe the hallway.

Tiptoeing, I made my way down the hall, occasionally standing on a creaky floorboard. I could just about memorise where everything in the living room was, or so I thought. There was an icy silence throughout the room, minus the faint sound of Hercules breathing. I began to feel my way around the room, making sure not to damage anything valuable. He's probably the nicest person I've ever come across, I'd never had that much hospitality from someone I'd only just met. If I broke something precious to him I'd never forgive myself.

"Zut," I cursed as I banged my leg on the television cabinet. I then came to a part of the room with bags scattered on the floor, a few were probably mine. I tried to edge my way around them but tripped and landed on something I couldn't identify. I wasn't hurt, but whether or not I had caused damage was yet to be revealed. Honestly, I thought everything was okay, but as I was about to get up, that 'thing' I had fallen on moved. My face instantly turned red and I was paralysed by embarrassment. What if he got the wrong idea? He was a wonderful person, if he thought I was being creepy...

Suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around my back. I attempted to wriggle my way out but Hercules had a very strong grip. I figured it would be best to stay put, maybe he would change his position. It wasn't necessarily uncomfortable though, it was better than being alone I suppose. I felt my eyes beginning to shut. No! I couldn't put Hercules through the embarrassment of my mistakes, dieu merci that he was in a deep slee-


No. Surely he couldn't have woken up.

"How'd you get here?"



"Mon amie, I can explain! You see, I don't like the dark and I needed a drink. I came in here but couldn't see a thing and tripped and fell... On you. Je suis désolé..."

Hercules began to chuckle, "It's fine, I understand. It seems I kinda captured you in a prison of my arm." I smiled slightly, he was so understanding. I don't know what he sees in me as a friend. We just stayed in the position for a while, what seemed like hours, but not for a bad reason.

"I'm presuming you want that water, huh?" Hercules asked breaking the silence, I nodded but I doubt he actually saw me. I awkwardly climbed off of him as he walked to the kitchen with ease, despite the fact nothing was visible. He had memorised his cupboard and managed to get a glass of water without looking. I wish I had his patience, skills, in fact all of his qualities: he was pretty much perfect.

Smol Fry | Hercules X LafayetteWhere stories live. Discover now